< Pāvila Vēstule Galatiešiem 4 >

1 Bet Es jums saku: kamēr mantinieks vēl ir bērns, tad starp viņu un kalpu nav nekādas starpības, jebšu viņš kungs ir pār visu mantu.
Now, I [will further] discuss [children and heirs]: [An heir is a person who will later] control all that his father has. But as long as that heir is a child, others [control] him, with the result that he is just like a slave [MET].
2 Bet viņš ir apakš pārstāvētājiem un sargiem līdz tam no tēva nospriestam laikam.
Until the [day that] his father [previously] determined, [other] persons supervise him and manage his father’s property.
3 Tāpat arī mēs, kad bijām bērni, bijām kalpu kārtā apakš pasaules likumu sākumiem.
Likewise, when we [(inc)] (OR, we [(exc) Jews]) were [like] young children [MET], we were controlled by the spiritual powers of this world. They controlled us like [masters control their slaves] [MET].
4 Bet kad tā laika piepildīšana nāca, tad Dievs sūtīja Savu Dēlu, dzimušu no sievas un noliktu apakš bauslības,
But exactly at the time [MTY] [that God had previously determined], he sent [Jesus], who is (his Son/the man who is also God), into the world. Jesus was born to a [human] mother. He had to obey the laws [that God gave to Moses].
5 Ka Viņš tos, kas bija apakš bauslības, atpirktu, ka mēs to bērnu tiesu dabūtu.
God sent Jesus in order that he might redeem us who had to obey [God’s] laws. God wanted us all to receive from [God] the status of being his children [MET].
6 Un kad nu jūs esat bērni, tad Dievs Sava Dēla Garu ir sūtījis jūsu sirdīs, tas sauc: Abba, Tēvs!
Furthermore, we know that we are God’s children because God sent the Spirit, who is intimately related to Jesus, to live in our (inner beings/hearts). [The Spirit enables us to] pray fervently, “Daddy, Father!” [This shows that we are God’s children].
7 Tad nu vairs neesi kalps, bet bērns; bet ja bērns, tad arī Dieva mantinieks caur Kristu.
So, [because of what God has done], no longer is [each of] you [like] a slave. Instead, [each of you is] a child [of God]. Furthermore, since [each of you is God’s] child, God has also made you his heir, [one who will receive all that he has promised].
8 Bet to brīdi, kad jūs Dievu neatzināt, jūs esat kalpojuši tiem, kas pēc būšanas nav dievi.
When you did not have a relationship with God [MET], you served gods that really did not exist [MET]. You were their slaves.
9 Un tagad, kad jūs Dievu atzīstat, bet jo vairāk, kad no Dieva esat atzīti, - kā jūs atkal griežaties pie tiem vājiem un tukšiem sākumiem un tiem atkal no jauna gribat kalpot?
But now you have come to know God. Perhaps [it would be better to say that] now God knows you. [So now you are acting foolishly]! (You are again believing [that by obeying] rules and rites [you will benefit spiritually]! [RHQ] [Those rules are] ineffective and inadequate! You are wanting to [obey them] again [MET] like slaves obey their masters. [RHQ]
10 Jūs cienījat dienas un mēnešus un laikus un gadus.
You [non-Jews] are carefully practicing [Jewish rules and rituals about what you should do] (on [Sabbaths/on Jewish days of rest]) and [on the first day of each] month and on [special] seasons and years.
11 Man bail jūsu dēļ, ka tik nebūšu velti pie jums strādājis.
I (worry/am concerned) about your [mistaken ideas. I do not want] to have [so] strenuously served you in vain.
12 Topiet tādi, kā es; jo arī es esmu tapis tāds, kā jūs, brāļi, es jūs lūdzu. - Jūs man neko neesat pāri darījuši.
My fellow believers, I strongly urge you that you do as I do. [Stop thinking that you have to obey (Jewish rules and rituals/ceremonial laws]). [When I was with you], I [did not obey all the Jewish rules and rituals], just like you [did not obey them]. [At that time] you treated me entirely as you should have [LIT].
13 Bet jūs zināt, ka es pirmoreiz miesas vājības dēļ jums evaņģēliju esmu sludinājis;
You know that the first time I preached to you, [I went to your area to regain my health, because I was physically weak].
14 Un tā pārbaudīšana, kas jums caur manu miesu notikusi, jums nav bijusi nicināma nedz nepanesama, bet jūs mani esat uzņēmuši tā kā Dieva eņģeli, tā kā Kristu Jēzu.
[Although] you might have [despised me because] I was physically weak, you did not despise me or act contemptuously/disrespectfully toward me. Instead, you welcomed me like [you would welcome] an angel from God. [You welcomed me] like [you would welcome] Christ Jesus!
15 Tad nu, kāda līksmība jums to brīdi bija? Jo es jums dodu liecību, ka jūs, ja tas būtu varējis būt, savas acis būtu izrāvuši un man devuši.
(I am disappointed that you have forgotten [that then] you [declared that you were] pleased with [me]./Have you forgotten [that then] you [declared that you were] pleased with [me]?) [RHQ] I can testify that you [would have done anything to help me]. You would have gouged out your eyes [and] given them to me, [if that would have helped me]!
16 Vai tad es nu jūsu ienaidnieks esmu tapis, jums patiesību sacīdams?
So I am very disappointed that you [now] act as though [RHQ] I have become hostile to you [because I have kept] speaking the true [message about Christ] to you.
17 Tie iekarst jūsu dēļ, kā nav labi, bet tie jūs grib novērst, lai jūs atkal iekarstu viņu dēļ.
Those [who are insisting on obeying Jewish rules] are eagerly [showing interest in] you, but [what they are doing is] not good. They even want you not to associate with [me and other true] believers, because they want you to eagerly show [interest in] them, [not in us].
18 Bet labi ir vienmēr iekarst laba dēļ un ne tad vien, kad es esmu klāt pie jums.
But [just like] it always feels good to have others show that they appreciate you, [I would like you] always [to appreciate me], and not only when I am with you.
19 Mani bērniņi, ko es atkal dzemdēju ar sāpēm, tiekams Kristus iekš jums nāk redzams,
You [who are like] my children, [once] again I am very worried/concerned about you [MET], [and I will continue to] be worried/concerned until Christ’s [nature becomes developed] in you [completely and wholeheartedly] [MET] [as a child] becomes developed [in his mother’s womb].
20 Es gan vēlētos, tagad pie jums būt un citādā balsī runāt; jo man jūsu dēļ padoma pietrūkst.
But I do wish that I could be with you now and that I might talk [more gently with you], because I do not know [what to do about] you [while we are apart].
21 Sakiet man, jūs, kas apakš bauslības gribat būt, vai jūs bauslību neesat dzirdējuši?
Some of you desire [to obey all the laws] that God gave Moses. [I say that] you [should] consider [RHQ] [the implications of what Moses wrote in] the Scriptures.
22 Jo ir rakstīts, ka Ābrahāmam bijuši divi dēli, viens no tās kalpones un otrs no tās svabadās.
[He] wrote that Abraham became the father of two sons. His female slave, [Hagar], bore one son, and his [wife Sarah], who was not a slave, bore the other.
23 Bet kas no tās kalpones bija, tas ir piedzimis pēc miesas; un kas no tās svabadās, tas caur to apsolīšanu.
Also, [the sons differed. Ishmael], the [son born by] the female slave, was conceived naturally. But [Isaac], the [son born by] his wife who was not a slave, was conceived [miraculously] as a result of what [God] had promised [Abraham].
24 Šie vārdi pēc līdzības saprotami. Šīs ir tās divas derības; viena no Sina kalna, kas uz kalpošanu dzemdē, tā ir tā Hāgare.
[I am telling you this] as an illustration. These [two women] symbolize two agreements. [God made] the first [agreement, which involved obeying the laws that God gave to Moses] at Sinai Mountain. [Because that agreement forces those who accept it to keep obeying all its rules] [MET], [it is like a slave mother who] gives birth to slaves. [So] Hagar, [the female slave, symbolizes] that [agreement].
25 Jo Hāgare ir tas Sina kalns Arābijā - un līdzinājās tai tagadējai Jeruzālemei, kas kalpo ar saviem bērniem.
Also, the [word] ‘Hagar’ is [associated with] Sinai Mountain, [which is] in Arabia [land. Hagar, the female slave, also] represents Jerusalem as it is today. Jerusalem is [like] [MET] a slave [mother, and those who live there] [PRS] [are like] her slave children [MET] [because they all must obey the laws that God gave to Moses].
26 Bet tā Jeruzāleme, kas ir augšā, ir tā svabadā, tā ir mūsu visu māte.
But there will be a [new] Jerusalem in heaven [MTY], and we [who will go there] are free [from having to obey Jewish laws]. We [who belong to that city consider it to be] our mother [MET] [city because we are God’s true children].
27 Jo ir rakstīts: priecājies, neauglīgā, tu, kas neesi dzemdējusi, izsaucies un gavilē tu, kas bērnu sāpes necieti; jo tai tukšai ir daudz bērnu, vairāk nekā tai, kas ir apprecēta.
[Our new city will have more people than those who live in Jerusalem now. It will be just like] Isaiah foretold about [the people whom he expected would come back to Jerusalem from exile. He expected that they would be more numerous than those who] were taken into exile. He wrote: [You who live in Jerusalem, you will] rejoice! Now you have no children, like a barren [woman] who does not give birth to [children! But some day you will] shout [joyfully], (without restraint/as loudly as you can), [even though now you are few in number, like a woman who] cannot give birth [to children, and you] feel deserted. [You will be very happy] because [you will have many children who will come to you. Those children will be] more than [the children] any woman with a husband [could have borne].
28 Bet mēs, brāļi, esam apsolīšanas bērni, tā kā Īzaks.
Now, [my] fellow believers, you have become children [of God as a result of believing God’s] promise to us, as Isaac [was born as a result of Abraham believing what God promised to him] [MET].
29 Bet itin kā to brīdi tas, kas bija piedzimis pēc miesas, vajāja to, kas bija piedzimis pēc Gara, tāpat arī tagad.
[Also, long ago Abraham’s son] Ishmael, the one who was conceived naturally, caused trouble for [Abraham’s son] Isaac, who [was conceived] supernaturally [MET]. Similarly, now [those who think that we must obey the laws that God gave Moses in order that God will save us are causing trouble for those who are trusting Abraham’s descendant, Christ].
30 Bet ko tas raksts saka? Izmet to kalponi un viņas dēlu; jo tam kalpones dēlam nebūs mantot ar tās svabadās dēlu.
But these are [RHQ] the words in the Scriptures [PRS]: “The son of the [woman] who was not a slave will inherit [what his father has]. The female slave’s son will certainly not inherit those things. So send away from [this place] the female slave and her son [MET]!” [That means that you should certainly expel from your groups those who insist that we obey all the laws God gave Moses] [MET].
31 Tāpēc, brāļi, mēs neesam tās kalpones bērni, bet tās svabadās.
[My] fellow believers, [Hagar symbolizes the laws that God gave to Moses. But we are not those who must obey all the laws that God gave to Moses] [MET]. [So] we are not [the] female slave [Hagar’s spiritual] descendants [MET]. But [Sarah’s descendants are those who were born as a result of believing what God promised to Abraham. So we are] the [spiritual] descendants of [Sarah, the woman] who was not a slave [MET].

< Pāvila Vēstule Galatiešiem 4 >