< Ezras 3 >

1 Kad nu septītais mēnesis atnāca, un Israēla bērni bija savās pilsētās, tad tie ļaudis sapulcējās Jeruzāleme tā kā viens vienīgs vīrs.
After the Israeli people [returned to Israel, and] had begun to live in their towns, (in the autumn of/after the hot season ended in) that year, they all gathered together in Jerusalem.
2 Un Ješuūs, Jocadaka dēls, cēlās ar saviem brāļiem, tiem priesteriem un Zerubabels, Šealtiēļa dēls, ar saviem brāļiem, un uzcēla Israēla Dieva altāri, uz viņa upurēt dedzināmos upurus, kā stāv rakstīts Mozus, Tā Dieva vīra, bauslībā.
Then Jeshua, the son of Jehozadak, and his fellow priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his friends, all began to rebuild the altar of God, the one whom the Israeli people [worshiped]. They did that in order that they could sacrifice burned offerings on it, according to what the prophet Moses had written in the laws [that God gave to him].
3 Un tie uzcēla to altāri savā vietā, gan bīdamies no tās zemes tautām, un uz tā upurēja dedzināmos upurus Tam Kungam, dedzināmos upurus rītos un vakaros,
Even though they were afraid of the people who were already living in that area, they rebuilt the altar at the same place [where the previous altar had been]. Before they started to lay the foundation of Yahweh’s temple, [the priests] started to burn sacrifices to Yahweh [on the altar]. They offered sacrifices every morning and every evening. Fifteen days after [they started to offer these sacrifices], the people celebrated the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters, as [Moses] had commanded them to do in the laws [that God gave to him]. Each day the priests offered the sacrifices [that were required] for that day. In addition, they presented the regular burned offerings and the offerings [that were required] for the New Moon Festivals and the other festivals that they celebrated each year to [honor] Yahweh. They also brought other offerings only because they desired to bring them, [not because they were required to bring them].
4 Un turēja lieveņu svētkus, kā stāv rakstīts, un upurēja ikdienas dedzināmos upurus pēc tā skaita, kā pienācās, ikdienas savus;
5 Un pēc tam arī tos nemitējamos dedzināmos upurus un kā nākas jaunos mēnešos un visos, Tam Kungam svētītos svētkos un priekš ikviena, kas Tam Kungam atnesa kādu labprātības dāvanu.
6 No septītā mēneša pirmās dienas tie iesāka Tam Kungam upurēt dedzināmos upurus; bet Tā Kunga nama pamats vēl nebija likts.
7 Un tie deva naudu akmeņu cirtējiem un amatniekiem un ēst un dzert un eļļu Sidoniešiem un Tiriešiem, lai tie vestu ciedru kokus no Lībanus jūrmalā uz Jazu, kā Kirus, Persiešu ķēniņš, tiem bija vēlējis.
Then the Israelis hired masons and carpenters, and they bought [logs from] cedar trees from the people of Tyre and Sidon [cities], and they gave those people food and wine and olive oil for the logs. They brought the logs down from [the mountains in] Lebanon [to the Mediterranean seacoast and then floated them along the coast of the Sea, ] to Joppa. King Cyrus permitted them to do that. [Then the logs were brought from Joppa inland up to Jerusalem].
8 Tad nu otrā gadā pēc viņu atnākšanas pie Dieva nama Jeruzālemē, otrā mēnesī, Zerubabels, Šealtiēļa dēls, un Ješuūs, Jocadaka dēls, un tie atlikušie no viņu brāļiem, priesteri un leviti un visi, kas no cietuma zemes bija pārnākuši Jeruzālemē, iesāka un iecēla tos levitus, kas divdesmit gadus veci un pāri, par uzraugiem pie Tā Kunga nama darba.
The Israelis started to rebuild the temple in the (spring/time before the hot season) of the second year after they returned to Jerusalem. Zerubbabel and Jeshua and all the people who had returned to Jerusalem worked on the building. All the (Levites/men who did work in the temple) supervised this work.
9 Un Ješuūs, viņa dēli un viņa brāļi, Kadmiēls un viņa dēli, un Jūda dēli stāvēja kā viens vienīgs vīrs, uzraugi būdami pār tiem, kas to darbu pie Tā Kunga nama darīja, tāpat Henadada bērni, viņu dēli un viņu brāļi, tie leviti.
Jeshua and his sons and his other relatives, and Kadmiel and his sons, who were descendants of Hodaviah, also helped to supervise the work. The family of Henadad, who were also all Levites, joined with them in supervising this work.
10 Kad nu tie amatnieki Tā Kunga namam lika pamatu, tad nostādīja priesterus amata drēbēs ar bazūnēm un levitus, Asafa dēlus, ar pulkstenīšiem, To Kungu teikt ar Dāvida, Israēla ķēniņa dziesmām.
When the builders finished laying the foundation of the temple, the priests put on their robes and stood in their places, blowing their trumpets. Then the Levites, who were descendants of Asaph, clashed/banged their cymbals to praise Yahweh, just as King David had [many years previously] told [Asaph and the other musicians] to do.
11 Un tie dziedāja viens par otru, To Kungu teikdami un slavēdami, ka Tas ir labs, un Viņa žēlastība paliek mūžīgi pār Israēli. Un visi ļaudis gavilēja ar lielu gavilēšanu, To Kungu teikdami, ka pamats bija likts Tā Kunga namam.
They praised Yahweh and thanked him, and they sang this song about him: “He is very good [to us]! He faithfully loves us Israeli people, and he will love us forever.” Then all the people shouted loudly, praising Yahweh because they had finished laying the foundation of Yahweh’s temple.
12 Bet daudz priesteru un levitu un cilts tēvu, kas bija veci, kas bija redzējuši to pirmo namu, kad tie šim namam redzēja pamatu liekam, tad tie raudāja gauži. Bet daudz atkal pacēla savas balsis ar gavilēšanu un ar prieku,
Many of the [old] priests, Levites, and leaders of families remembered [what] the first temple [was like], and they cried aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid [because they knew that the new temple would not be as beautiful as the first temple]. But the other people shouted joyfully.
13 Tā ka tie ļaudis nevarēja izšķirt to gaviļu un prieka balsi no ļaužu raudāšanas, jo tie ļaudis gavilēja ar skaņu gavilēšanu, un tā skaņa bija tālu dzirdama.
The shouting and the crying was very loud; [even people] far away could hear it.

< Ezras 3 >