< Ecechiela 19 >

1 Bet tu sāc raudu dziesmu par Israēla valdniekiem
Moreover do you take up a lamentation for the prince of Israel,
2 Un saki: kas bija tava māte? Lauvu māte starp lauvām apguldamās, viņa uzaudzināja savus bērnus starp jauniem lauvām.
and say, Why is your mother become a whelp in the midst of lions? in the midst of lions she has multiplied her whelps.
3 Un viņa uzaudzināja vienu no saviem bērniem, kas kļuva par jaunu lauvu un mācījās laupīt laupījumu, viņš aprija cilvēkus.
And one of her whelps sprang forth; he became a lion, and learned to take prey, he devoured men.
4 Kad tautas to par viņu dzirdēja, tad tas tapa gūstīts viņu bedrē, un tie viņu aizveda ar ķēdēm uz Ēģiptes zemi.
And the nations heard a report of him; he was caught in their pit, and they brought him into the land of Egypt in chains.
5 Kad viņa nu redzēja, ka bija velti un ka viņas cerība izzudusi, tad viņa ņēma citu no saviem bērniem un to cēla par jaunu lauvu.
And she saw that he was driven away from her, [and] her hope [of him] perished, and she took another of her whelps; she made him a lion.
6 Tas staigāja starp lauvām, kļuva par jaunu lauvu, un mācījās laupījumu laupīt, viņš aprija cilvēkus.
And he went up and down in the midst of lions, he became a lion, and learned to take prey, he devoured men.
7 Viņš atzina viņu atraitnes un postīja viņu pilsētas, tā ka zeme, un kas iekš tās, iztrūcinājās no viņa rūkšanas.
And he prowled in his boldness and laid waste their cities, and made the land desolate, and the fullness of it, by the voice of his roaring.
8 Tad tās tautas no apkārtējām valstīm cēlās pret viņu un izplēta savu tīklu pār viņu; viņu bedrē tas tapa gūstīts.
Then the nations set upon him from the countries round about, and they spread their nets upon him: he was taken in their pit.
9 Un tie viņu lika pinekļos un ķēdēs, un viņu aizveda pie Bābeles ķēniņa; tie viņu aizveda stiprās pilīs, ka viņa balss vairs netapa dzirdēta uz Israēla kalniem.
And they put him in chains and in a cage, [and] he came to the king of Babylon; and he cast him into prison, that his voice should not be heard on the mountains of Israel.
10 Tava māte bija kā vīna koks, tāpat kā tu, dēstīts pie ūdens, auglīgs un kupls pie lieliem ūdeņiem.
Your mother was as a vine and as a blossom on a pomegranate tree, planted by water: her fruit and her shoot abounded by reason of much water.
11 Un viņam bija stipri zari, kas derēja par valdītāju scepteriem, un viņš uzauga augsti kuplu zaru vidū un nāca redzams savā augstumā un savu zaru kuplumā.
And she became a rod for a tribe of princes, and was elevated in her bulk in the midst of [other] trees, and she saw her bulk in the multitude of her branches.
12 Bet viņš tapa izrauts ar bardzību un nomests pie zemes, un rīta vējš izkaltēja viņa augļus; viņa stiprās stīgas tapa nolauztas un sakalta, uguns tās aprija.
But she was broken down in wrath, she was cast upon the ground, and the east wind dried up her choice [branches]: vengeance came upon them, and the rod of her strength was withered; fire consumed it.
13 Un nu tas tuksnesī ir dēstīts, izkaltušā un iztvīkušā zemē.
And now they have planted her in the wilderness, in a dry land.
14 Un uguns ir izlēcis no viņa stīgu zara un ir aprijis viņa augļus, tā ka pie viņa vairs nav stipra zara par valdīšanas scepteri. Tā ir raudu dziesma un būs par raudu dziesmu.
And fire is gone out of a rod of her choice [boughs], and has devoured her; and there was no rod of strength in her. Her race is become a parable of lamentation, and it shall be for a lamentation.

< Ecechiela 19 >