< Hozejas 1 >

1 Šis ir Tā Kunga vārds, kas notika uz Hozeju, Beērus dēlu, Uzijas, Jotama, Ahazs, Hizkijas, Jūda ķēniņu, dienās un Jerobeama, Jehoas dēla, Israēla ķēniņa dienās.
[I am] Hosea, the son of Beeri. Yahweh gave me these messages [at various times] during the years that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were the kings of Judah, and Jeroboam the son of Jehoash was the King of Israel.
2 Šis ir tas iesākums, kā Tas Kungs runāja ar Hozeju. Tas Kungs sacīja uz Hozeju: ej, ņem sev maukas sievu un maukas bērnus, jo zeme dzenās tiešām maucībai pakaļ no Tā Kunga nost.
When Yahweh first [began to] give messages to me [to tell to the people of Israel], he said to me, “Go and marry a prostitute. But [some of] her children will be born as a result of her having sex with men to whom she is not married. That will illustrate how the people of Israel have turned away from me and worship (idols/other gods).”
3 Tad viņš nogāja un ņēma Gomeri, Diblaima meitu, un tā tapa grūta un dzemdēja viņam dēlu.
So I married Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim. She became pregnant and gave birth to my son.
4 Un Tas Kungs uz viņu sacīja: Sauc viņa vārdu Jezreēli (tas Kungs izkaisīs); jo par īsu laiku Es piemeklēšu Jezreēļa asins vainu pie Jeūs nama un darīšu galu Israēla nama valstībai.
Yahweh said to me, “Give him the name Jezreel, [which means ‘God scatters’], because I will soon punish the descendants [MTY] of [King] Jehu [by scattering them], because he killed many of my people at Jezreel [town]. [Some day] I will end the kingdom of Israel,
5 Un tai dienā Es salauzīšu Israēla stopu Jezreēļa ielejā.
by destroying the power [MTY] of [the army of] Israel in Jezreel Valley.”
6 Un viņa tapa atkal grūta un dzemdēja meitu. Un Viņš uz to sacīja: nosauc viņas vārdu LoRukama (neapžēlota), jo Es joprojām vairs neapžēlošos par Israēla namu, ka Es tiem piedotu.
[Later] Gomer became pregnant [again], and she gave birth to a daughter. Yahweh said to me “Give her the name Lo-ruhamah, [which means ‘not loved],’ because I will no longer [show that I] love the people [MET] of Israel, and I will not forgive them [for the sins that they have committed].
7 Bet par Jūda namu Es apžēlošos un tos atpestīšu caur To Kungu, viņu Dievu; bet Es tos neatpestīšu ne caur stopu, ne caur zobenu, ne caur karu, ne caur zirgiem, ne caur jātniekiem.
But I will [show that I] love the people [MTY] of Judah [by saving them from their enemies]. However, it will not be by weapons and armies or horses and chariots that I will save them. Instead, it will be by [the power that I], Yahweh their God, [have].”
8 Kad tā nu to LoRukamu bija atšķīrusi, tad viņa tapa grūta un dzemdēja dēlu.
After Gomer had (weaned/stopped breast-feeding) Lo-ruhamah, she became pregnant again, and she gave birth to another son.
9 Un Viņš sacīja: sauc viņa vārdu LoAmmi (ne Mana tauta); jo jūs neesat Mana tauta, un arī Es nebūšu jūsu (Dievs).
Yahweh said “Give him the name Lo-ammi, [which means 'not my people', ] because the people of Israel are no [longer my people], and I am not their God.
10 Bet Israēla bērnu pulks būs kā jūras smiltis, ko nevar ne mērot, ne skaitīt. Un notiks tai vieta, kur uz tiem sacīja: jūs neesat Mani ļaudis, - uz tiem sacīs: Jūs tā dzīvā Dieva bērni!
But [some day] the people of Israel will be [as numerous] as [SIM] the [grains of] sand on the seashore; no one will be able to count them. Now [I] am saying to them, ‘You are not my people,’ but then people will say to them, ‘[You are the] children of God who is all-powerful.’
11 Un Jūda bērni un Israēla bērni sapulcināsies kopā un iecels pār sevi vienu galvu un atnāks no tās zemes jo Jezreēļa diena būs liela.
[At that time], the people of Judah and the people of Israel will unite. They will appoint one leader for all of them, and they will return from the countries [to which they have been (exiled/forced to go)]. That will be a great time; Jezreel [also means ‘God plants’, and it will be as though God will plant them in this country again].”

< Hozejas 1 >