< Otra Mozus 14 >
1 Tad Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 Runā uz Israēla bērniem, lai tie griežas un apmet lēģeri pret Pi Hahirotleiju, starp Migdolu un jūru, šaipus Baāl Cevonas; tai pretī jums būs lēģeri apmest pie jūras.
“Tell the Israeli people to turn around and go back and set up their tents in front of Pi-Hahiroth [town]. That town is between Migdol and the sea, across from Baal-Zephon [town]. Set up your tents there, close to the sea.
3 Tad Faraons sacīs no Israēla bērniem, tie ir apmaldījušies tai zemē, tuksnesis tiem ir visapkārt.
When the king [knows you have done that], he will think, ‘The Israeli people are confused. They are wandering around, and the desert blocks their path.’
4 Un Es apcietināšu Faraona sirdi, ka tas viņiem dzīsies pakaļ, un Es pagodināšos pie Faraona un pie visa viņa spēka, tā ka ēģiptiešiem būs atzīt, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs. Un tie tā darīja.
But I will make the king stubborn [again], and he will [take his army and] pursue you. Then my people will praise/thank me for winning a victory over the king and his army. And the Egyptians will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].” So [Moses/I told my people that, and] they did what he/I told them to do.
5 Kad nu Ēģiptes ķēniņam tapa sacīts, tos ļaudis bēgam, tad Faraona un viņa kalpu sirdis pārvērtās pret tiem ļaudīm un tie sacīja: ko mēs esam darījuši, Israēli atlaizdami, ka tie mums vairs nekalpo?
When someone told the king that the Israeli people had left [during the night], he and his officials changed their minds and said, “(What have we done?/What we have done was stupid!) [RHQ] The Israeli people will no longer be our slaves!”
6 Un viņš iejūdza savus ratus un ņēma līdz savus ļaudis.
So the king got his chariot and his army ready.
7 Un viņš ņēma sešsimt izlasītus ratus un visus Ēģiptes zemes ratus un virsniekus pār tiem visiem.
Then he selected 600 of the best chariots, and in each chariot he placed a driver, a soldier, and a commander, and they left. Other chariots, with a driver and a soldier in each of them, also went along.
8 Un Tas Kungs apcietināja Faraona, Ēģiptes ķēniņa, sirdi, ka tas Israēla bērniem dzinās pakaļ; bet Israēla bērni izgāja caur augstu(stipru) roku.
Because Yahweh made the king of Egypt so stubborn that he and his army went to pursue the Israelis, who were leaving triumphantly,
9 Un ēģiptieši tiem dzinās pakaļ un tos panāca, kur tie lēģeri bija apmetuši pie jūras, visi Faraona zirgi, rati un viņa jātnieki un viņa spēks pie Pi Hahirotleijas pret Baāl Cefonu.
the Egyptian army, with all the king’s horses and chariots and horsemen, pursued the Israelis. They caught up with them as they were camped near the sea, close to Pi-Hahiroth, in front of Baal-Zephon [town].
10 Kad nu Faraons bija tuvu pie tiem, tad Israēla bērni pacēla savas acis, un redzi, ēģiptieši dzinās viņiem pakaļ; un Israēla bērni ļoti bijās un brēca uz To Kungu.
When the king’s army got near, the Israeli people were surprised to see that the Egyptians were marching toward them. They were terrified; so they cried out to Yahweh [to help them].
11 Un tie sacīja uz Mozu: vai nebija kapenes Ēģiptes zemē, ka tu mūs esi aizvedis, lai mirstam tuksnesī? Kāpēc tu mums to esi darījis, ka tu mūs esi izvedis no Ēģiptes zemes.
Then they said to Moses/me, “Is it because there were no places in Egypt [where we could] be buried that you have brought us here to die in this desert [RHQ]? Look what you have done to us by bringing us out of Egypt [RHQ]!
12 Vai tā nav tā valoda, ko mēs Ēģiptes zemē uz tevi runājām sacīdami: atstājies no mums, un lai kalpojam ēģiptiešiem; jo tas mums būtu labāki bijis, kalpot ēģiptiešiem, nekā mirt tuksnesī.
That is what we told you when we were in Egypt! We said, ‘Leave us alone, and let us work for the Egyptians [RHQ]!’ It would have been better for us to be slaves for the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!”
13 Tad Mozus sacīja uz tiem ļaudīm: nebīstaties, pastāviet un lūkojiet Tā Kunga pestīšanu, ko Viņš šodien jums darīs. Jo tos ēģiptiešus, ko jūs šodien redzat, jūs mūžam vairs neredzēsiet.
Moses/I replied to the people, “Do not be afraid! Be brave, and see how Yahweh will rescue you! He will save you today, and the result will be that the Egyptians that you are looking at today—you will never see them again!
14 Tas Kungs karos par jums, un jūs būsiet mierā.
Yahweh will fight for you! Just keep quiet. There is nothing else that you will have to do.”
15 Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: ko tu brēc uz Mani? Saki Israēla bērniem, lai dodās ceļā.
Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Tell the people to stop crying out for me [to help them], and tell them to go forward. Lift up your stick and stretch it out toward the sea. The water will divide, so that all you Israeli people can go in the middle of the sea, walking on dry ground.
16 Un tu pacel savu zizli un izstiep savu roku pār jūru un pāršķir to, ka Israēla bērni var iziet cauri caur jūras vidu pa sausumu.
17 Un redzi, Es apcietināšu ēģiptiešu sirdi, ka tie ies viņiem pakaļ, un Es pagodināšos pie Faraona un pie visa viņa spēka, pie viņa ratiem un pie viņa jātniekiem.
I will make the Egyptians stubborn, so that they will try to follow you. And then as a result of [what I will do to the] king and his army and his chariots and his horsemen, [my people] will praise/thank me.
18 Un ēģiptiešiem būs atzīt, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, kad Es pagodināšos pie Faraona, pie viņa ratiem un pie viņa jātniekiem.
And when I have won a glorious [victory] over the king and his chariots and his horsemen, the [other] Egyptians will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
19 Un tas Dieva eņģelis, kas Israēla lēģerim gāja papriekš, cēlās un apstājās aiz viņiem, un tas padebeša stabs cēlās arīdzan no viņu priekšas un apstājās aiz viņiem.
Then the angel of God, who had been in front of the Israeli people, moved and went behind them. The tall bright cloud that had been in front of them also moved behind them,
20 Un tas nāca starp ēģiptiešu lēģeri un Israēla lēģeri, un tas padebesis bija (ēģiptiešiem) tumšs un darīja (Israēla bērniem) nakti gaišu, tā ka cauru nakti tie nevarēja tikt pie šiem.
until it was between the Egyptian army and the Israeli people. The cloud caused the Egyptian army to be in the dark but it gave light for the Israelis. As a result, neither group could come near the other group during the whole night.
21 Kad nu Mozus savu roku izstiepa pār jūru, tad Tas Kungs tai jūrai lika notecēt caur stipru austriņu visu nakti, un darīja to jūru sausu, un tas ūdens pāršķīrās.
[That evening], Moses/I stretched out his/my hand toward the sea. Then Yahweh sent a strong wind from the east. It blew all night and pushed the water apart, and it caused the ground between the water to dry up.
22 Un Israēla bērni iegāja jūras vidū sausām kājām, un tas ūdens tiem bija par mūri pa labo un kreiso roku.
Then we Israeli people went on the dry land in the middle of the sea. The water was like a wall on each side of us, on the right side and on the left side.
23 Un ēģiptieši tiem dzinās pakaļ un iegāja tiem pakaļ, visi Faraona zirgi, viņa rati un viņa jātnieki jūras vidū.
Then the Egyptian army pursued them, and went after them into the middle of the sea, with their horses and their chariots and the chariot-drivers.
24 Un notikās rīta krēslā, tad Tas Kungs skatījās tai uguns un padebeša stabā uz ēģiptiešu karaspēku un iztrūcināja ēģiptiešu karaspēku.
Just before dawn, Yahweh looked down from the fiery cloud, and then he caused the Egyptian army to panic.
25 Un nogrūda tos riteņus no viņu ratiem, ka tiem grūti nācās tikt projām; tad ēģiptieši sacīja: lai bēgam no Israēla, jo Tas Kungs karo priekš viņiem pret ēģiptiešiem.
He caused the wheels of the chariots to get stuck [in the mud], so that they could hardly move. So the Egyptians said, “Yahweh is fighting for the Israelis and against us; let’s get out of here!”
26 Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: izstiep savu roku pār jūru, ka tas ūdens sagāžas pār ēģiptiešiem, pār viņu ratiem un pār viņu jātniekiem.
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Stretch out your arm toward the sea again. Then the water will come back on the Egyptians and on their chariots and their horsemen.”
27 Tad Mozus savu roku izstiepa pār jūru, un tā jūra atgriezās pašā rīta krēslā savā straumē, un ēģiptieši bēga viņai pretī, un Tas Kungs iegāza ēģiptiešus jūras vidū.
So Moses/I stretched out his/my arm, and as the sun was rising, the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape, but Yahweh hurled them back into the sea.
28 Un tas ūdens griezās atpakaļ un apklāja ratus un jātniekus, visu Faraona spēku, kas viņiem jūrā bija gājis pakaļ, ka neviens no tiem neatlika.
The water returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen and the whole Egyptian army that had tried to follow us Israelis into the sea. Every one of the Egyptians drowned.
29 Bet Israēla bērni gāja sausām kājām caur jūras vidu, un ūdens tiem bija par mūri pa labo un kreiso roku.
But we Israeli people had already crossed through the sea by walking on dry ground, with the water being [like two] walls, one on the right side and one on the left side.
30 Tā Tas Kungs tanī dienā izglāba Israēli no ēģiptiešu rokas, un Israēls redzēja ēģiptiešus nomirušus jūras malā.
That is the way Yahweh saved the Israeli people from the Egyptian army on that day. The Israeli people saw the Egyptians lying dead, [with their bodies washed up] on the shore.
31 Israēls redzēja arīdzan to stipro roku, ko Tas Kungs pie ēģiptiešiem bija parādījis. Un tie ļaudis bijās To Kungu un ticēja Tam Kungam un Viņa kalpam Mozum.
The Israelis saw what Yahweh did to the Egyptians by his great power [MTY], and they were in awe of Yahweh. They trusted in Yahweh and they also trusted Moses/me.