< Apustuļu Darbi 19 >
1 Un kamēr Apollus Korintū bija, notikās, ka Pāvils, tās augšzemes vietas pārstaigājis, nāca uz Efesu, un kādus mācekļus atradis,
While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul took the inland route and arrived in Ephesus where he found some believers.
2 Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Vai jūs Svēto Garu esat dabūjuši, kad jūs tapāt ticīgi?” Bet tie uz viņu sacīja: “Mēs neesam ne dzirdējuši, ka Svēts Gars ir.”
“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” he asked them. “No, we haven't heard anything about a Holy Spirit,” they told him.
3 Un viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Uz ko tad jūs esat kristīti?” Un tie sacīja: “Uz Jāņa kristību.”
“So what baptism did you receive?” he asked. “John's baptism,” they replied.
4 Bet Pāvils sacīja: “Jānis ir kristījis ar to kristību uz atgriešanos no grēkiem, tiem ļaudīm sacīdams, lai tic uz To, kas nākšot pēc viņa, tas ir, uz Kristu Jēzu.”
“John baptized with the baptism of repentance,” said Paul. He told the people that they should trust in the one who would come after him—that is, they should trust in Jesus.
5 Un to dzirdējuši tie tapa kristīti uz Tā Kunga Jēzus vārdu.
When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 Un kad Pāvils tiem rokas uzlika, tad Svētais Gars uz tiem nāca, un tie runāja valodām un sludināja praviešu mācības.
After Paul had placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
7 Un visi tie vīri bija kādi divpadsmit.
There were about twelve of them in total.
8 Bet viņš baznīcā iegājis, droši mācīja kādus trīs mēnešus, sarunādamies un tos pārliecinādams par Dieva valstības lietām.
Paul went to the synagogue and over the course of the next three months spoke boldly to those who were there, discussing with them and trying to convince them about the kingdom of God.
9 Un kad citi bija apcietināti un nepaklausīgi un par šo ceļu ļaužu priekšā nelabi runāja, tad viņš no tiem atstājās un atšķīra tos mācekļus, ikdienas sarunādamies kādā Tiranna skolā.
But some of them were stubborn, and refused to accept. They denounced the Way to the crowd. So Paul gave up on them and left the synagogue, taking the believers with him. Then he had discussions every day at the hall of Tyrannus.
10 Un tā tas gāja divus gadus, tā ka visi, kas Āzijā dzīvoja, Tā Kunga Jēzus vārdu dzirdēja, gan Jūdi, gan Grieķi.
This went on for the next two years, with the result that everyone who lived in the province of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.
11 Un Dievs lielus darbus darīja caur Pāvila rokām,
God performed unusual miracles through Paul,
12 Tā ka arī sviedru auti un citi auti no viņa miesām tapa nesti pie neveseliem; un slimības tos atstāja, un ļaunie gari no tiem izgāja.
so much so that they took handkerchiefs or aprons Paul had touched to heal the sick and to drive out evil spirits.
13 Un kādi no tiem Jūdiem, kas bija velnu izdzinēji un apkārt vazājās, uzdrīkstējās Tā Kunga Jēzus vārdu saukt pār tiem, kam bija ļauni gari, sacīdami: mēs jūs apdraudam no tā Jēzus puses, ko Pāvils sludina.
Some Jews who were going around exorcising decided to use the name of the Lord Jesus when they drove out evil spirits. They'd say, “I command you to leave in the name of the Jesus that Paul talks about.”
14 Tie nu, kas šo darīja, bija Sķevasa, Jūdu augstā priestera, septiņi dēli.
The ones doing this were the seven sons of Sceva, a Jew and a chief priest.
15 Un tas ļaunais gars atbildēja un sacīja: “To Jēzu es pazīstu un to Pāvilu es zinu; bet jūs, kas jūs tādi esat?”
But one day an evil spirit responded, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?”
16 Un tas cilvēks, kam tas ļaunais gars bija, tiem uzlēca un tos pievarēdams tā darīja, ka tiem bija kailiem un ievainotiem jāizbēg no tā nama.
The man with the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered all of them. He beat them so severely that they ran out of the house, naked and badly injured.
17 Un tas tapa zināms visiem Jūdiem un Grieķiem, kas Efesū dzīvoja; un visiem bailes uzgāja, un Tā Kunga Jēzus vārds tapa augsti teikts.
People living in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, heard about this. They were all in awe at what had happened, and the name of the Lord Jesus gained great respect.
18 Un daudzi no tiem, kas bija palikuši ticīgi, nāca un izteica un izsūdzēja savus nedarbus.
Many came to trust in the Lord and confessed their sins, openly admitting their evil practices.
19 Un daudzi no tiem, kas māņu darbus bija darījuši, tās grāmatas kopā sanesa un sadedzināja visiem redzot; un viņu vērtību aprēķināja un saskaitīja piecdesmit tūkstošus sudraba grašus.
A number of those who used to practice sorcery collected their books on magic and brought them to be burned publicly. They worked out how much the books were worth, and the total was fifty thousand silver coins.
20 Tik varen auga un uzvarēja Tā Kunga vārds.
In this way the word of the Lord grew strong and spread widely.
21 Un pēc šiem notikumiem Pāvils garā apņēmās pārstaigāt Maķedoniju un Akaju un iet uz Jeruzālemi, sacīdams: “Pēc tam, kad tur būšu bijis, man arī Roma jāredz.”
Some time after this Paul decided to go to Jerusalem, passing first through Macedonia and Achaia. “After I've been there, I'll have to go to Rome,” he said.
22 Un uz Maķedoniju divus sūtījis, kas viņam kalpoja, Timoteju un Erastu, viņš pats kādu brīdi palika iekš Āzijas.
He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, while he stayed on for a while in the province of Asia.
23 Bet ap to laiku liels troksnis cēlās šīs mācības dēļ
It was about this time that serious problems occurred regarding the Way.
24 Jo viens, ar vārdu Demeteris, sudraba kalējs, no sudraba taisīja Dianas namiņus un gādāja tiem amata meistariem lielu peļņu.
A man called Demetrius, a silversmith, was producing small silver replicas of the temple of the goddess Artemis. This business brought in a great deal of work for such craftsmen.
25 Šos, un šī amata strādniekus sapulcējis, viņš sacīja: “Vīri, jūs zināt: ka no šā darba mums ir sava pārtikšana;
Demetrius called them together, along with others who worked in similar trades, and said, “Fellow-workers, you know that it's through this business we make our money.
26 Un jūs redzat un dzirdat, ka šis Pāvils ne vien Efesū, bet tik ne pa visu Āziju lielu pulku pārrunādams ir novērsis, sacīdams, ka tie nav dievi, kas rokām taisīti.
As you're no doubt aware from what you've seen and heard—not just here in Ephesus, but throughout almost the whole of Asia—this man Paul has convinced and misled many people, telling them that there are no such things as gods made by human hands.
27 Un tas ne vien mums tā var padarīt, ka šī mūsu peļņa ies mazumā, bet arī ka tās augstās dieves Dianas nams taps nievāts, un arī viņas augstība iznīks, kam taču visa Āzija un pasaule kalpo.”
It's not just a question that our business will be in danger of losing respect, but that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be considered worthless. Artemis herself would be dethroned from her high position as the one whom everyone in Asia and the whole world worships.”
28 Bet to dzirdēdami, tie tapa dusmības pilni un sauca, sacīdami: “Augsta ir Efesiešu Diana.”
When they heard this they became furious, and shouted out, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”
29 Un visa tā pilsēta tapa trokšņa pilna, un tie skrēja vienprātīgi uz teātri, līdz raudami tos Maķedoniešus Gaju un Aristarku, Pāvila ceļa biedrus.
The city was in complete chaos. People rushed towards the amphitheatre, dragging along with them Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul's traveling companions who were from Macedonia.
30 Un kad Pāvils gribēja iet pie tiem ļaudīm, tad tie mācekļi viņam to neļāva.
Paul thought he should confront the mob, but the other believers would not let him.
31 Bet arī kādi no Āzijas virsniekiem, viņa draugi būdami, pie tā sūtīja lūgdami, ka tas nedotos uz teātri.
Some of the provincial officials, who were Paul's friends, also sent a message begging him not to go into the amphitheatre.
32 Tad nu citi sauca šā, citi tā, jo tā draudze bija sajukusi, un tas lielais pulks nezināja, kādēļ kopā bija sanākuši,
Some were shouting one thing, and some something else, for the crowd that had gathered was in total confusion—most of them had no idea why they were there.
33 Un Aleksandru no tā pulka izvilka, kad tie Jūdi viņu uz priekšu stūma; un Aleksandrs meta ar roku, gribēdams priekš tiem ļaudīm aizbildināties.
The Jews in the crowd pushed Alexander to the front. Alexander motioned with his hand for them to be quiet, wanting to explain things to the people.
34 Bet kad tie nomanīja, viņu esam Jūdu, tad visi vienā balsī sauca ap divām stundām: “Augsta ir Efesiešu Diana.”
But when they realized he was a Jew, they all took up a chant that lasted for about two hours, shouting “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”
35 Un kad tās pilsētas rakstuvedējs to pulku bija klusinājis, tad viņš sacīja: “Jūs Efesus vīri, kurš cilvēks nezina, Efesus pilsētu esam tās augstās dieves Dianas un tā no debess kritušā tēla kopēju?
After the town clerk had managed to quiet the mob down, he told them, “People of Ephesus, who doesn't know that the city of the Ephesians is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image that fell from heaven?
36 Kad nu šīm lietām neviens nevar pretī runāt, tad jums pienākas ar mieru būt un nenieka aplam nedarīt.
Since these facts can't be denied, you should stay calm—don't do anything rash.
37 Jo jūs šos vīrus esat atveduši, kas nav nedz tās svētās vietas laupītāji nedz jūsu dievietes zaimotāji.
You have brought these men here, but they haven't robbed any temples or blasphemed against our goddess.
38 Ja tad nu Demeterim un tiem amata vīriem kāda lieta ir pret kādu, tad tiesas dienas top turētas un zemes soģi ir, lai viņi tur savā starpā sūdzās.
So if Demetrius and the other craftsmen have a complaint against anyone, then go to the authorities and the courts. They can press charges there.
39 Bet ja jūs citu kādu lietu meklējiet, tad lai sapulcējās pēc likuma un lai iztiesā.
If there's anything else, it can be taken to the legal assembly.
40 Jo mēs esam tai likstā, ka par to, kas šodien noticis, varam tikt apsūdzēti dumpja dēļ, un tomēr nekādas vainas nav, ar ko šo dumpi varētu aizbildināt.”
In fact we ourselves are in danger of being accused of being responsible for this riot today, since there was no reason for it, and we can't justify why it happened.”
41 Un to sacījis, viņš tos ļaudis atlaida.
When he had finished speaking, he dismissed the crowd.