< Ecechiela 8 >

1 Un notikās sestā gadā, sestā mēnesī, piektā mēneša dienā: kad es sēdēju savā namā, un Jūda vecaji sēdēja manā priekšā, tad tur Tā Kunga Dieva roka krita uz mani.
And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the fifth month, on the fifth [day] of the month, I was sitting in the house, and the elders of Juda were sitting before me: and the hand of the Lord came upon me.
2 Un es redzēju, un raugi, tur bija viens, kam ģīmis bija kā uguns; no viņa gurniem lejup tas bija kā uguns, un no viņa gurniem augšup tas bija kā debess gaišums un kā gaiša zelta spožums.
And I looked, and, behold, the likeness of a man: from his loins and downwards [there was] fire, and from his loins upwards [there was] as the appearance of amber.
3 Un Viņš izstiepa tā kā roku un mani sagrāba pie manas galvas matiem. Un Tas Gars mani pacēla starp zemi un debesi un mani aiznesa Dieva parādīšanā uz Jeruzālemi priekš iekšējā pagalma vārtu durvīm, kas stāv pret ziemeli, tur bija vieta tam riebīgam elka tēlam, kas bija par riebšanu.
And he stretched forth the likeness of a hand, and took me by the crown of my head; and the Spirit lifted me up between the earth and sky, and brought me to Jerusalem in a vision of God, to the porch of the gate that looks to the north, where was the pillar of the Purchaser.
4 Un redzi, tur bija Israēla Dieva godība tāda pat, kādu es biju redzējis ielejā.
And, behold, the glory of the Lord God of Israel was there, according to the vision which I saw in the plain.
5 Un Viņš uz mani sacīja: cilvēka bērns, pacel jel savas acis pret ziemeli! Un es pacēlu savas acis pret ziemeli, un redzi, pret ziemeļa pusi pie altāra vārtiem bija šis riebīgais elks, kur iet iekšā.
And he said to me, Son of man, lift up your eyes toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes toward the north, and, behold, [I looked] from the north toward the eastern gate.
6 Un Viņš sacīja uz mani: cilvēka bērns, vai tu redzi, ko tie dara, tās lielās negantības, ko Israēla nams šeit dara, ka Man jāatstāj Sava svētā vieta? Bet tu redzēsi vēl lielākas negantības.
And he said to me, Son of man, have you seen what these do? They commit great abominations here so that I should keep away from my sanctuary: and you shall see yet greater iniquities.
7 Tad Viņš mani veda pie pagalma durvīm; un es redzēju, un raugi, tur bija caurums sienā.
And he brought me to the porch of the court.
8 Un Viņš sacīja uz mani: cilvēka bērns, lauzies jel caur to sienu! Un es lauzos caur to sienu, un redzi, tur bija durvis.
And he said to me, Son of man, dig: so I dug, and behold a door.
9 Tad Viņš sacīja uz mani: ej iekšā un redzi tās niknās negantības, ko tie še dara.
And he said to me, Go in, and behold the iniquities which they practise here.
10 Un es gāju iekšā un skatījos, un redzi, tur bija visādas bildes no līdējiem tārpiem un negantiem lopiem, visādi Israēla nama elkadievi, rakstīti pie sienas visapkārt.
So I went in and looked; and saw vain abominations, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon them round about.
11 Un septiņdesmit vīri no Israēla nama vecajiem un Jazanija, Safana dēls, šo vidū, stāvēja viņu priekšā, un ikvienam bija rokā savs kvēpināmais trauks, un smaržīgu dūmu mākonis cēlās uz augšu.
And seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel, and Jechonias the son of Saphan stood in their presence in the midst of them, and each one held his censer in his hand; and the smoke of the incense went up.
12 Tad Viņš sacīja uz mani: vai tu redzi, cilvēka bērns, ko Israēla nama vecaji dara tumsībā, ikviens savā elku kambarī? Jo tie saka: Tas Kungs mūs neredz, Tas Kungs zemi atstājis.
And he said to me, You have seen, son of man, what the elders of the house of Israel do, each one of them in their secret chamber: because they have said, The Lord see not; The Lord has forsaken the earth.
13 Un Viņš sacīja uz mani: tu vēl redzēsi lielas negantības, ko tie dara.
And he said to me, You shall see yet greater iniquities which these do.
14 Un Viņš mani veda pie Tā Kunga nama vārtu durvīm, kas pret ziemeli, un redzi, tur sēdēja sievas, tās apraudāja Tamusu.
And he brought me in to the porch of the house of the Lord that looks to the north; and, behold [there were] women sitting there lamenting for Thammuz.
15 Un Viņš uz mani sacīja: vai tu to redzi, cilvēka bērns? Tu redzēsi vēl lielākas negantības nekā šīs.
And he said to me, Son of man, you have seen; but you shall yet see [evil] practices greater then these.
16 Un Viņš mani ieveda Tā Kunga nama iekšējā pagalmā, un redzi, pie Tā Kunga nama durvīm starp priekšnamu un altāri bija kādi divdesmit pieci vīri, ar muguru pret Tā Kunga namu un ar vaigu uz rītiem, un tie klanījās pret rīta pusi saules priekšā.
And he brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord, and at the entrance of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty men, with their back parts toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces [turned] the opposite way; and these were worshipping the sun.
17 Tad Viņš uz mani sacīja: vai tu to redzi, cilvēka bērns? Vai Jūda namam tā maza lieta, darīt tādas negantības, ko tie še dara, ka zemi piepilda ar varas darbu, un arvienu atkal Mani kaitina; jo redzi, vīna stīgas tie tur pie sava deguna!
And he said to me, Son of man, you have seen this. [Is it] a little thing to the house of Juda to practise the iniquities which they have practised here? for they have filled the land with iniquity: and, behold, these are as scorners.
18 Tāpēc Es arīdzan darīšu pēc Savas bardzības, un Mana acs nežēlos, un Es nesaudzēšu. Jebšu tie ar stipru balsi kliedz priekš Manām ausīm, tomēr Es tos neklausīšu.
Therefore will I deal with them in wrath: mine eye shall not spare, nor will I have any mercy.

< Ecechiela 8 >