< Ecechiela 16 >
1 Atkal Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying:
2 Cilvēka bērns, dari Jeruzālemei zināmas viņas negantības un saki:
Son of man Let Jerusalem know her abominations,
3 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs uz Jeruzālemi: tavs rads un tava dzimtene ir no Kanaāna zemes, tavs tēvs bija Amorietis, un tava māte Etiete.
Therefore shalt thou say— Thus saith My Lord. Yahweh To Jerusalem, Thine origin and thy birth, were of the land of the Canaanite, — Thy father was the Amorite And thy mother a Hittite
4 Un tava piedzimšana (bija tāda): tai dienā, kad tu dzimi, tava naba netapa apgraizīta, un ar ūdeni tu netapi mazgāta, ka kļūtu šķīsta, nedz ar sāli berzta, nedz autos ietīta.
And, as for thy birth, in the day thou wast born, Thy navel-cord was not cut, And, in water, wast thou not bathed to cleanse thee, — And, as for being salted, thou was not salted, And, as for being bandaged, thou wast not bandaged.
5 Neviena acs par tevi neapžēlojās, ka kaut kā žēlodama tevi būtu kopusi, bet tevi nometa laukā; tik nicināta bija tava dvēsele tai dienā, kad tu dzimi.
No eye, threw a shield over thee, by doing for thee one of these things taking pity on thee, - But thou wast cast out on the face of the field Because thy person, was abhorred, in the day thou wast born.
6 Kad Es tev garām gāju, tad Es tevi redzēju tavās asinīs saminamu, un sacīju uz tevi tavās asinīs: dzīvo! Tiešām, Es sacīju uz tevi tavās asinīs: dzīvo!
And I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, thrusting about thee in thy blood, And said to thee— Despite thy blood, live! Yea I said to thee— Despite thy blood, live!
7 Es tevi ļoti esmu vairojis, kā augļus tīrumā, un tu esi iezēlusi un uzaugusi un ienākusies lielā skaistumā. Tavas krūtis ir piebriedušas un tavi mati paauguši; bet tu biji kaila un plika.
Into myriads—like the bud of the field, made I thee, And thou didst increase and become well grown, and didst attain to most excellent adornments, — Thy breasts were well-formed And thy hair was grown, But thou thyself wast utterly naked.
8 Un kad Es tev garām gāju un tevi redzēju, raugi, tad bija tas laiks tevi iemīlēt. Tad Es Savus spārnus izpletu pār tevi un apsedzu tavu kailumu un tev zvērēju un nācu ar tevi derībā, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, un tu Man piederēji.
And I passed by thee and looked upon thee and lo! thy time was the time for endearments, So I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy shame, And took an oath to thee And entered into covenant with thee. Declareth My Lord. Yahweh. And thou didst become mine.
9 Un Es tevi mazgāju ar ūdeni un noskaloju tavas asinis no tevis un svaidīju tevi ar eļļu.
And I bathed thee in water, and rinsed thy blood from off thee, And anointed thee with oil;
10 Es tevi arī apģērbu ar izrakstītām drēbēm un tev apvilku pasarkanas kurpes, un tev apjozu šķīstu audekli un tevi apsedzu ar zīdu.
And clothed thee with an embroidered dress, And sandalled thee in red leather, And wrapped thee about with fine linen, And put over thee a mantle of silk.
11 Un Es tevi skaisti izpušķoju un liku gredzenus ap tavām rokām un ķēdi ap tavu kaklu.
Then decked I thee with ornaments, And put bracelets upon thy hands, And a neckchain upon thy throat;
12 Es liku arī pieres sprādzi pie tava vaiga un ausu sprādzi pie tavām ausīm un goda kroni uz tavu galvu.
And put a nose-jewel upon thy nose, And earrings in thine ears, And a crown of adorning, upon thy head.
13 Tā tu biji izgreznota ar zeltu un sudrabu, un tavas drēbes bija dārgs audeklis un zīds un izrakstīts darbs. Tu ēdi kviešus un medu un eļļu, un tu biji ļoti skaista, un tev izdevās labi, un tu tiki ķēniņa godā.
Thus wast thou adorned with gold and silver, And thy raiment was of fine linen and silk and embroidered work, Fine flour and honey and oil, didst thou eat, — And so thou becamest exceedingly beautiful, And didst attain unto royalty.
14 Un slava no tevis izgāja pa pagānu tautām par tavu skaistumu, jo tas bija pilnīgs caur Manu glītumu, ko Es tev biju pielicis, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
Then went forth thy fame among the nations. for thy beauty, - For perfect, it was—in my splendour which I had put upon thee, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.
15 Bet tu biji droša ar savu skaistumu un paļaudamās uz savu slavu tu paliki par mauku un padevies maucībā ikkatram, kas gāja garām, un viņam piederēji.
Then didst thou trust in thy beauty, And become unchaste, because of thy fame, - And didst pour out thine unchastity upon every passer-by, his it was!
16 Un tu ņēmi no savām drēbēm un taisīji sev raibus elku altārus un maukoji tur, kā vēl nav ne bijis, nedz būs.
Yea thou didst take of thy raiment and madest thee high places of hangings, And didst commit unchastity thereon, - Which ought not to have befallen And not to have come to pass.
17 Tu arī ņēmi Mana zelta un Mana sudraba jaukos glītumus, ko Es tev biju devis, un taisīji sev vīru tēlus un maukoji ar tiem.
But thou didst take thine adorning jewels Of my gold and of my silver which I had given thee, And didst make thee images of the male, — And didst act unchastely with them;
18 Un tu ņēmi savas izrakstītās drēbes un tās tiem uzsedzi, un liki Manu eļļu un Manas kvēpināmās zāles tiem priekšā.
And thou didst take thine embroidered raiment, and cover them, - And mine oil and mine incense, didst thou set before them;
19 Un Manu maizi, ko Es tev devu, miltus un eļļu un medu, ar ko Es tevi ēdināju, to arīdzan tu viņiem cēli priekšā par saldu smaržu. Tā tas noticis, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
And my food which I had given thee, Fine flour and oil and honey wherewith I fed thee, And didst set it before them for a satisfying odour Yea so it was, — Saith My Lord Yahweh.
20 Tu arī ņēmi savus dēlus un savas meitas, ko tu man biji dzemdējusi, un tos tiem upurēji par barību. Tā kā vēl par maz būtu, maucību vien dzīt,
And thou didst take thy sons and thy daughters, Whom thou hadst borne unto me, And didst sacrifice them unto them to be devoured, - Is this of thine unchastity. a light thing?
21 Tu arī Manus bērnus kāvi un tos nodevi, un tiem liki priekš viņiem caur uguni iet.
Yea thou didst slay my children, — And didst deliver them up. that they should be caused to pass through the fire unto them.
22 Un visā savā negantībā un savā maucībā tu nepieminēji savas jaunības dienas, kad tu biji plika un kaila un saminama savās asinīs.
And in all thine abominations, and thine unchaste ways, thou rememberedst not the days of thy youth, When thou wast utterly naked. When thou wast thrusting about thee in thy blood!
23 Un notika pēc visas tavas bezdievības, - (Vai! Vai tev! saka Tas Kungs Dievs.)
And it came to pass after all thy wickedness, Woe! Woe! to thee, Exclaimeth My Lord Yahweh;
24 Tu sev taisīji kalnu altārus un elku altārus ikkatrā ielā.
That thou didst build thee a brothel, — and didst make thee a height in every broadway:
25 Un pie visām ceļu jūtīm(sākumiem) tu uztaisīji savus elku altārus, un sagānīji savu skaistumu; tu izpleti savas kājas pret visiem, kas gāja garām, un dzini lielu maucību.
At the head of every road, didst thou build thy height, And bring thy beauty into disgust, And open thy feet to every passer-by, So didst thou make thine unchaste ways to abound.
26 Tu maukojies ar Ēģiptes bērniem, saviem kaimiņiem, kas lieli miesā un tu vairoji savu maukošanu, Mani kaitināt.
Then didst thou extend thine unchaste acts unto the sons of Egypt—thy neighbour great of flesh, - And caused thine unchaste ways to abound provoking me to anger.
27 Redzi! Tad Es Savu roku izstiepu pret tevi un atrāvu Savu nospriesto tiesu un tevi nodevu tavām ienaidniecēm, Fīlistu meitu prātam, kas tava negodīga ceļa dēļ kaunējās.
Lo! therefore, I have stretched out my hand against thee, And diminished thine allotted portion, — And have delivered thee up unto the desire of them who hate thee The daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of thy lewd way.
28 Un tad tu maukojies ar Asura bērniem, jo tu nevarēji gan dabūt; tiešām, tu ir ar tiem maukodamās nevarēji gan dabūt.
Thou didst also extend thine unchastity unto the sons of Assyria, because thou wast insatiable. Yet though thou didst behave unchastely with them, yet even so couldst thou not be satisfied,
29 Bet tu savu maukošanu vairoji līdz veikalnieku zemei, līdz Kaldejai, arī ar to tev nebija gan.
Thou didst therefore cause thine unchaste ways to abound unto the land of Canaan as towards Chaldea. Yet even herewith, wast thou not satisfied.
30 Tik kārīga ir tava sirds, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, ka tu tādas lietas dari, proti lielas maukas darbu;
How weak was thy heart! Exclaimeth My Lord Yahweh, — That thou couldst have done all these things, The doing of a lewd woman without shame:
31 Ka tu savus kalna altārus taisīji pie visām ceļu jūtīm un savus elku altārus taisīji ikkatrā ielā, un nebija kā cita mauka, smādēdama maukas algu;
That thou couldst have built thy brothel at the head of every road, And thy height, couldst have made in every broadway, - Yet becamest not as a harlot to lay claim to a harlot’s hire.
32 Tā kā laulības pārkāpēja sieva, kas sava vīra vietā pielaiž svešus.
A wife who committeth adultery, instead of her husband accepteth strangers.
33 Visām citām maukām top dota alga, bet tu savu algu dod visiem saviem drauģeļiem un tos apdāvini, lai tie visapkārt pie tevis nāk, ar tevi maukoties.
To all harlots, they give a present, — But, thou, didst give thy presents to all thy lovers, And didst bribe them to come in unto thee from every side, in thine unchastity!
34 Tā notiek pie tevis citādi, nekā pie citām sievām tavā maucībā, tādēļ ka neviens tev nedzenās pakaļ maukoties; tu piedāvā naudu, bet tev naudas nedod; citāda tu esi tapusi.
And so there came about in thee, the reverse of women, in thine unchastity, In that they did not follow thee for purposes of lewdness, — And in that thou gavest a present while, no present, was given to thee So didst thou become, the reverse.
35 Tādēļ, tu mauka, klausi Tā Kunga vārdu.
Therefore O harlot, hear thou the word of Yahweh;
36 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Tāpēc ka tavs kauns izgāzts un tavs kailums atklāts tavā maucībā ar taviem drauģeļiem un ar visiem taviem negantiem elkiem, ka tu esi izlējusi savu bērnu asinis, ko tiem esi devusi,
Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, — Because thy money, was poured out, and thy shame, was uncovered, in thine unchastity, unto thy lovers, —and unto all thine abominable manufactured gods, even as the blood of thy children, whom thou didst deliver up unto them,
37 Tādēļ redzi, Es sapulcināšu tavus drauģeļus, ar ko tu esi jaukusies, un visus, ko tu esi mīlinājusi, līdz ar visiem, ko tu esi ienīdējusi, un Es tos sapulcināšu visapkārt pret tevi, un atsegšu priekš viņiem tavu kaunu, ka tiem būs redzēt visu tavu plikumu.
Therefore behold me! gathering together all thy lovers unto whom thou didst make thyself pleasant, Even all whom thou lovedst, With all whom thou hatedst, — Yea I will gather them together unto thee from every side And will uncover thy shame unto them, And they shall see all thy shame.
38 Es tevi sodīšu pēc laulības pārkāpēju un asins izlējēju tiesas, un izliešu tavas asinis bargās dusmās.
So will I judge thee. with the judgments meted out to adulteresses and shedders of blood, - And will repay thee with the blood of indignation and jealousy;
39 Un Es tevi nodošu viņu rokā, un tie nolauzīs tavus kalna altārus un apgāzīs tavus elku altārus un tev novilks tavas drēbes un tev atņems tavus dārgos greznumus un tevi atstās pliku un kailu.
And will deliver thee into their hand. And they shall pull down thy brothel And break in pieces thy heights, And strip thee of thy raiment, And take away thine adorning jewels, - And leave thee utterly naked.
40 Un tie sasauks pret tevi ļaužu pulku un tevi nomētās ar akmeņiem un tevi sakaus ar saviem zobeniem.
Then will they bring up against thee a gathered host, And they will stone thee with stones, - And cut thee to pieces with their swords;
41 Un tavus namus tie sadedzinās ar uguni un tev nesīs tiesu priekš daudz sievu acīm. Es tavai maucībai darīšu galu, ka tu vairs nepiedāvāsi maukas algu.
And burn up thy houses with fire, And execute upon thee judgments before the eyes of many women, —So will I cause thee to cease from acting unchastely, Moreover also a present, shalt thou not give any more.
42 Un Es izdarīšu Savu bardzību pret tevi, ka Mana karstā dusmība atstājās no tevis un Es tieku pie miera un vairs nedusmojos.
So will I let mine indignation find rest in thee, And my jealousy shall depart from thee, —And I will be quiet, and not be provoked any more.
43 Tāpēc ka tu neesi pieminējusi savas jaunības dienas un Mani ar visu to kaitinājusi, redzi, tad ir Es metu tavus grēkus uz tavu galvu, saka Tas Kungs Dievs; lai tu vairs nepadodies bezkaunībai pie visām tavām negantībām.
Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, But hast enraged me with all these things Therefore also behold! I thy way, upon thine own head, will place Declareth My Lord Yahweh, And thou shalt not commit a crime above all thine abominations
44 Redzi, ikviens, kas runā līdzībās, par tevi sacīs: kāda māte, tāda meita.
Lo! every one who useth proverbs, against thee, shall use a proverb saying, — Like the mother, so her daughter!
45 Tu esi savas mātes meita, kas apnikusi savu vīru un savus bērnus, un tu esi savu māsu māsa, kas apnikušas savus vīrus un savus bērnus. Jūsu māte ir Etiete un jūsu tēvs Amorietis.
The daughter of thy mother, thou art! One abhorring her own husband and her own children, — Yea the sister of thy sisters, thou art Who abhorred their own husbands and their own children, Your mother was a Hittite, And your father an Amorite.
46 Tava vecākā māsa ir Samarija ar savām meitām, kas tev dzīvo pa kreiso roku, un tava jaunākā māsa, kas dzīvo pa tavu labo roku, tā ir Sodoma ar savām meitām.
And thine elder sister, was Samaria, she and her daughters, dwelling on thy left hand, — And thy sister younger than thou dwelling on thy right hand was Sodom and her daughters.
47 Bet tu neesi staigājusi viņu ceļos un neesi darījusi pēc viņu negantības tik mazu brīdi; tu esi palikusi niknāka pār viņām visos savos ceļos.
Yet not in their ways, didst thou walk, nor according to their abominations, didst thou do, — As though that were quite too little, thou didst corrupt thyself beyond them in all thy ways.
48 Tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, Sodoma, tava māsa, līdz ar savām meitām tā nav darījusi, kā tu esi darījusi ar savām meitām!
As I live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, Very! Sodom thy sister had not done, neither she nor her daughters, —as thou and thy daughters have done.
49 Redzi, šis bija tavas māsas Sodomas noziegums: lepnība un maizes pilnība un dzīve bez bēdām bija viņai un viņas meitām; bet nabagam un bēdīgam tā nesniedza roku.
Lo! this became the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, — Pride, fulness of bread, and careless security came to her and to her daughters, And the hand of the oppressed and the needy, she strengthened not.
50 Bet tie bija lepni un darīja negantības manā priekšā; to redzēdams Es tos esmu atmetis.
So then they became haughty, and committed abomination before me, - And I took them away. when I saw [it],
51 Arī Samarija ne uz pusi tik daudz nav grēkojusi kā tu, un tu esi darījusi vairāk negantības nekā viņa, tā ka tu savu māsu esi taisnojusi ar visām savām negantībām, ko tu darījusi.
Nor did, Samaria, commit, one-half thy sins, — But thou didst multiply thine abominations more than they, And didst cause thy sisters to appear righteous, by all the abominations which thou didst commit.
52 Tad tu nesi arī savu kaunu, kad esi aizstāvējusi savas māsas ar saviem grēkiem, jo tu negantākus esi darījusi, nekā tās; viņas ir taisnākas nekā tu. Tāpēc kaunies tu arī un nesi savu kaunu, tādēļ ka tu esi taisnojusi savas māsas.
Thou also bear thine own reproach, which thou didst adjudge to thy sisters, by thy sins in which thou wast more abominable than they, thou didst make them appear more righteous than thou, — Thou also, therefore turn thou pale and bear thine own reproach, for making thy sisters appear righteous!
53 Bet Es novērsīšu viņu cietumu, Sodomas un viņas meitu cietumu, un Samarijas un viņas meitu cietumu, un tavu cietumnieku cietumu viņu starpā,
When therefore I bring back their captivity, The captivity of Sodom and her daughters, And the captivity of Samaria and her daughters Then will I bring back thy captivities in their midst:
54 Lai tu nesi savu kaunu un kaunies par visu, ko esi darījusi, viņiem par iepriecināšanu.
That thou mayest bear thine own reproach, And take to thyself reproach because of all that thou didst in comforting them.
55 Kad tavas māsas, Sodoma un viņas meitas, atgriezīsies pie savas vecās būšanas, un Samarija ar savām meitām atgriezīsies pie savas vecās būšanas, tad ir tu ar savām meitām atgriezīsies pie savas vecās būšanas.
When thy sisters Sodom and her daughters shall return to their former estate, And Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate Then thou and thy daughters, shall return to your former estate.
56 Un tava māsa Sodoma nebija par valodu tavā mutē tavas lepnības laikā,
And Sodom thy sister was never heard in thy mouth, —In the day of thy pride:
57 Pirms tava bezdievība tapa atklāta, kā tanī laikā, kad tevi pulgoja Sīrijas meitas un visas apkārtējās Fīlistu meitas tevi nievāja no visām pusēm.
Before thy wickedness was discovered, As now, [thou art] the reproach of the daughters of Syria and all round about her the daughters of the Philistines, —who are despising thee on every side.
58 Tava bezkaunība un tavas negantības tev jānes, saka Tas Kungs.
As for thy crime and thine abominations, thou thyself, dost bear them, — Declareth Yahweh.
59 Jo tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Es tev darīšu tāpat, kā tu esi darījusi, kas esi nicinājusi zvērestu un lauzusi derību.
For Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Therefore will I deal with thee just as thou hast dealt, - In that thou didst despise an oath by breaking a covenant.
60 Bet Es pieminēšu Eavu derību, ko ar tevi esmu derējis tavas jaunības dienās, un Es celšu ar tevi mūžīgu derību.
Therefore will I remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, — And will establish for thee a covenant age-abiding.
61 Tad tu pieminēsi savus ceļus, un kaunēsies, kad uzņemsi savas lielās un mazās māsas, jo Es tev tās došu par meitām, lai tās gan nav no tavas derības.
Thou shalt therefore remember thy ways and take to thyself reproach, by receiving thy sisters. The older than thou, And the younger than thou, - And I will give them unto thee for daughters Though not by thine own covenant.
62 Jo Es apstiprināšu Savu derību ar tevi, un tu samanīsi, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs,
But I myself, will establish my covenant with thee— And thou shalt know that I, am Yahweh:
63 Lai tu to piemini un kaunies, un savu muti vairs neatdari sava kauna dēļ, kad Es tev visu piedošu, ko tu esi darījusi, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
To the end thou mayest remember and turn pale, and there be to thee no more, an opening of mouth, because of thy reproach, - In that I have accepted a propitiatory covering for thee as to all that thou hast done, Declareth My Lord. Yahweh.