< Otra Mozus 21 >
1 Šīs nu ir tās tiesas, ko tev viņiem būs likt priekšā.
“These are the regulations you are to present to them:
2 Ja tu pirksi Ebreju kalpu, tad tam būs sešus gadus kalpot, bet septītā tam par velti būs iziet svabadam.
If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to work for you for six years. But in the seventh year, he is to be freed without having to pay anything.
3 Ja tas viens pats ir nācis, tad tam būs vienam pašam iziet, ja viņš bijis laulāts vīrs, tad viņa sievai būs iziet līdz ar viņu.
If he was single when he came, he is to leave single. If he had a wife when he came, she is to leave with him.
4 Ja viņa kungs viņam sievu devis, un tā viņam dzemdējusi dēlus vai meitas, tad tai sievai un viņas bērniem būs palikt kungam, un viņam būs iziet vienam pašam.
If his master provides him a wife and she has children with him, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall be freed.
5 Bet ja tas kalps pats sacīs: es mīlēju savu kungu, savu sievu un savus bērnus, es negribu svabads iziet,
However, if the slave formally states, ‘I love my master and my wife and children; I do not want to be freed,’
6 Tad lai viņa kungs to ved Dieva priekšā, un tad lai to ved pie durvīm vai pie stenderes, un lai viņa kungs tam ausi izdur ar īlenu, un lai tas viņam kalpo mūžam.
then his master is to take him before the judges. Then he shall have him stand against the door or doorpost and use a metal tool to make a hole in his ear. Then he shall work for his master for life.
7 Un kad kas savu meitu pārdevis par kalponi, tad tai nebūs iziet, kā tie kalpi iziet.
If a man sells his daughter as a slave, she is not to be freed in the same way as male slaves.
8 Ja viņa savam kungam nepatīk, ka viņš to neņem par sievu, tad viņam būs ļaut, lai to izpērk; viņš viltīgi ar to darīdams to nevar pārdot svešai tautai.
If the man who chose her for himself is not pleased with her, he must let her be bought back. He is not permitted to sell her to foreigners, since he has been unfair to her.
9 Bet ja viņš to savam dēlam dod par sievu, tad lai viņai ir meitas tiesa.
If he chooses to give her to his son, he must treat her as a daughter.
10 Ja viņš tam citu ved, tad lai viņai nekā neatrauj no viņas barības, no viņas apsega un piedzīvošanas.
If he takes another woman, he must not reduce the food and clothing allowances and marital rights of the first.
11 Un ja viņš šās trīs lietas nedarīs, tad viņai būs velti(brīvai) iziet bez naudas.
If he doesn't give her these three things, she is free to leave without paying anything.
12 Kas cilvēku sit, ka tas mirst, tam būs tapt nokautam.
Anyone who hits and kills someone else must be executed.
13 Bet kad viņš ar viltu uz to nav glūnējis, bet Dievs ļāvis caur viņa roku tā notikt, tad es tev nosacīšu kādu vietu, kurp tam būs bēgt.
However, if it wasn't intentional and God let it happen, then I will arrange a place for you where they can run to and be safe.
14 Bet ja kas blēdīgi darījis pret savu tuvāko, viņu viltīgi nokaudams, tad arī no mana altāra tev to būs ņemt, ka tas tiek nokauts.
But if someone deliberately plans and purposely kills another, you must take them away from my altar and execute them.
15 Ja kas savu tēvu vai savu māti sit, tam būs tapt nokautam.
Anyone who hits their father or mother must be executed.
16 Ja kas cilvēku zog un viņu pārdod, un tas pie viņa top atrasts, tam būs tapt nokautam.
Anyone who kidnaps someone else must be executed, whether the victim is sold or is still in their possessions.
17 Arī kas savu tēvu vai savu māti lād, tam būs tapt nokautam.
Anyone who despises their father or mother must be executed.
18 Un ja vīri baras, un viens otru sit ar akmeni vai ar dūri, ka tas nemirst, bet tam uz gultas jāguļ;
If men are fighting and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist, and the injured man doesn't die but has to stay in bed,
19 Ja tas atkal uzceļas un iet ārā ar savu spieķi, tad tam, kas viņu sita, būs būt nenoziedzīgam; viņam tikai būs maksāt, ko tas ir aizkavējis un būs to it labi likt dziedināt.
and then gets up and walks around outside with his walking stick, then the one who hit him won't be punished, Even so, he must still compensate the man for the time lost from his work and make sure that he's completely healed.
20 Un ja kas savu kalpu vai kalponi ar koku sit, ka tas apakš viņa rokas mirst, pie tā to it tiešām būs atriebt.
Anyone who hits their male or female slave with a rod, and the slave dies as a result, must be punished.
21 Bet ja viņš vienu vai divas dienas paliek pie dzīvības, tad to nebūs atriebt, jo tas ir ar viņa naudu pirkts.
However, if after a day or two the slave gets better, the owner won't be punished because the slave is their property.
22 Un kad vīri baras un sit grūtu sievu, ka viņas auglis noiet, bet tomēr viņai pašai nekāda vaina nenotiek, tad to ar naudu būs sodīt, cik tās sievas vīrs viņam noprasa un tam to būs dot pēc soģu sprieduma.
If men who are fighting happen to hit a pregnant woman so she gives birth prematurely, but no serious injury occurs, he must be fined whatever amount the woman's husband demands and as permitted by the judges.
23 Bet ja tai kāda nelaime būs, tad tam būs dot dvēseli pret dvēseli,
But if a serious injury does occur, then you must pay a life for a life,
24 Aci pret aci, zobu pret zobu, roku pret roku,
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot,
25 Kāju pret kāju, degunu pret degunu, vāti pret vāti, trumu(rētu) pret trumu.
a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, and a bruise for a bruise.
26 Un ja kas savu kalpu vai savu kalponi acī sit un to samaitā, tam būs viņu svabadu atlaist tās acs labad.
Anyone who hits their male or female slave in the eye and blinds them must free the slave as compensation for the eye.
27 Un ja viņš sava kalpa vai savas kalpones zobu izsit, tad tam viņu būs atlaist tā zoba labad.
Anyone who knocks out the tooth of their male or female slave must free the slave as compensation for the tooth.
28 Un ja kāds vērsis vai vīru vai sievu sabada, ka mirst, tad to vērsi akmeņiem būs nomētāt un viņa gaļu nebūs ēst, bet tā vērša kungam būs būt nenoziedzīgam.
If an ox uses its horns to kill a man or woman, the ox must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the ox won't be punished.
29 Bet ja tas vērsis jau papriekš bijis badīgs, un tas viņa kungam ir teikts, un viņš to nav sargājis, un tas nobada vai vīru vai sievu, tad tam vērsim akmeņiem būs tapt nomētātam un viņa kungam arīdzan būs tapt nokautam.
But if the ox has repeatedly hurt people with its horns, and its owner has been warned but still doesn't keep it under control, and it kills a man or woman, then the ox must be stoned to death and its owner must also be executed.
30 Ja viņam top nospriesta izpirkšana, tad tam par savas dvēseles izglābšanu būs dot visu, kas viņam top nospriests.
But if instead the payment of compensation is required, the owner may buy back his or her life by paying the full amount of compensation demanded.
31 Ja tas (vērsis) dēlu vai meitu ir badījis, tad tam būs darīt pēc šīs tiesas.
If the ox uses its horns and kills a son or a daughter the same rule is applicable.
32 Ja tas vērsis kalpu vai kalponi bada, tad lai viņa kungs dod trīsdesmit sudraba sēķeļus, un to vērsi akmeņiem lai nomētā.
If the ox uses its horns and kills a male or female slave, the owner of the ox must pay thirty shekels of silver to the slave's master, and the ox must be stoned to death.
33 Un ja kas aku attaisa, vai ja kas aku rok un neapsedz, un tur kāds vērsis vai ēzelis krīt iekšā,
If someone removes the cover of a cistern or digs one and doesn't cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls into it,
34 Tad lai tās akas kungs to maksā, lai atdod (tā lopa) kungam to naudu, bet to maitu lai patur.
the owner of the pit must pay compensation to the animal's owner and keep the dead animal.
35 Un ja kaut kāda vērsis bada sava tuvākā vērsi, ka tas mirst, tad to dzīvo vērsi būs pārdot un to naudu dalīt, un to maitu būs arī dalīt.
If someone's ox injures another's ox and it dies, they must sell the live one and share money received; they must also share the dead animal.
36 Bet ja tas bijis zināms, ka tas vērsis papriekš bijis badīgs, un viņa kungs to nav sargājis, tad lai vērsi pret vērsi atdod, bet to maitu lai patur.
But if it was known that the ox had repeatedly hurt people with its horns, and its owner had been warned but still didn't keep it under control, full compensation must be paid, ox for ox, but the owner can keep the dead animal.”