< Pirmā Mozus 23 >

1 Un Sāra bija simts divdesmit un septiņus gadus veca, - šis bija Sāras mūžs, - un Sāra nomira Kiriat-Arbā, - tā ir Hebrone Kanaāna zemē.
And the life of Sarah was a hundred and twenty-seven years: [these were] the years of the life of Sarah.
2 Un Ābrahāms nāca Sāru nožēlot un viņu apraudāt.
And Sarah died in Kirjath-Arba: that is Hebron, in the land of Canaan. And Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.
3 Tad Ābrahāms cēlās no sava miroņa un runāja ar Heta bērniem sacīdams:
And Abraham rose up from before his dead, and spoke to the sons of Heth, saying,
4 Es esmu svešinieks un piedzīvotājs pie jums, dodiet man dzimts kapa vietu, - tad es savu mironi aprakšu no manām acīm nost.
I am a stranger and a sojourner with you; give me a possession of a sepulchre with you, that I may bury my dead from before me.
5 Un Heta bērni Ābrahāmam atbildēja un uz to sacīja:
And the sons of Heth answered Abraham, saying to him,
6 Klausi mūs, kungs; tu esi viens Dieva celts virsnieks mūsu vidū, - aproc savu mironi mūsu visgodīgākos kapos; nevienam no mums tev nebūs liegt savu kapu, ka tu nevarētu aprakt savu mironi.
Hear us, my lord: thou art a prince of God among us: in the choicest of our sepulchres bury thy dead: none of us shall withhold from thee his sepulchre for burying thy dead.
7 Tad Ābrahāms cēlās un klanījās priekš tiem zemes ļaudīm, priekš Heta bērniem,
And Abraham rose up, and bowed down to the people of the land, to the sons of Heth,
8 Un ar tiem runāja sacīdams: ja tas jums pa prātam, ka es savu mironi aproku no savām acīm nost, tad klausiet man un lūdziet par mani Efronu, Coāra dēlu,
and spoke to them, saying, If it be your will that I should bury my dead from before me, hear me, and entreat for me Ephron the son of Zohar,
9 Lai tas man dod Makpelas alu, kas tam ir sava tīruma galā; lai man to dod par pilnu naudu, par dzimts kapa vietu jūsu vidū.
that he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which is his, which is at the end of his field; for the full money let him give it to me amongst you for a possession of a sepulchre.
10 Un Efrons sēdēja starp Heta bērniem. Tad Efrons, tas Etietis, Ābrahāmam atbildēja priekš Heta bērnu ausīm un priekš visiem, kas pa viņa pilsētas vārtiem staigāja, sacīdams:
And Ephron was dwelling among the sons of Heth. And Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham, in the ears of the sons of Heth, [even] of all that went in at the gate of his city, saying,
11 Nē, mans kungs, klausi man, - to tīrumu es tev dodu, un to alu, kas tanī ir, to es tev dodu, priekš savu ļaužu bērnu acīm es tev to dodu, aproc savu mironi.
No, my lord: hear me. The field give I thee; and the cave that is in it, to thee I give it; before the eyes of the sons of my people give I it thee: bury thy dead.
12 Tad Ābrahāms klanījās priekš tiem zemes ļaudīm
And Abraham bowed down before the people of the land;
13 Un runāja uz Efronu, tiem zemes ļaudīm dzirdot, sacīdams: kaut tu jel mani klausītu! Es tev došu to naudu par to tīrumu, ņem to no manis, tad es tur aprakšu savu mironi.
and he spoke to Ephron, in the ears of the people of the land, saying, But if only thou wouldst listen to me, I give the money for the field: take [it] of me, and I will bury my dead there.
14 Un Efrons atbildēja Ābrahāmam sacīdams:
And Ephron answered Abraham, saying to him,
15 Mans kungs, klausi mani, tā zeme maksā četrsimt sudraba sēķeļus, - kas tas ir starp mani un tevi? Aproc tikai savu mironi.
My lord, hearken to me. A field of four hundred shekels of silver, what is that between me and thee? bury therefore thy dead.
16 Un Ābrahāms paklausīja Efronam un nosvēra tam to naudu, kā tas bija runājis, Heta bērniem dzirdot, četrsimt sudraba sēķeļus, kas ģeld tirgotāju starpā.
And Abraham hearkened to Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the money that he had named in the ears of the sons of Heth — four hundred shekels of silver, current with the merchant.
17 Tad kļuva apstiprināts Efrona tīrums, iekš kā tā Makpelas ala, pret Mamri, tas tīrums un tā ala, kas tanī bija, un visi koki, kas uz tā tīruma stāvēja, kas visapkārt bija viņa ežās,
So the field of Ephron, which was at Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave that was in it, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all its borders round about,
18 Ābrahāmam par īpašumu priekš Heta bērnu acīm, priekš visiem, kas pa viņa pilsētas vārtiem staigāja.
were assured to Abraham for a possession before the eyes of the sons of Heth, before all who went in at the gate of his city.
19 Un pēc tam Ābrahāms apraka savu sievu Sāru Makpelas alā tai tīrumā pret Mamri, - tā ir Hebrone Kanaāna zemē.
And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field at Machpelah, opposite to Mamre: that is Hebron, in the land of Canaan.
20 Tā kļuva apstiprināts tas tīrums un tā ala, kas tanī bija, Ābrahāmam par dzimts kapa vietu no Heta bērniem.
And the field and the cave that was in it were assured to Abraham for a possession of a sepulchre by the sons of Heth.

< Pirmā Mozus 23 >