< Esteres 5 >
1 Tad Estere apģērbās trešā dienā kā ķēniņiene un gāja ķēniņa nama iekšējā pagalmā, ķēniņa namam pretī; un ķēniņš sēdēja uz sava goda krēsla ķēniņa namā, tām nama durvīm pretī.
And it comes to pass on the third day, that Esther puts on royalty, and stands in the inner-court of the house of the king in front of the house of the king, and the king is sitting on his royal throne, in the royal-house, opposite the opening of the house,
2 Un kad ķēniņš redzēja ķēniņieni Esteri pagalmā stāvam, tad tā atrada žēlastību priekš viņa acīm, tā ka ķēniņš to zelta scepteri, kas bija viņa rokā, Esterei piesniedza, un Estere piegāja un aizskāra sceptera galu.
and it comes to pass, at the king’s seeing Esther the queen standing in the court, she has received grace in his eyes, and the king holds out to Esther the golden scepter that [is] in his hand, and Esther draws near, and touches the top of the scepter.
3 Tad ķēniņš uz viņu sacīja: kas tev kait, ķēniņiene Estere, jeb ko tu prasi? Un pat valsts viena puse tev taps dota.
And the king says to her, “What do you [want], Esther, O queen? And what [is] your request? To the half of the kingdom—and it is given to you.”
4 Tad Estere sacīja: ja ķēniņam patīk, tad lai ķēniņš un Amans šodien nāk uz tām dzīrēm, ko es viņam esmu sataisījusi.
And Esther says, “If to the king [it be] good, the king comes in, and Haman, today, to the banquet that I have made for him”;
5 Un ķēniņš sacīja: lai Amans steidzās un dara pēc Esteres vārda. Kad nu ķēniņš un Amans nāca uz tām dzīrēm, ko Estere bija sataisījusi,
and the king says, “Hurry Haman—to do the word of Esther”; and the king comes in, and Haman, to the banquet that Esther has made.
6 Tad ķēniņš sacīja uz Esteri vīnu dzerot: ko tu lūdzi, tas tev taps dots, un ko tu prasi, tam būs notikt, arī līdz pusvalstij.
And the king says to Esther, during the banquet of wine, “What [is] your petition? And it is given to you; and what [is] your request? To the half of the kingdom—and it is done.”
7 Tad Estere atbildēja un sacīja: mana lūgšana un mana prasīšana ir šī.
And Esther answers and says, “My petition and my request [is]:
8 Ja esmu atradusi žēlastību priekš ķēniņa un ja ķēniņam ir pa prātam, manu lūgšanu man dot un darīt, ko es prasīšu, tad lai ķēniņš un Amans nāk uz tām dzīrēm, ko es tiem sataisīšu, tad es rītu darīšu pēc ķēniņa vārda.
if I have found grace in the eyes of the king, and if to the king [it be] good, to give my petition, and to perform my request, the king comes, and Haman, to the banquet that I make for them, and tomorrow I do according to the word of the king.”
9 Tad Amans tai dienā izgāja līksms un ar labu prātu. Bet kad Amans Mardakaju redzēja ķēniņa vārtos, ka tas necēlās un priekš viņa nelocījās, tad Amans palika dusmu pilns pret Mardakaju, tomēr viņš savaldījās.
And Haman goes forth on that day rejoicing and glad in heart, and at Haman’s seeing Mordecai in the gate of the king, and he has not risen nor moved for him, then is Haman full of fury against Mordecai.
10 Un tas nāca savā namā, un sūtīja un lika nākt saviem draugiem līdz ar Zeresu, savu sievu.
And Haman forces himself, and comes into his house, and sends, and brings in his friends, and his wife Zeresh,
11 Un Amans tiem izteica savas bagātības godu un savu dēlu pulku, un visu, kā ķēniņš viņu bija paaugstinājis, un kā tas viņu bija pacēlis pār tiem lielkungiem un ķēniņa kalpiem.
and Haman recounts to them the glory of his wealth, and the abundance of his sons, and all that with which the king made him great, and with which he lifted him up above the heads and servants of the king.
12 Un Amans sacīja: un ķēniņiene Estere nevienam nav likusi nākt līdz ar ķēniņu uz tām dzīrēm, ko tā ir sataisījusi, kā man vien, un arī uz rītu no viņas esmu aicināts līdz ar ķēniņu.
And Haman says, “Indeed, Esther the queen brought none in with the king, to the feast that she made, except myself, and also for tomorrow I am called to her, with the king,
13 Bet viss tas man nav gana, kamēr es to Jūdu Mardakaju redzu sēžam ķēniņa vārtos.
and all this is not profitable to me, during all the time that I am seeing Mordecai the Jew sitting in the gate of the king.”
14 Tad viņa sieva Zeresa un visi viņa draugi uz to sacīja: lai uzceļ koku piecdesmit olektis augstumā, un saki rītu ķēniņam, ka Mardakaju pie tā būs pakārt, un tad ej līksms ar ķēniņu uz dzīrēm. Un šis padoms patika Amanam, un viņš to koku lika uzcelt,
And his wife Zeresh says to him, and all his friends, “Let them prepare a tree, in height fifty cubits, and in the morning speak to the king, and they hang Mordecai on it, and go in with the king to the banquet rejoicing”; and the thing is good before Haman, and he prepares the tree.