< Apustuļu Darbi 22 >

1 “Vīri, brāļi un tēvi, klausiet tagad manu aizbildināšanos jūsu priekšā.
“Brother and fathers,” he said, “Please listen as I give my defense before you.”
2 (Bet kad tie dzirdēja, viņu Ebreju valodā tos uzrunājam, tad tie palika vēl klusāki. Un viņš sacīja: )
When they heard him speaking to them in Aramaic, they became very quiet.
3 Es esmu Jūdu vīrs, Tarsū, Ķiliķijas zemē, piedzimis, bet šinī pilsētā pie Gamaliēla kājām audzināts, tēvu bauslībā krietni izmācīts, karsts Dieva bauslības aizstāvētājs, tā kā jūs visi šodien esat.
“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia,” he began. “However, I was brought up here in this city, and sat at the feet of Gamaliel. I was taught to strictly observe the law of our fathers. I was zealous for God, just like all of you here today,
4 Un šim ceļam es esmu pretī turējies līdz nāvei, saistīdams un cietumā nododams vīrus un sievas.
and I persecuted the people of this Way—having them put to death, and imprisoning both men and women.
5 Tā kā arī tas augstais priesteris un viss tas vecaju pulks man liecību dod, no kuriem es arī grāmatas uz tiem brāļiem ņēmis, esmu gājis uz Damasku, arī tos, kas tur, saistītus vest uz Jeruzālemi, ka tie taptu mocīti.
As the high priest and the council of the elders can also verify, I received from them letters of authorization addressed to the Jewish brothers in Damascus, and went there to arrest these people and bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished.
6 Un notikās, kad es biju uz ceļa un tuvu nācu pie Damaskus ap pusdienas laiku, tad piepeši liels gaišums no debess mani apspīdēja visapkārt.
At around noon, while I was on my way and approaching Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven shone all around me.
7 Un es kritu pie zemes un dzirdēju balsi uz mani sakām: “Saul, Saul, ko tu Mani vajā?”
I fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
8 Bet es atbildēju: “Kas Tu esi, Kungs?” Un Viņš uz mani sacīja: “Es esmu Jēzus no Nacaretes, ko tu vajā.”
‘Who are you, Lord?’ I answered. ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, the one you are persecuting,’ he told me.
9 Bet tie, kas man bija līdz, gan redzēja to gaišumu un pārbijās, bet to balsi, kas ar mani runāja, to tie nedzirdēja.
Those who were traveling with me did see the light, but they didn't hear the voice that spoke to me.
10 Un es sacīju: “Ko man būs darīt, Kungs?” Un Tas Kungs uz mani sacīja: “Celies un ej uz Damasku, un tur tev sacīs visu, kas tev jādara.”
‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked. The Lord told me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you'll be told everything that's arranged for you to do.’
11 Un kad nevarēju redzēt tā spožā gaišuma dēļ tad es no saviem ceļabiedriem pie rokas vests nācu uz Damasku.
Since I couldn't see because of the brightness of the light, those who were with me led me by the hand into Damascus.
12 Bet Ananija, dievbijīgs vīrs pēc bauslības, kam laba slava bija no visiem apkārtējiem Jūdiem,
There a man called Ananias came to see me. He was a religious man who observed the law, and was highly respected by the Jews who lived in the town.
13 Tas pie manis nācis un piestājies sacīja uz mani: “Saul, brāli, skaties uz augšu.” Un es tanī pašā stundā uz viņu skatījos.
He stood in front of me and said, ‘Brother Saul, receive back your sight.’ At that very moment I could see again, and I looked at him.
14 Un viņš sacīja: “Mūsu tēvu Dievs tevi izvēlējis, Viņa prātu atzīt un To Taisno redzēt un balsi no Viņa mutes dzirdēt.
He told me, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know his will, to see the one who is truly good and right, and to listen to what he has to say to you.
15 Jo tu Viņam būsi par liecinieku pie visiem cilvēkiem par to, ko tu esi redzējis un dzirdējis.
You will testify for him to everyone about what you have seen and heard. So what are you waiting for?
16 Un nu, ko tu gaidi? Celies un liecies kristīties un liec nomazgāt savus grēkus, Tā Kunga vārdu piesaukdams.”
Get up, be baptized, and wash away your sins as you call on his name.’
17 Un notikās, kad es uz Jeruzālemi biju atpakaļ griezies un Dieva namā Dievu pielūdzu, tad garā tapu aizgrābts,
I returned to Jerusalem, and as I was praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance.
18 Un es Viņu redzēju, un Tas man sacīja: “Steidzies un izej čakli no Jeruzālemes, jo tie nepieņems tavu liecību par Mani.”
I saw a vision of the Lord telling me, ‘Hurry! You need to leave Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept what you are telling them about me.’
19 Un es sacīju: “Kungs, tie zina, ka es Tavus ticīgos cietumā iemetu un pa baznīcām šaustu,
I replied, ‘Lord, they certainly know that I went from synagogue to synagogue, beating and imprisoning those who trusted in you.
20 Un kad Stefana, Tava liecinieka asinis tapa izlietas, ka es tur arī stāvēju klāt, un tas man patika, un es tās drēbes tiem glabāju, kas viņu nonāvēja.”
When Stephen was killed for testifying about you I was standing there in full agreement with those who killed him, holding their coats for them.’
21 Un Viņš uz mani sacīja: “Ej! Jo Es tevi izsūtīšu tālu pie pagāniem.””
The Lord told me, ‘Leave now, for I am sending you far away to the foreigners.’”
22 Un tie viņu klausījās līdz šiem vārdiem un savas balsis pacēla, sacīdami: “Nost no zemes virsas ar šo tādu, jo tam nebūs dzīvot.”
Up until this point they had listened to what he was saying, but then they started shouting, “Get rid of this man from the earth—he doesn't deserve to live!”
23 Un kad tie brēca un savas drēbes nosvieda un pīšļus gaisā meta,
They screamed and tore off their coats and threw dust into the air.
24 Tad tas virsnieks pavēlēja, viņu novest uz lēģeri, un sacīja, lai viņu ar sitieniem izvaicā, ka dabūtu zināt, kādēļ tie tā par viņu brēca.
The commander ordered Paul brought into the fortress, and gave orders for him to be interrogated by flogging so he could find out the reason people were shouting so much against Paul.
25 Un kad viņu ar siksnām piesēja, tad Pāvils sacīja uz to kapteini, kas tur stāvēja: “Vai jums brīv, vienu Romieti un vēl bez tiesas šaust?”
As they stretched him out and tied him down to flog him, Paul asked the centurion standing there, “Is it legal to flog a Roman citizen who hasn't had a trial?”
26 Un tas kapteinis to dzirdējis gāja un tam virsniekam to teica sacīdams: “Ko tu gribi darīt? Jo šis cilvēks ir Romietis.”
When the centurion heard what Paul said, he went to the commander and asked him, “What are you doing? This man is a Roman citizen.”
27 Tad tas virsnieks piegāja un uz viņu sacīja: “Saki man, vai tu esi Romietis?” Un tas sacīja: “Esmu gan.”
The commander came, and asked Paul, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” Paul replied, “Yes I am.”
28 Un tas virsnieks atbildēja: “Es par lielu maksu šo pilsētnieka tiesu esmu iedabūjis.” Bet Pāvils sacīja: “Bet es tāds jau esmu piedzimis.”
“I paid a lot of money to buy Roman citizenship,” said the commander. “But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
29 Un tūdaļ tie no viņa atkāpās, kas viņu gribēja izvaicāt. Un tas virsnieks bijās, ka dabūjis zināt, viņu esam Romieti, un ka viņu bija sējis.
Those who were about to interrogate Paul left immediately. The commander was worried when he found out that Paul was a Roman citizen because he had placed him in chains.
30 Bet kad otrā dienā to gribēja skaidri zināt, kādēļ viņš no tiem Jūdiem apsūdzēts, tad viņš to atraisīja un pavēlēja, ka tie augstie priesteri un visa viņu augstā tiesa nāktu kopā, un Pāvilu novedis, viņš tiem to stādīja priekšā.
The next day, wanting to find out the reason why the Jews were accusing Paul, he had him released and taken before the chief priests and the whole council which he ordered to assemble. He had Paul brought down and placed him before them.

< Apustuļu Darbi 22 >