< Otra Mozus 2 >

1 Un viens vīrs no Levja nama nogāja un apņēma Levja meitu.
(There was a man who/My father) was descended from [Jacob’s son] Levi. He married a woman who was [also] descended from Levi.
2 Un tā sieva tapa grūta un dzemdēja dēlu. Kad nu tā redzēja viņu esam skaistu, tad tā viņu paslēpa trīs mēnešus.
She became pregnant and gave birth to (a baby boy/me). When she saw that he/I was a good-looking baby, she hid him/me for three months, [because she was not willing to do what the king commanded].
3 Bet kad viņu vairs nevarēja paslēpt, tad tā ņēma priekš viņa niedru šķirstiņu un to aptraipīja ar piķi un sveķiem, ielika to bērnu tur iekšā, un to nolika niedrēs upmalā.
When she was unable to (hide him/me/keep it a secret) any longer, she got a basket made from tall reeds. She covered the basket with tar ([to make it waterproof/so water could not get in]). Then she put him/me in the basket and put the basket in [the water] in the middle of the tall grass at the edge of the Nile [River].
4 Un viņa māsa stāvēja no tālienes, nolūkot, kas tam notiktu.
His/My older sister was standing not far away, [watching to see] what would happen to him/me.
5 Tad Faraona meita nonāca upē mazgāties, un viņas jumpravas staigāja upes malā. Un viņa redzēja to šķirstu niedru vidū un sūtīja savu kalponi un lika to atnest.
[Soon] the king’s daughter went down to the river to bathe. Her female servants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket amid the tall grass [in the river]. So she sent [one of] her servants to get it.
6 Kad nu viņa to atvēra, tad tā redzēja to bērniņu, un raugi, tas puisēns raudāja, un viņa par to apžēlojās un sacīja: šis ir viens no tiem Ebreju bērniņiem.
When [the servant brought the basket to her], she opened it, and was surprised to see (a baby that was/me), crying. She felt sorry for him/me, and said, “This [must] be one of the Hebrews’ babies.”
7 Tad viņa māsa sacīja uz Faraona meitu: vai man būs iet un tev aicināt zīdītāju no Ebreju sievām, kas tev to bērnu var zīdināt?
Then (the baby’s/my) [older] sister [approached] the king’s daughter and said, “Do you want me to go and find someone from among the Hebrew women who will [be able to] nurse the baby for you?”
8 Un Faraona meita uz to sacīja: ej! Un tā meitene nogāja un aicināja tā bērniņa māti.
The king’s daughter said to her, “[Yes], go [and find one].” So the girl went and summoned (the baby’s/my) mother.
9 Un Faraona meita uz viņu sacīja: ņem šo bērniņu un zīdi man to, es tev došu tavu algu. Un tā sieva ņēma to bērniņu un to zīdīja.
The king’s daughter said to her, “[Please] take this baby and nurse him for me. I will pay you [for doing that].” So (the woman/my mother) took him/me and nursed him/me.
10 Un kad tas bērniņš bija paaudzis, tad viņa to noveda pie Faraona meitas, un tas viņai tapa par dēlu, un tā viņa vārdu nosauca Mozu (izvilktais), sacīdama: tāpēc, ka es to no ūdens esmu izvilkusi.
([A few years later]/when (the child/I) grew [older]), she brought him/me to the king’s daughter. She adopted him/me [as though I was] her own son. She named him/me Moses, [which sounds like the Hebrew words ‘pull out’], because she said “I pulled him out of the water.”
11 Un notika tanīs dienās, kad Mozus bija uzaudzis, tad viņš izgāja pie saviem brāļiem un apraudzīja viņu grūtumu un redzēja ēģiptiešu vīru sitam vienu Ebreju vīru, vienu no viņa brāļiem.
One day, after Moses/I had grown up, he/I went out [of the palace area] to see his/my people, [the Hebrews]. He/I saw how they were being [forced to work] very hard. He/I [also] saw an Egyptian [man] beating one of his/my Hebrew people.
12 Un viņš skatījās šurp un turp un redzēdams, ka tur neviena nebija, viņš to Ēģiptieti nosita un to apslēpa smiltīs.
He/I looked around [to see if anyone was watching]. Seeing no one, he/I killed the Egyptian man and buried his [body] in the sand.
13 Un viņš izgāja otrā dienā un redzi, divi Ebreju vīri bārās; un viņš sacīja uz to vainīgo: kāpēc tu siti savu tuvāko?
The next day he/I returned [to the same place]. He/I was surprised to see two Hebrew men who were fighting [each other]. He/I said to the man who started the fight, “Why are you (you should not be) striking your fellow [Hebrew].”
14 Tad tas sacīja: kas tevi mums licis par virsnieku jeb soģi? Vai tu tā saki, mani arīdzan gribēdams nokaut, kā tu to Ēģiptieti esi nokāvis? Tad Mozus bijās un sacīja: patiesi šī lieta ir tapusi zināma.
The man replied, “(Who made you our ruler and judge?/No one made you our ruler and judge!) [RHQ] [You have no right to interfere with us] Are you going to kill me just like you killed that Egyptian man [yesterday]?” Then Moses/I was afraid, [because] he/I thought, “[Since that man knows what I did], surely [other people] know, [too].”
15 Kad nu Faraons šo lietu dzirdēja, tad viņš meklēja Mozu nokaut, un Mozus bēga no Faraona un mita Midijanas zemē un apmetās pie vienas akas.
[And that was correct]. The king heard about what he/I had done [to that Egyptian. So he ordered his soldiers to] execute/kill Moses/me. But he/I fled from the king [and left Egypt. He/I traveled east to] the Midian [region] and started to live there.
16 Un Midijanas priesterim bija septiņas meitas; tās nāca smelt un pildīja ūdens siles, dzirdināt sava tēva avis.
The man who was the (priest/one who offered the people’s gifts to God) for the Midian people, [whose name was Jethro], had seven daughters. [One day] as Moses/I sat down beside a well, those girls came [to the well] and got water, and filled the troughs in order to give water to their father’s flock [of sheep].
17 Bet tie gani nāca un tās nodzina, un Mozus cēlās tām palīgā un dzirdināja viņu avis.
Some (shepherds/men who took care of other sheep) came and started to chase away the girls. But Moses/I helped/rescued the girls, and got water for their sheep.
18 Un kad tās nāca pie sava tēva Reguēļa, tad viņš sacīja: kā tad jūs šodien tik drīz esat pārnākušas?
When the girls returned to their father [Jethro], [whose other name is] Reuel, he asked them, “How is it that you were able to [give water to the sheep and] come home so quickly today?”
19 Tad tās sacīja: viens ēģiptiešu vīrs mūs izglābis no to ganu rokas, un viņš mums arī smēlis un dzirdinājis mūsu avis.
They replied, “A man from Egypt kept [MTY] other shepherds from sending us away. He also got water for us [from the well] and gave water to the flock [of sheep].”
20 Un tas sacīja uz savām meitām: kur tad viņš ir? Kāpēc jūs šo vīru tur esat atstājušas. Aicinājiet to, maizi ēst.
He said to his daughters, “Where is he? (Why did you leave him [out there]?/You should not leave him [out there]!) [RHQ] Invite him [in], so he can have something to eat [MTY]!”
21 Un Mozum bija pa prātam, palikt pie tā vīra, un tas deva Mozum savu meitu Ciporu par sievu.
[So they did], and Moses/I [accepted and ate with them]. And Moses/I decided to live there. Later Jethro gave him/me his daughter Zipporah [to be his/my wife].
22 Tā viņam dzemdēja dēlu, un tas viņa vārdu nosauca Geršomu (piemitējs), sacīdams: es esmu piemitējs svešā zemē.
Later she gave birth to a son, and Moses/I named him Gershom, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘foreigner’], because he/I said, “I am living as a foreigner in [this] land.”
23 Un ilgu laiku pēc tam Ēģiptes ķēniņš nomira un Israēla bērni nopūtās un brēca par to kalpošanu, un viņu brēkšana par to kalpošanu uzkāpa pie Dieva.
Many years later the king of Egypt died. The Israeli people [in Egypt] were still groaning because of the [hard work they had to do as] slaves. They called out for [someone to] help them, and God heard them call out [PRS].
24 Un Dievs dzirdēja viņu nopūtas, un pieminēja Savu derību ar Ābrahāmu, Īzaku un Jēkabu.
He heard them groaning. And he (thought about/did not forget) that he had solemnly promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [to bless their descendants].
25 Un Dievs uzlūkoja Israēla bērnus un Dievs ņēma to vērā.
God saw how the Israeli people were [being badly treated], and he was concerned about them.

< Otra Mozus 2 >