< Piektā Mozus 25 >
1 Kad starp vīriem ir kāda ķilda un tie ies priekš tiesas, tad soģiem tos būs tiesāt un taisno taisnot un netaisno notiesāt.
If there is some legal argument between two people, they are to go to court to have the case judged, in order to justify the one who is right and condemn the one who is wrong.
2 Un ja tas vainīgais sitienus pelnījis, tad lai soģis tam liek mesties zemē, un klāt būdams tam liek sitienus dot ar skaitu pēc viņa vainas.
If the person who is guilty is sentenced to be flogged, the judge shall order them to lie down and be flogged before him with the number of lashes the crime deserves.
3 Četrdesmit sitienus lai tam liek dot; Ne vairāk, lai, ja to vēl vairāk sistu pāri par to, tavs brālis nekļūst nicināts tavās acīs. -
They are not to receive more than forty lashes. More than that would be to publicly humiliate them.
4 Vērsim, kas labību min, tev nebūs purnu apsiet.-
Don't muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.
5 Kad brāļi kopā dzīvo un viens no tiem mirst un tam dēla nav, tad tā mirušā sievai nebūs (par sievu) tapt citam kādam svešam vīram, bet tā vīra brālis lai pie viņas ieiet un to ņem par sievu, un tai dara, kas vīra brālim pienākas.
When two brothers live near to each other and one of them dies without having a son, the widow is not to marry a stranger outside the family. Her husband's brother is to marry her and sleep with her, fulfilling the requirements of a brother-in-law to provide her with children.
6 Un to pirmdzimušo, ko viņa dzemdēs, viņam būs likt sava nomirušā brāļa vārdā, lai viņa vārds no Israēla netop izdeldēts.
The first son she has will be named after the dead brother, so that his name won't be forgotten in Israel.
7 Bet ja šim vīram nepatīk ņemt sava brāļa sievu, tad lai tā brāļa sieva iet pie tiem vecajiem vārtos un lai saka: mans vīra brālis liedzās savam brālim celt vārdu iekš Israēla; viņš man negrib darīt, kas vīra brālim pienākas.
However, if the man refuses to marry his brother's widow, she shall go to the elders at the town gate and tell them, “My husband's brother is refusing to keep his brother's name alive in Israel. He doesn't want to perform the requirements of a brother-in-law for me.”
8 Tad lai pilsētas vecaji viņu aicina un uz viņu runā; ja tad viņš pastāv un saka: man nepatīk viņu ņemt; -
The town elders are to summon him and talk with him. If he continues to refuse and says, “I don't want to marry her,”
9 Tad lai viņa brāļa sieva iet pie viņa priekš vecaju acīm, un lai viņam novelk kurpi no kājas un lai viņam spļauj vaigā; un lai viņa atbild un saka: tā lai notiek tam vīram, kas negrib uzcelt sava brāļa namu.
his brother's widow is to confront him in the presence of the elders, pull off his sandal, spit in his face, and announce, “This is what happens to the man who refuses to keep his brother's family name alive.”
10 Un viņa vārds iekš Israēla taps nosaukts baskājas nams. -
From then on his family name in Israel will be called “The Family of the Pulled-off Sandal.”
11 Kad vīri viens ar otru kaujās, un tā viena sieva pieiet izglābt savu vīru no viņa sitēja rokas un izstiepj savu roku un sagrābj viņa kaunumu,
If two men are fighting, and one of their wives intervenes to save her husband from being beaten, and she grabs hold of the attacker's genitals,
12 Tad tev to roku viņai būs nocirst, - lai tava acs nežēlo. -
you are to cut her hand off. Don't show her any mercy.
13 Tev nebūs divējādu svaru turēt savā kulē, lielu un mazu.
Don't have two different measuring weights in your bag, one that's heavy and one that's light.
14 Tev nebūs divējādu pūru turēt savā namā, lielu un mazu.
Don't have two different measuring containers in your house, one that's large and one that's small.
15 Lai tev ir pilnīgs un taisns svars lai tev ir pilnīgs un taisns mērs, ka tu ilgi dzīvo tai zemē, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dos.
Make sure you always use accurate and true weights and measures. In that way you will have long lives in the country the Lord your God is giving you.
16 Jo ikviens, kas to dara, ikviens, kas netaisni dara, tas Tam Kungam, tavam Dievam, ir negantība. -
Anyone who doesn't do so and cheats like this offends the Lord your God.
17 Piemini, ko Amalekieši tev darīja ceļā, kad izgājāt no Ēģiptes zemes.
Remember what the Amalekites did to you on your way out of Egypt.
18 Kā viņi tev pretī cēlās ceļā, un tev kāva tos pakaļējus, visus nespēcīgos aiz tevis, kad tu biji piekusis un noguris, un tie nebijās Dievu.
The came out to confront you when you were tired and weary from your journey, and they attacked all those of you who were lagging behind. They didn't have any respect for God.
19 Kad nu Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev būs devis dusu no visiem taviem ienaidniekiem visapkārt tai zemē, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dos par īpašumu iemantot, tad Amalekiešu piemiņu tev būs izdeldēt no pasaules. Neaizmirsti to.
Once the Lord your God gives you peace after fighting your enemies in the country that he's giving you to take over and own, you are to wipe out even the memory of the Amalekites from the earth. Don't forget!