< Ecechiela 27 >
1 Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani sacīdams:
And the word of the Lord came to me saying,
2 Tu tad, ak cilvēka bērns, uzņem raudu dziesmu par Tiru,
And you, son of man, take up a lamentation against Sor;
3 Un saki uz Tiru, kas dzīvo pie jūras ostām un tirgojās ar tautām daudz salās: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: ak Tiru, tu saki: es esmu brīnum skaists.
and you shall say to Sor that dwells at the entrance of the sea, to the mart of the nations coming from many islands, Thus says the Lord to Sor; You have said, I have clothed myself with my beauty.
4 Tavas robežas ir jūras vidū, tavi cēlēji tevi darījuši brīnum skaistu.
In the heart of the sea your sons have put beauty upon you for Beelim.
5 Tie visus tavus galdus ir taisījuši no Senira priedēm, tie ņēmuši ciedru kokus no Lībanus, tev taisīt masta kokus.
Cedar in Senir was employed for you in building: boards of cypress timber were taken out of Libanus, and wood to make you masts of fir.
6 Tavus airus tie taisījuši no Basanas ozoliem, tavus galdus tie taisījuši no ziloņkauliem uz dārgu priežu koka no Ķitim krastiem.
They made your oars [of wood] out of the land of Basan; your sacred utensils they made of ivory, your shady houses of wood from the isles of Chetiim.
7 Dārgs audekls ar izrakstītu darbu no Ēģiptes bija tavs zēģelis, tev par karogu; no zila un sarkana purpura no Elisus salām bija tavi apsegi.
Fine linen with embroidery from Egypt supplied the couch, to put honour upon you, and to clothe you with blue and purple from the isles of Elisai; and they became your coverings.
8 Sidonas un Arvadas iedzīvotāji bija tavi airētāji; tavi gudrie, ak Tiru, bija pie tevis tavi stūrētāji.
And your princes were the dwellers in Sidon, and the Aradians were your rowers: your wise men, O Sor, who were in you, these were your pilots.
9 Ģebalas vecaji un viņas gudrie bija pie tevis, izlabot tavu laivu plaisumus. Visas jūras laivas un visi laivinieki bija pie tevis, izmainīt tavas preces.
The elders of the Biblians, and their wise men, who were in you, these helped your counsel: and all the ships of the sea and their rowers traded for you to the utmost west.
10 Persieši un Lidieši un Libieši bija tavā karaspēkā tavi karavīri; priekšturamās bruņas un dzelzs cepures tie pie tevis uzkāra; tie tevi greznoja.
Persians and Lydians and Libyans were in your army: your warriors hung in you shields and helmets; these gave [you] your glory.
11 Arvadas bērni un tavs spēks bija visapkārt uz taviem mūriem, un sargi bija uz taviem torņiem, tie uzkāra savas priekšturamās bruņas visapkārt pie taviem mūriem; tie tevi darīja brīnum skaistu.
The sons of the Aradians and your army were upon the walls; there were guards in your towers: they hung their quivers on your battlements round about; these completed your beauty.
12 Taršišs tirgojās ar tevi ar daudz un dažādām precēm: sudrabu, dzelzi, alvu un svinu noveda tavos tirgos.
The Carthaginians were your merchants because of the abundance of all your strength; they furnished your market with silver, and gold, and iron, and tin, and lead.
13 Javans, Tubals un Mešehs, tie bija tavi veikalnieki: ar cilvēkiem un vara lietām tie ar tevi tirgojās.
Greece, both the whole [world], and the adjacent coasts, these traded with you in the persons of men, and they gave [as] your merchandise vessels of brass.
14 No Togarmas nama noveda tavos tirgos braucamus un jājamus zirgus un zirgēzeļus.
Out of the house of Thogarma horses and horsemen furnished the market.
15 Dedana bērni bija tavi veikalnieki, daudz salas tirgojās caur tavu roku; ziloņkaulus un ebon kokus(melnkoks) tie tev atdeva par maksu.
The sons of the Rhodians were your merchants; from the islands they multiplied your merchandise, [even] elephants' teeth: and to them that came in you did return your prices,
16 Sīrija ar tevi tirgojās tavu daudzkārtīgu amata darbu dēļ: rubīnus, purpuru un rakstītu darbu, dārgu audekli un dārgas krelles un dārgus akmeņus tie noveda tavos tirgos.
[even] men [as] your merchandise, from the multitude of your trading [population], myrrh and embroidered works from Tharsis: Ramoth also and Chorchor furnished your market.
17 Jūda un Israēla zeme, tie bija tavi veikalnieki: kviešus no Minites un saldi smaržīgas zāles un medu un eļļu un balzamu tie mainīja tavos tirgos.
Juda and the children of Israel, these were your merchants; in the sale of corn and ointments and cassia: and they gave the best honey, and oil, and resin, to your trading [population].
18 Damaskus ar tevi tirgojās tavu daudzkārtīgu amata darbu dēļ ar dažādām precēm, ar saldu vīnu un baltu vilnu.
[The people of] Damascus were your merchants by reason of the abundance of all your power; wine out of Chelbon, and wool from Miletus; and they brought wine into your market.
19 Vedans un UzalaJavans veda uz taviem tirgiem izstrādātu dzelzi; kasīju un kalmu tie pie tevis izmainīja.
Out of Asel [came] wrought iron, and there is the sound of wheels amongst your trading [population].
20 Dedans ar tevi tirgojās ar skaistām vadmalām priekš segliem.
[The people of] Daedan were your merchants, with choice cattle for chariots.
21 Arābija un visi Ķedara lielkungi, tie tirgojās caur tavu roku, ar jēriem un auniem un āžiem tie ar tevi tirgojās;
Arabia and all the princes of Kedar, these were your traders with you, [bringing] camels, and lambs, and rams, in which they trade with you.
22 Sabas un Raēmas veikalnieki, tie ar tevi tirgojās; visādas dārgas zāles, dārgus akmeņus un zeltu tie noveda tavos tirgos.
The merchants of Sabba and Ramma, these were your merchants, with choice spices, and precious stones: and they brought gold to your market.
23 Harans un Kane un Edens, Zebas, Asura un Ķilmada veikalnieki ar tevi tirgojās.
Charra, and Chanaa, these were your merchants: Assur, and Charman, were your merchants:
24 Tie bija tavi veikalnieki ar dārgām drēbēm, ar purpura ziliem un raibi austiem mēteļiem un ar strīpainām (grīdas)segām un ar pītām un tītām virvēm tavos tirgos.
bringing [for] merchandise blue, and choice stores bound with cords, and cypress wood.
25 Taršiša laivas bija tās vedējas uz taviem tirgiem. Un tu tapi bagāts un augstā godā celts jūru vidū.
Ships were your merchants, in abundance, with your trading [population]: and you were filled and very heavily loaded in the heart of the sea.
26 Tavi laivinieki tevi veda pa vareniem ūdeņiem, bet rīta vējš tevi satriecis jūru vidū.
Your rowers have brought you into great waters: the south wind has broken you in the heart of the sea.
27 Tava manta un tavas preces un tava tirgošana, tavi laivinieki un tavi stūrmaņi un tavi laivu taisītāji, un kas ar tevi tirgojās, un visi tavi karavīri, kas pie tevis, un visa tava draudze, kas tavā vidū, kritīs jūras vidū tai dienā, kad tu iesi bojā.
Your forces, and your gain, and that of your traders, and your rowers, and your pilots, and your counsellors, and they that traffic with you, and all your warriors that are in you: and all your company in the midst of you shall perish in the heart of the sea, in the day of your fall.
28 No tavu laivinieku brēkšanas lauki drebēs.
At the cry of your voice your pilots shall be greatly terrified.
29 Un visi airētāji, stūrmaņi ar visiem jūras laiviniekiem izkāps no savām laivām un stāvēs uz zemes.
And all the rowers and the mariners shall come down from the ships, and the pilots of the sea shall stand on the land.
30 Un tie par tevi brēks un gauži kliegs un metīs pīšļus uz savām galvām, - tie vārtīsies pelnos.
And they shall wail over you with their voice, and cry bitterly, and put earth on their heads, and spread ashes under them.
31 Tie tevis dēļ apcirpsies un apjozīs maisus un raudās par tevi ar dvēseles rūgtumu un gaužām žēlabām.
32 Un tie vaidēdami par tevi sāks raudu dziesmu un vaidēs par tevi un sacīs: kas ir kā Tirus, tā izdeldēts jūras vidū?
And their sons shall take up a [lament] for you, even a lamentation for Sor, [saying],
33 Kad tavas preces jūrā tapa vestas, tad tu daudz tautas pieēdināji ar savām dažādām mantām, un ar savu tirgošanu tu ķēniņus virs zemes esi darījis bagātus.
How large a reward have you gained from the sea? you have filled nations out of your abundance; and out of your mixed merchandise you have enriched all the kings of the earth.
34 Bet nu, kad tu no jūras esi satriekts dziļos ūdeņos, tad tava tirgošana un visa tava draudze tavā vidū ir gājusi bojā.
Now are you broken in the sea, your traders are in the deep water, and all your company in the midst of you: all your rowers have fallen.
35 Visi salu iedzīvotāji par tevi iztrūcinājās, un viņu ķēniņiem mati cēlās stāvu, viņu vaigi nobāl.
All the dwellers in the islands have mourned over you, and their kings have been utterly amazed, and their countenance has wept.
36 Tie veikalnieki pa tautām svilpo par tevi; tu esi galu ņēmis ar briesmām un nebūsi vairs mūžīgi.
Merchants from the nations have hissed at you; you are utterly destroyed, and shall not be any more for ever.