< Otra Mozus 11 >
1 Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: Vēl vienu mocību Es vedīšu pār Faraonu un pār Ēģiptes zemi; pēc tam viņš jūs atlaidīs no šejienes; kad viņš jūs pilnīgi atlaidīs, tad viņš dzītin jūs izdzīs no šejienes.
And YHWH says to Moses, “One more plague I bring in on Pharaoh and on Egypt, afterward he sends you away from this; when he is sending you away, he surely casts you out from this [place] altogether;
2 Runā jel priekš to ļaužu ausīm, lai ikviens vīrs no sava tuvākā un ikviena sieva no savas tuvākās prasa sudraba traukus un zelta traukus.
now speak in the ears of the people, and they ask—each man from his neighbor, and each woman from her neighbor—[for] vessels of silver and vessels of gold.”
3 Un Tas Kungs tiem ļaudīm deva žēlastību ēģiptiešu acis; un tas vīrs Mozus bija ļoti augsti turēts Ēģiptes zemē Faraona kalpu acis un to ļaužu acīs.
And YHWH gives the grace of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians; also the man Moses [is] very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of the servants of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of the people.
4 Un Mozus sacīja: tā Tas Kungs saka: ap pusnakti Es iziešu pa Ēģiptes vidu.
And Moses says, “Thus said YHWH: About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt,
5 Un visiem pirmdzimušiem Ēģiptes zemē būs mirt, no Faraona pirmdzimušā, kas sēž uz goda krēsla, līdz kalpones pirmdzimušam, kas ir aiz dzirnavām, un visiem lopu pirmdzimušiem.
and every firstborn in the land of Egypt has died, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on his throne, to the firstborn of the maidservant who [is] behind the millstones, and all the firstborn of beasts;
6 Un liela brēkšana būs Ēģiptes zemē, kāda nav bijusi un kāda vairs nebūs.
and there has been a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there has not been, and such as there is not again;
7 Bet pie visiem Israēla bērniem ne suns savu mēli nekustinās, no cilvēkiem līdz lopiem, lai jūs ziniet, ka Tas Kungs dara starpību starp ēģiptiešiem un Israēli.
and against all the sons of Israel a dog does not sharpen its tongue, from man even to beast, so that you know that YHWH makes a separation between the Egyptians and Israel.
8 Tad visi šie tavi kalpi nonāks pie manis un klanīsies priekš manis un sacīs: izej, tu un visi ļaudis, kas tev ir padoti, un pēc tam es iziešu. Un viņš aizgāja no Faraona bargās dusmās.
And all these servants of yours have come down to me, and bowed themselves to me, saying, Go out, you and all the people who [are] at your feet; and afterward I go out”; and he goes out from Pharaoh in the heat of anger.
9 Bet Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: Faraons jums neklausīs, lai daudz Manu brīnumu notiek Ēģiptes zemē.
And YHWH says to Moses, “Pharaoh does not listen to you, so as to multiply My wonders in the land of Egypt”;
10 Un Mozus un Ārons darīja visus šos brīnumus Faraona priekšā; bet Tas Kungs lika Faraona sirdij apcietināties, ka tas Israēla bērnus neatlaida no savas zemes.
and Moses and Aaron have done all these wonders before Pharaoh, and YHWH strengthens Pharaoh’s heart, and he has not sent the sons of Israel out of his land.