< Pirmā Mozus 12 >
1 Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Ābramu: izej no savas zemes un no savas dzimtenes un no sava tēva nama uz to zemi, ko Es tev rādīšu.
The Lord told Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, your family home, and travel to the country I'm going to show you.
2 Un Es tevi darīšu par lielu tautu un tevi svētīšu un darīšu tavu vārdu lielu, un tu būsi par svētību.
I will make you the ancestor of a great nation and I will bless you. I will make sure you have a great reputation and that you are a blessing to others.
3 Un Es svētīšu tos, kas tevi svētī, un nolādēšu tos, kas tevi lād, un iekš tevis visas ciltis virs zemes taps svētītas.
I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who curse you. Everyone on earth will be blessed through you.”
4 Un Ābrams aizgāja, kā Tas Kungs tam bija sacījis, un Lats gāja tam līdz. Un Ābrams bija septiņdesmit un pieci gadus vecs, kad viņš no Hāranas izgāja.
So Abram left following the Lord's instructions, and Lot went with him. Abram was 75 when he left Haran.
5 Un Ābrams ņēma Sāraī, savu sievu, un Latu, savu brālēnu, un visu savu mantu, ko tie bija mantojuši, un tās dvēseles, ko tie Hāranā bija dabūjuši, un tie izgāja, ka ietu uz Kanaāna zemi, un tie nonāca Kanaāna zemē.
With him went his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, together with all the possessions they had collected and the people that had joined them in Harran. They left for the land of Canaan. When they arrived there,
6 Un Ābrams pārstaigāja to zemi līdz Šehemes vietai, līdz Mores ozolam; un Kanaānieši bija to laiku tai zemē.
Abram traveled on through the country as far as a place called Shechem, stopping at the oak tree of Moreh. At that time the country was occupied by Canaanites.
7 Tad Tas Kungs parādījās Ābramam un sacīja: tavam dzimumam Es došu šo zemi; un viņš tur uztaisīja altāri Tam Kungam, kas viņam bija parādījies.
The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “I'm going to give this land to your descendants.” So Abram built an altar to the Lord there because that was where the Lord appeared to him.
8 Un no turienes viņš cēlās uz tiem kalniem Bētelei pret rītiem, un uzcēla savu telti, ka Bētele bija pret vakariem un Aja pret austruma pusi, un uztaisīja tur Tam Kungam altāri un piesauca Tā Kunga vārdu.
Then he moved on to the hill country east of Bethel and set up camp there. Bethel was to the west and Ai to the east. He built an altar to the Lord there and worshiped him.
9 Un Ābrams cēlās un gāja iedams uz dienvidu(Negebu) pusi.
After that he went on his way, heading towards the Negev.
10 Un tanī zemē bija bads, un Ābrams nogāja uz Ēģipti, tur mist, jo tas bads bija grūts tanī zemē.
But the land had been hit by famine. So Abram continued on to Egypt, planning to live there because the famine was so bad.
11 Un notikās, kad bija nonācis tuvu pie Ēģiptes, tad viņš sacīja uz Sāraī, savu sievu: redzi, es zinu, ka tu no vaiga esi skaista sieva.
As he approached Egypt and was about to cross the border, he said to his wife Sarai, “Look, I know what a beautiful woman you are.
12 Un kad ēģiptieši tevi redzēs, tad tie sacīs: šī ir viņa sieva, - un mani nokaus, un tevi atstās dzīvu.
When the Egyptians see you, they'll say, ‘She's his wife,’ and they'll kill me but not you!
13 Saki jel, ka tu mana māsa, lai man labi klājās tevis dēļ, un mana dvēsele tevis dēļ paliek dzīva.
Tell them you're my sister so I'll be treated well because of you, and my life will be spared for your sake.”
14 Kad nu Ābrams nāca Ēģiptes zemē, tad ēģiptieši redzēja to sievu, ka tā bija ļoti skaista.
When Abram arrived in Egypt, the people there saw how beautiful Sarai was.
15 Un Faraona lielkungi viņu redzēja, un to slavēja Faraona priekšā, un tā sieva tapa ņemta Faraona namā.
Pharaoh's officials also noticed and spoke positively about her to Pharaoh. So Sarai was taken to his palace to become one of his wives.
16 Un šis Ābramam darīja labu viņas dēļ; un tam bija avis un vērši un ēzeļi un kalpi un kalpones un ēzeļa mātes un kamieļi.
Pharaoh treated Abram well because of her, giving him sheep and cattle, male donkeys, male servants, female servants, female donkeys, and camels.
17 Bet Tas Kungs mocīja Faraonu un viņa namu ar lielām mocībām, Sāraī, Ābrama sievas, dēļ.
But the Lord caused Pharaoh and the people in his palace to suffer from terrible diseases because of Sarai, Abram's wife.
18 Tad Faraons aicināja Ābramu un sacīja: kam tu man to esi darījis? Kāpēc tu man neesi sacījis, ka šī tava sieva?
So Pharaoh ordered Abram brought to him and said, “What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife?
19 Kāpēc tu sacīji, ka šī tava māsa? Jo es viņu sev ņēmu par sievu. Un nu redzi, še tava sieva, ņem viņu un ej.
Why did you say, ‘She's my sister,’ and let me take her to become one of my wives? So here's your wife! Take her and leave!”
20 Un Faraons pavēlēja par viņu saviem vīriem, un tie to izvadīja un viņa sievu un visu, kas tam bija.
Pharaoh ordered his guards to expel him and his wife from the country, along with everyone with them and all their possessions.