< Piektā Mozus 32 >
1 Ņemiet vērā, debesis, jo es runāšu, un zeme lai dzird manas mutes vārdus.
Heaven, listen as I speak; Earth, hear what I'm saying.
2 Mana mācība lai līst kā lietus, un mana valoda lai pil kā rasa, kā lietutiņš uz zaļumu, un kā lāses uz zāli
May my teaching fall gently like the rain; may my words drop lightly like the dew, like soft rain on new grass, like spring showers on growing plants.
3 Jo es slavēšu Tā Kunga vārdu; dodiet godu mūsu Dievam.
I will praise the Lord's character. Tell everyone how great he is!
4 Viņš ir tas akmens kalns, Viņa darbs ir pilnīgs, jo visi Viņa ceļi ir tiesa; Dievs ir patiesība un bez viltus, Viņš ir taisns un patiesīgs.
He is the Rock. Everything he does is perfect, for all his ways are right. He is the trustworthy God who is never unjust; he is fair and honest.
5 Pret Viņu tie apgrēkojušies; tie nav Viņa bērni, bet sev par kaunu, nikna un netikla cilts.
His children have acted immorally towards him; so they are no longer his children because of their sinful stains. They are a perverse and corrupt people.
6 Vai jūs Tam Kungam tā atmaksājiet, tu ģeķīga un negudra tauta? Vai Viņš nav tavs tēvs, kam tu piederi, kas tevi radījis un sataisījis?
Is this any way to repay the Lord, you foolish, stupid people? Isn't he your Father who created you? Isn't he the one who turned you into a nation and made you strong?
7 Piemini tās senās dienas, ņemiet vērā tos gadus no radu radiem, vaicā savam tēvam, tas tev to stāstīs, saviem vecajiem, tie tev to sacīs.
Remember the olden days; think about times long ago. God and ask your father, and he will explain them to you. Talk to your elders, and they will let you know.
8 Kad tas visuaugstais tautām deva viņu daļas un šķīra cilvēku bērnus, tad Viņš tautām cēla robežas pēc Israēla bērnu skaita.
The Most High gave the nations their lands when he divided the human race; he fixed their borders depending on their gods.
9 Jo Tā Kunga daļa ir Viņa ļaudis, Jēkabs ir Viņa īpaša mantība.
But the Lord's people are his, Israel is his chosen one.
10 Viņš to atrada tuksneša zemē, briesmīgā kaukšanas postažā, Viņš to pasargāja, kā Savu acs raugu.
He found you in a desert land, in a desolate wasteland of whirlwinds. He protected you; he cared for you; he looked after you as the one he loved the most.
11 Kā ērglis savu perēkli vedina un lidinājās pār saviem bērniem, izplāta savus spārnus un tos uzņem un tos nes uz saviem spārniem,
Like an eagle watching over its nest, hovering over its chicks, he spread his wings and picked you up and carried you along.
12 Tā Tas Kungs vien tos vadīja, un sveša dieva nebija ar viņu.
The Lord was the only one who led you; no foreign god was with him.
13 Viņš to spēcīgi vadīja pār zemes augstumiem, to ēdināja ar tīruma augļiem un to zīdināja ar medu no klints un ar eļļu no cieta akmens.
The Lord gave you the high country to rule, and fed you with the crops of the field to eat. He sustained you with honey from the rock and olive oil from the flinty crag,
14 Sviestu no govīm, un pienu no avīm, līdz ar jēru taukiem, un Basanas aunus un āžus ar taukām īkstīm, tīrus treknus kviešus un vīnogu sulu, - vīna ogu asinis tu dzēri, vīnu.
with yogurt from the herd and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs, with rams from Bashan, and goats, along with the best wheat. You drank the wine made from the best grapes.
15 Kad nu Ješuruns (t.i. Israēls) palika trekns, tad viņš spēra, - tu paliki trekns un tukls un resns, - tad viņš atstāja Dievu, savu Radītāju, un nicināja savas pestīšanas akmens kalnu.
But Israel, you grew fat and rebelled—fat, overweight, and bloated with food. You abandoned the God who made you and despised the Rock of your salvation.
16 Tie Viņu tirināja caur svešiem (dieviem), caur negantībām tie Viņu apkaitināja.
You made the Lord jealous by worshiping foreign gods; you made him angry with such disgusting practices.
17 Tie upurēja jodiem, nedievam, dieviem, ko tie nepazina, jauniem, kas nesen cēlušies, ko jūsu tēvi nav bijušies.
You offered sacrifices to demons instead of God, to gods you didn't know anything about, to brand-new gods that your forefathers didn't worship.
18 To akmens kalnu, kas tevi dzemdinājis, tu atstāji, un aizmirsi Dievu, kas tevi radījis.
You dismissed the Rock who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave birth to you.
19 Kad Tas Kungs to redzēja, tad Viņš atmeta īgnumā Savus dēlus un Savas meitas,
The Lord rejected them when he saw this; his sons and daughters made him angry.
20 Un sacīja: Es paslēpšu Savu vaigu no viņiem, Es redzēšu, kā tiem pēc klāsies, jo tie ir netikla tauta, bērni bez ticības.
He said: “I will turn away from them. Then I'll see what happens to them! They are a perverse people, unfaithful children.
21 Tie Mani tirinājuši caur nedievu, tie Mani kaitinājuši caur savām nelietībām; tad arī Es viņus tirināšu caur netautu, caur ģeķīgu tautu Es tos kaitināšu.
They have made me jealous by worshiping things that are not God; they have made me angry with their useless idols. So I will make them jealous using a people that aren't really a nation; I will make them angry using ignorant foreigners.
22 Jo uguns ir iededzies no Manām dusmām un degs līdz visdziļākai ellei un aprīs zemi ar viņas augļiem un iededzinās kalnu pamatus. (Sheol )
My anger has been set on fire, burning down to the depths of the grave, destroying the earth and all it produces, even setting fire to the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol )
23 Es sakrāšu pār tiem ļaunumus, Savas bultas Es uz tiem izšaušu.
I will pile disasters on them; I will use up my arrows shooting at them.
24 Badā tiem būs izģinst, mēris un rūgtas sērgas tos aprīs, Es sūtīšu zvēru zobus pret tiem un pīšļos līdēju čūsku dzeloņus.
They will waste away from hunger, destroyed by disease and poisonous plague. I will send wild animals to bite them with their teeth, the fangs of snakes that slide along the ground.
25 Ārā tos postīs zobens un iekšā briesmas, kā jaunekļus, tā jaunavas, zīdāmos līdz ar sirmgalvjiem.
Outside in the streets the sword kills their children, inside their homes, they die from fright; young men and young women, children and old people.
26 Es sacītu: Es tos izputināšu, Es izdeldēšu viņu piemiņu starp cilvēkiem, -
I would have told them I was going to cut them to pieces and wipe out even the memory of them;
27 Ja Es nebītos, ka viņu ienaidnieki Mani nesadusmo, ka viņu spaidītāji nesaprazdami nesaka: mūsu roka bija augsta, un ne Tas Kungs visu to darījis.
but I didn't want to hear their conquerors jeering, their enemies misunderstanding what had happened and saying, ‘We won all by ourselves, the Lord didn't have anything to do with it.’
28 Jo tie ir ļaudis bez padoma, un saprašanas tiem nav.
Israel is a nation that doesn't think straight; none of them understand anything.
29 Ak kaut viņi būtu gudri to saprast, un ņemtu vērā, kā tiem pēcgalā klāsies.
How I wish they were wise, so they could understand it; they would recognize what was going to happen to them.
30 Kā viens var tūkstošus vajāt un kā divi var dzenāt desmit tūkstošus? Vai ne tāpēc, ka viņu akmens kalns tos ir pārdevis, un Tas Kungs tos ir nodevis.
How on earth could one man chase after a thousand, or two make ten thousand run away, unless their Rock of protection had sold them, unless the Lord had surrendered them?
31 Jo viņu akmens kalns nav kā mūsu akmens kalns, par to mūsu ienaidnieki paši ir spriedēji.
The rock they rely on is not like our Rock, as even our enemies admit.
32 Jo viņu vīna koks ir no Sodomas vīna koka un no Gomoras laukiem; viņu vīna ķekari ir žults ķekari, tiem ir rūgtas ogas.
But their vine comes from the vine of Sodom, from the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poisonous; they are bitter bunches.
33 Viņu vīns ir pūķu siekalas un briesmīga odžu žults.
Their wine is the poison of serpents, deadly snake venom.
34 Vai tas nav pie Manis paslēpts, aizzieģelēts Manā padomā.
I've stored this all up; it's sealed in my vaults.
35 Man pieder atriebšana un atmaksāšana, uz to laiku, kad viņu kāja slīdēs; jo viņu posta diena ir tuvu, un viņu liktenis nāk steigšus.
I make sure justice is done, I will repay. The time is coming when they will fall, their day of disaster is approaching, their doom will soon arrive.”
36 Jo Tas Kungs tiesās Savus ļaudis un par Saviem kalpiem Viņš apžēlosies, kad Viņš redzēs, ka spēks ir izzudis, ka beigti mazs un liels.
The Lord is going to vindicate his people; he will be merciful to his servants when he sees that they have no strength left, and that everyone is gone, whether slave or free.
37 Tad Viņš sacīs: Kur ir viņu dievi, tas akmens kalns, uz ko tie cerēja?
He'll ask, “What happened to your gods, the rock where your went for protection?
38 Viņu upura taukus tie ēda, viņu dzeramā upura vīnu tie dzēra, - lai viņi ceļas un jums palīdz, ka jums ir patvērums.
Who ate the fat of your sacrifices and drank the wine of your drink offerings? Have them come and help you; have them come and protect you!
39 Raugāt nu, ka Es, Es tas esmu, un neviena nav, kā vien Es! Es nonāvēju un daru dzīvu, Es ievainoju un dziedināju, un glābēja nav no Manas rokas.
Listen! I am the only God! There is no other God except me! I bring death, and I give life; I wound, and I heal. No one can be rescued from my power.
40 Jo Es paceļu pret debesīm Savu roku un saku: tik tiešām, kā Es dzīvoju mūžīgi,
I hold up my hand to heaven and solemnly declare on my eternal life,
41 Kad Es trīšu Sava zobena zibeni un Mana roka izstiepsies uz sodību, tad Es atkal atriebšos pie Saviem pretiniekiem un atmaksāšu Saviem ienaidniekiem.
when I sharpen my shining sword and pick it up to execute judgment, I will repay my enemies and punish those who hate me as they deserve.
42 Es dzirdināšu Savas bultas ar asinīm, - un Mans zobens ēdīs miesas, - ar nokauto un gūstīto asinīm, no ienaidnieku varenām galvām.
My arrows will become drunk with blood, as my sword eats flesh; the blood of those who are killed and captured, the heads of the enemy's leaders.”
43 Gavilējiet, tautas, par Viņa ļaudīm, - jo Viņš atriebj Savu kalpu asinis un atriebjas pie Saviem pretiniekiem un apžēlojās par Savu zemi un par Saviem ļaudīm. -
Celebrate with him! Let all God's angels worship him! Celebrate, foreigners, with his people; because he will pay back those who killed his children. He will punish his enemies, and repay those who hate him; he will purify his land and his people.
44 Un Mozus nāca un runāja visus šīs dziesmas vārdus to ļaužu ausīs, viņš un Jozuas, Nuna dēls.
Then Moses came with Joshua son of Nun and recited all the words of this song for the people to hear.
45 Kad nu Mozus bija beidzis runāt visus šos vārdus uz visu Israēli,
After Moses finished reciting the whole song to all the Israelites,
46 Tad viņš uz tiem sacīja: ņemiet pie sirds visus šos vārdus, ko es šodien jums apliecināju; tos jums būs pavēlēt saviem bērniem, ka tie tur un dara visus šīs bauslības vārdus.
he told them, “Think about all these words I've declared to you today, so you can order your children to follow carefully everything in this law.
47 Jo tas jums nav tukšs vārds, bet ir jūsu dzīvība, un caur šo vārdu jūs ilgi dzīvosiet tai zemē, ko iemantot jūs ejat pār Jardāni.
Don't treat these words as trivial because they are your life, and by them you will have long lives in the country that you will own after crossing the Jordan.”
48 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu tai pašā dienā sacīdams:
That same day the Lord told Moses,
49 “Kāp uz šo Abarim kalnu, tas ir Nebus kalns, Moaba zemē pret Jēriku, un skaties Kanaāna zemi, ko Es Israēla bērniem došu iemantot.
“Climb up into the Abarim mountains to Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look over the country of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites for them to own.
50 Un tev būs mirt uz tā kalna, kur tu uzkāpsi, un tapt piepulcinātam pie saviem ļaudīm, kā Ārons, tavs brālis, nomira uz Hora kalna un tapa piepulcināts pie saviem ļaudīm;
There on the mountain you've climbed, you will die and join your people in death, in the same way your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and joined his people.
51 Tādēļ ka jūs Israēla bērnu vidū esat noziegušies pret Mani pie strīdus ūdens Kādešā, Cin tuksnesī, tāpēc ka jūs Mani neesat svētījuši Israēla bērnu vidū.
For there at the waters of Meribah-kadesh in the Desert of Zin, you both were unfaithful to me. You misrepresented me to the Israelites when you didn't treat me as holy in their presence.
52 Jo tu redzēsi to zemi savā priekšā, bet tur tu nenonāksi, tai zemē, ko Es došu Israēla bērniem.”
Though you will see the country that I am giving the Israelites from a distance, you won't enter it.”