< Ecechiela 39 >
1 Un tu, cilvēka bērns, sludini pret Gogu un saki: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: redzi, Es celšos pret tevi, Gog, tu Roša, Mešeha un Tūbala valdnieks!
And thou, son of man, prophesy concerning Gog, and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, O Gog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal,
2 Un Es tevi griezīšu un vadīšu un tevi atvedīšu no paša ziemeļa gala un tevi vedīšu uz Israēla kalniem.
And have turned thee back, and enticed thee, And caused thee to come up from the sides of the north, And brought thee in against mountains of Israel,
3 Un Es tavu stopu izsitīšu no tavas kreisās rokas un tavām bultām likšu izkrist no tavas labās rokas.
And have smitten thy bow out of thy left hand, Yea, thine arrows out of thy right I cause to fall.
4 Uz Israēla kalniem tu kritīsi ar visiem saviem karogiem un ļaudīm, kas tev līdz. Visādiem plēsīgiem putniem un lauka zvēriem Es tevi došu par barību.
On mountains of Israel thou fallest, Thou, and all thy bands, and the peoples who [are] with thee, To ravenous fowl — a bird of every wing, And [to] a beast of the field, I have given thee for food.
5 Tev būs krist uz lauka; jo Es to esmu runājis, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
On the face of the field thou fallest, for I have spoken, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
6 Un Es sūtīšu uguni uz Magogu, un starp tiem, kas salās droši dzīvo, un tie samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs.
And I have sent a fire against Magog, And against the confident inhabitants of the isles, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.
7 Un Savu svēto Vārdu Es darīšu zināmu Saviem Israēla ļaudīm, un vairs neļaušu sagānīt Savu svēto Vārdu, un pagāni samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, tas Svētais iekš Israēla.
And My holy name I make known in the midst of My people Israel, And I pollute not My holy name any more, And known have the nations that I, Jehovah, the Holy One, [am] in Israel.
8 Redzi, tas nāks un notiks, saka Tas Kungs Dievs; šī ir tā diena, par ko Es esmu runājis.
Lo, it hath come, and it hath been done, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, It [is] the day of which I spake.
9 Israēla pilsētu iedzīvotāji izies un iededzinās uguni un sadedzinās tās bruņas un priekšturamās bruņas un krūšu bruņas un stopus un bultas un bozes un šķēpus, un kurs no tiem uguni septiņus gadus,
And gone out have the inhabitants of cities of Israel, And they have burned and kindled [a fire], With armour, and shield, and buckler, With bow, and with arrows, And with hand-staves, and with javelins, And they have caused a fire to burn with them seven years,
10 Tā ka tiem malka nebūs jānes no lauka nedz jācērt mežos, bet tie kurs uguni no tiem kara rīkiem, un aplaupīs tos, kas viņus bija aplaupījuši, un postīs tos, kas viņus bija postījuši, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
And they do not take wood out of the field, Nor do they hew out of the forests, For with armour they cause the fire to burn, And they have spoiled their spoilers, And they have plundered their plunderers, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
11 Un notiks tai dienā, ka Es Gogam došu kapu vietu iekš Israēla, to ieleju, kur no jūras iet pret rīta pusi, tā ka ceļa ļaudīm ceļš būs aiztaisīts; tur apraks Gogu un visu viņa pulku, un to nosauks par Goga pulka ieleju.
And it hath come to pass, in that day, I give to Gog a place there — a grave in Israel, the valley of those passing by, east of the sea, and it is stopping those passing by, and they have buried there Gog, and all his multitude, and have cried, O valley of the multitude of Gog!
12 Un Israēla nams tos apraks, lai zeme top šķīsta, veselus septiņus mēnešus.
And the house of Israel have buried them — in order to cleanse the land — seven months.
13 Un visi zemes ļaudis raks, un tas tiem būs par slavu tai dienā, kad es būšu pagodinājies, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
Yea, all the people of the land have buried them, and it hath been to them for a name — the day of My being honoured — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
14 Un tie izvēlēs vīrus, kas bez mitēšanās zemi pārstaigā, un kapu racējus tiem līdz, kas staigā apkārt un tos zemes virsū atlikušos aprok, to (zemi) šķīstīt; pēc beigtiem septiņiem mēnešiem tie sāks meklēt.
And men for continual employment they separate, passing on through the land, burying with those passing by those who are left on the face of the earth, to cleanse it: at the end of seven months they search.
15 Un tie pārstaigātāji ies pa to zemi, un kas cilvēka kaulu redz, tas liks zīmi pie tā, kamēr tie kapu racēji to apraks Goga pulka ielejā.
And those passing by have passed through the land, and seen a bone of man, and one hath constructed near it a sign till those burying have buried it in the valley of the multitude of Gog.
16 Un būs arī vienas pilsētas vārds: Amona (pulks); tā tie to zemi šķīstīs.
And also the name of the city [is] The multitude; and they have cleansed the land.
17 Tu tad, cilvēka bērns, tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: saki uz visiem spārnainiem putniem un uz visiem lauka zvēriem: sapulcējaties un nāciet, sakrājaties no tām apkārtējām vietām pie Mana kaujamā upura, ko Es priekš jums esmu upurējis, pie tā lielā kaujamā upura uz Israēla kalniem, un ēdat gaļu un dzerat asinis.
And thou, son of man, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Say to the bird — every wing, and to every beast of the field: Be assembled and come in, Be gathered from round about, For My sacrifice that I am sacrificing for you, A great sacrifice on mountains of Israel, And ye have eaten flesh, and drunk blood.
18 Jums būs ēst gaļu no varoņiem un dzert asinis no valdniekiem virs zemes, no jēriem, no auniem un āžiem un vēršiem, kas visi Bāsanā baroti.
Flesh of the mighty ye do eat, And blood of princes of the earth ye drink, Of rams, of lambs, and of he-goats, Of calves, fatlings of Bashan — all of them.
19 Un jums būs ēst taukus, kamēr jūs pieēdaties, un dzert asinis, kamēr jūs piedzeraties no Mana kaujamā upura, ko Es jums esmu kāvis.
And ye have eaten fat to satiety, And ye have drunk blood — to drunkenness, Of My sacrifice that I sacrificed for you.
20 Un jūs tapsiet pie Mana galda pieēdināti no zirgiem un jātniekiem, no varoņiem un visādiem karavīriem, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
And ye have been satisfied at My table with horse and rider, Mighty man, and every man of war, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
21 Un Es parādīšu Savu godību pagānu starpā, un visi pagāni redzēs Manu sodu, ko Es esmu turējis, un Manu roku, ko Es pie tiem esmu pielicis.
And I have given My honour among nations, And seen have all the nations My Judgment that I have done, And My hand that I have laid on them.
22 Un Israēla nams samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, viņu Dievs, no tās dienas un tā joprojām.
And known have the house of Israel that I [am] Jehovah their God, From that day and henceforth.
23 Un pagāni samanīs, ka Israēla nams savu noziegumu dēļ aizvests, tāpēc ka tie no Manis bija atkāpušies, un ka Es Savu vaigu no tiem biju apslēpis un tos biju rokā devis viņu pretiniekiem, tā ka tie visi caur zobenu krituši.
And known have the nations that for their iniquity, Removed have the house of Israel, Because they have trespassed against Me, And I do hide My face from them, And give them into the hand of their adversaries, And they fall by sword — all of them.
24 Pēc viņu nešķīstības un pēc viņu pārkāpšanām Es viņiem esmu darījis un no tiem apslēpis Savu vaigu.
According to their uncleanness, And according to their transgressions, I have done with them, And I do hide My face from them.
25 Tāpēc tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: nu Es Jēkaba cietumniekus atkal atvedīšu un apžēlošos par visu Israēla namu, un Es atriebšos Sava svētā Vārda dēļ.
Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Now do I bring back the captivity of Jacob, And I have pitied all the house of Israel, And have been zealous for My holy name.
26 Un tie nesīs savu kaunu un visu savu pārkāpumu, ar ko tie pret Mani apgrēkojušies, kad tie savā zemē droši dzīvos, un nebūs neviena, kas viņus iztrūcina.
And they have forgotten their shame, And all their trespass that they trespassed against Me, In their dwelling on their land confidently and none troubling.
27 Kad Es tos būšu atvedis no tautām un tos sapulcinājis no viņu ienaidnieku valstīm, - un Es pie tiem parādīšos svēts priekš daudz pagānu acīm,
In My bringing them back from the peoples, I have assembled them from the lands of their enemies, And I have been sanctified in them before the eyes of the many nations,
28 Tad tie samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, viņu Dievs, kas tos esmu licis aizvest pie pagāniem, bet tos atkal sapulcinājis viņu zemē un tur vairs neesmu atstājis neviena no tiem.
And they have known that I [am] Jehovah their God, In My removing them unto the nations, And I have gathered them unto their land, And I leave none of them any more there.
29 Un Es no tiem vairs neapslēpšu Savu vaigu, kad Es Savu Garu būšu izlējis pār Israēla namu, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
And I hide not any more My face from them, In that I have poured out My spirit on the house of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'