< Otra Mozus 2 >

1 Un viens vīrs no Levja nama nogāja un apņēma Levja meitu.
And there goes a man of the house of Levi, and he takes the daughter of Levi,
2 Un tā sieva tapa grūta un dzemdēja dēlu. Kad nu tā redzēja viņu esam skaistu, tad tā viņu paslēpa trīs mēnešus.
and the woman conceives, and bears a son, and she sees him, that he [is] beautiful, and she hides him [for] three months,
3 Bet kad viņu vairs nevarēja paslēpt, tad tā ņēma priekš viņa niedru šķirstiņu un to aptraipīja ar piķi un sveķiem, ielika to bērnu tur iekšā, un to nolika niedrēs upmalā.
and she has not been able to hide him anymore, and she takes an ark of rushes for him, and covers it with bitumen and with pitch, and puts the boy in it, and puts [it] in the weeds by the edge of the River;
4 Un viņa māsa stāvēja no tālienes, nolūkot, kas tam notiktu.
and his sister stations herself far off, to know what is done to him.
5 Tad Faraona meita nonāca upē mazgāties, un viņas jumpravas staigāja upes malā. Un viņa redzēja to šķirstu niedru vidū un sūtīja savu kalponi un lika to atnest.
And a daughter of Pharaoh comes down to bathe at the River, and her girls are walking by the side of the River, and she sees the ark in the midst of the weeds, and sends her handmaid, and she takes it,
6 Kad nu viņa to atvēra, tad tā redzēja to bērniņu, un raugi, tas puisēns raudāja, un viņa par to apžēlojās un sacīja: šis ir viens no tiem Ebreju bērniņiem.
and opens, and sees him—the boy, and behold, a child weeping! And she has pity on him and says, “This is [one] of the Hebrews’ children.”
7 Tad viņa māsa sacīja uz Faraona meitu: vai man būs iet un tev aicināt zīdītāju no Ebreju sievām, kas tev to bērnu var zīdināt?
And his sister says to the daughter of Pharaoh, “Do I go? When I have called a suckling woman of the Hebrews for you, then she suckles the boy for you”;
8 Un Faraona meita uz to sacīja: ej! Un tā meitene nogāja un aicināja tā bērniņa māti.
and the daughter of Pharaoh says to her, “Go”; and the virgin goes, and calls the mother of the boy,
9 Un Faraona meita uz viņu sacīja: ņem šo bērniņu un zīdi man to, es tev došu tavu algu. Un tā sieva ņēma to bērniņu un to zīdīja.
and the daughter of Pharaoh says to her, “Take this boy away, and suckle him for me, and I give your hire”; and the woman takes the boy, and suckles him.
10 Un kad tas bērniņš bija paaudzis, tad viņa to noveda pie Faraona meitas, un tas viņai tapa par dēlu, un tā viņa vārdu nosauca Mozu (izvilktais), sacīdama: tāpēc, ka es to no ūdens esmu izvilkusi.
And the boy grows, and she brings him to the daughter of Pharaoh, and he is to her for a son, and she calls his name Moses, and says, “Because I have drawn him from the water.”
11 Un notika tanīs dienās, kad Mozus bija uzaudzis, tad viņš izgāja pie saviem brāļiem un apraudzīja viņu grūtumu un redzēja ēģiptiešu vīru sitam vienu Ebreju vīru, vienu no viņa brāļiem.
And it comes to pass, in those days, that Moses is grown, and he goes out to his brothers, and looks on their burdens, and sees a man, an Egyptian, striking a man, a Hebrew, [one] of his brothers,
12 Un viņš skatījās šurp un turp un redzēdams, ka tur neviena nebija, viņš to Ēģiptieti nosita un to apslēpa smiltīs.
and he turns here and there, and sees that there is no man, and strikes the Egyptian, and hides him in the sand.
13 Un viņš izgāja otrā dienā un redzi, divi Ebreju vīri bārās; un viņš sacīja uz to vainīgo: kāpēc tu siti savu tuvāko?
And he goes out on the second day, and behold, two men, Hebrews, are striving, and he says to the wrongdoer, “Why do you strike your neighbor?”
14 Tad tas sacīja: kas tevi mums licis par virsnieku jeb soģi? Vai tu tā saki, mani arīdzan gribēdams nokaut, kā tu to Ēģiptieti esi nokāvis? Tad Mozus bijās un sacīja: patiesi šī lieta ir tapusi zināma.
And he says, “Who set you for a head and judge over us? Are you saying [it] to slay me as you have slain the Egyptian?” And Moses fears and says, “Surely the thing has been known.”
15 Kad nu Faraons šo lietu dzirdēja, tad viņš meklēja Mozu nokaut, un Mozus bēga no Faraona un mita Midijanas zemē un apmetās pie vienas akas.
And Pharaoh hears of this thing, and seeks to slay Moses, and Moses flees from the face of Pharaoh, and dwells in the land of Midian, and dwells by the well.
16 Un Midijanas priesterim bija septiņas meitas; tās nāca smelt un pildīja ūdens siles, dzirdināt sava tēva avis.
And to a priest of Midian [are] seven daughters, and they come and draw, and fill the troughs to water the flock of their father,
17 Bet tie gani nāca un tās nodzina, un Mozus cēlās tām palīgā un dzirdināja viņu avis.
and the shepherds come and drive them away, and Moses arises, and saves them, and waters their flock.
18 Un kad tās nāca pie sava tēva Reguēļa, tad viņš sacīja: kā tad jūs šodien tik drīz esat pārnākušas?
And they come to their father Reuel, and he says, “Why have you hurried to come in today?”
19 Tad tās sacīja: viens ēģiptiešu vīrs mūs izglābis no to ganu rokas, un viņš mums arī smēlis un dzirdinājis mūsu avis.
And they say, “A man, an Egyptian, has delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and has also diligently drawn for us, and waters the flock”;
20 Un tas sacīja uz savām meitām: kur tad viņš ir? Kāpēc jūs šo vīru tur esat atstājušas. Aicinājiet to, maizi ēst.
and he says to his daughters, “And where [is] he? Why [is] this [that] you left the man? Call for him, and he eats bread.”
21 Un Mozum bija pa prātam, palikt pie tā vīra, un tas deva Mozum savu meitu Ciporu par sievu.
And Moses is willing to dwell with the man, and he gives his daughter Zipporah to Moses,
22 Tā viņam dzemdēja dēlu, un tas viņa vārdu nosauca Geršomu (piemitējs), sacīdams: es esmu piemitējs svešā zemē.
and she bears a son, and he calls his name Gershom, for he said, “I have been a sojourner in a strange land.”
23 Un ilgu laiku pēc tam Ēģiptes ķēniņš nomira un Israēla bērni nopūtās un brēca par to kalpošanu, un viņu brēkšana par to kalpošanu uzkāpa pie Dieva.
And it comes to pass during these many days, that the king of Egypt dies, and the sons of Israel sigh because of the service, and cry, and their cry goes up to God, because of the service;
24 Un Dievs dzirdēja viņu nopūtas, un pieminēja Savu derību ar Ābrahāmu, Īzaku un Jēkabu.
and God hears their groaning, and God remembers His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob;
25 Un Dievs uzlūkoja Israēla bērnus un Dievs ņēma to vērā.
and God sees the sons of Israel, and God knows.

< Otra Mozus 2 >