< Otra Samuela 22 >

1 Un Dāvids runāja Tā Kunga priekšā šīs dziesmas vārdus tai dienā, kad Tas Kungs viņu bija atpestījis no visu viņa ienaidnieku rokas un no Saula rokas; un viņš sacīja:
AND David spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul:
2 Tas Kungs ir mans akmens kalns un mana pils un mans glābējs.
And he said, The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;
3 Dievs ir mans patvērums, uz ko es paļaujos, manas priekšturamās bruņas un manas pestīšanas rags, mans augstais palīgs, un mana glābšana, mans Pestītājs, kas mani no varas darba atpestī.
The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.
4 Es piesaukšu To Kungu, kas teicams, tad es tapšu atpestīts no saviem ienaidniekiem.
I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
5 Jo nāves viļņi mani apņēma un posta upes mani izbiedēja,
When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;
6 Elles saites mani apņēma, un nāves valgi mani pārvarēja. (Sheol h7585)
The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me; (Sheol h7585)
7 Savās bēdās es piesaucu To Kungu, es piesaucu savu Dievu; tad Viņš klausīja manu balsi no Sava nama, un mana brēkšana nāca Viņa ausīs.
In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.
8 Zeme tapa kustināta un drebēja, un debesu stiprumi kustējās un trīcēja, kad Viņš apskaitās.
Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.
9 Dūmi uzkāpa no Viņa nāsīm un rijoša uguns no Viņa mutes, zibeņi no Viņa iedegās.
There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
10 Viņš nolaida debesis un nokāpa, un tumsa bija apakš Viņa kājām.
He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.
11 Un Viņš brauca uz ķeruba un skrēja, un parādījās uz vēja spārniem.
And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 Viņš lika tumsu ap Sevi par telti, un melnus ūdeņus un biezus mākoņus.
And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.
13 No spožuma Viņa priekšā iedegās ugunīgi zibeņi.
Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.
14 Tas Kungs lika pērkoniem rībēt no debesīm, un tas Visuaugstais pacēla Savu balsi.
The Lord thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.
15 Un Viņš meta bultas un tos izklīdināja, Viņš meta zibeņus un tos iztrūcināja.
And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them.
16 Jūras dibeni rādījās, zemes pamati tapa atklāti no Tā Kunga bāršanas, no Viņa nāšu dvašas pūšanas.
And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
17 Viņš izstiepa (roku) no augstības un satvēra mani, Viņš mani izvilka no lieliem ūdeņiem.
He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out of many waters;
18 Viņš mani atpestīja no mana stiprā ienaidnieka un no maniem nīdētājiem, jo tie bija jo varenāki nekā es.
He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
19 Tie cēlās pret mani manā bēdu laikā; bet Tas Kungs bija mans patvērums.
They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay.
20 Un Viņš mani izveda klajumā, Viņš mani izrāva, jo Viņam bija labs prāts uz mani.
He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me.
21 Tas Kungs man atmaksā pēc manas taisnības, Viņš man atlīdzina pēc manu roku šķīstības.
The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
22 Jo es sargāju Tā Kunga ceļus, un neesmu atkāpies no sava Dieva.
For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
23 Jo visas Viņa tiesas ir manā priekšā, un Viņa likumus es nelieku nost no sevis.
For all his judgments were before me: and as for his statutes, I did not depart from them.
24 Bet es biju bezvainīgs Viņa priekšā un sargājos noziegties.
I was also upright before him, and have kept myself from mine iniquity.
25 Un Tas Kungs man atlīdzina pēc manas taisnības, pēc manas šķīstības priekš Viņa acīm.
Therefore the Lord hath recompensed me according to my righteousness; according to my cleanness in his eye sight.
26 Pie tiem svētiem Tu rādies svēts, un pie tiem sirdsskaidriem vīriem Tu rādies skaidrs.
With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright.
27 Pie tiem šķīstiem Tu rādies šķīsts, un pie tiem pārvērstiem (un pretdabiskiem) Tu pārvērties (un maldini).
With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury.
28 Jo bēdīgus ļaudis Tu atpestī, un Tavas acis ir pret tiem lepniem, tos pazemot.
And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.
29 Jo Tu Kungs esi mans spīdeklis. Tas Kungs dara manu tumsību gaišu.
For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.
30 Jo ar Tevi es varu sadauzīt karaspēku, ar savu Dievu es varu lēkt pār mūriem.
For by thee I have run through a troop: by my God have I leaped over a wall.
31 Tā stiprā Dieva ceļš ir bezvainīgs, Tā Kunga valoda ir šķīsta, Viņš ir par priekšturamām bruņām visiem, kas uz Viņu paļaujas.
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.
32 Jo kur ir kāds Dievs, kā vien Tas Kungs? Un kur ir kāds patvērums, kā vien mūsu Dievs?
For who is God, save the Lord? and who is a rock, save our God?
33 Tas stiprais Dievs ir mans varenais patvērums, un Viņš vada to taisno pa Savu ceļu.
God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
34 Viņš man kājas dara kā stirnām, un mani uzceļ manā augstā vietā.
He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet: and setteth me upon my high places.
35 Viņš manas rokas māca karot, ka mans elkonis uzvelk vara stopus.
He teacheth my hands to war; so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.
36 Un Tu man dod Savas pestīšanas priekšturamās bruņas, un Tava laipnība mani paaugstina.
Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath made me great.
37 Maniem soļiem Tu esi darījis platu ceļu apakš manis, ka mani krimšļi nav slīdējuši.
Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.
38 Es dzīšos pakaļ saviem ienaidniekiem, un tos iznīcināšu un negriezīšos atpakaļ, kamēr tos nebūšu izdeldējis.
I have pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them; and turned not again until I had consumed them.
39 Es tos izdeldēšu un tos satriekšu, ka tie nevarēs celties, tiem jākrīt apakš manām kājām.
And I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not arise: yea, they are fallen under my feet.
40 Jo Tu mani apjozīsi ar spēku uz karu, Tu nospiedīsi apakš manis, kas pret mani ceļas.
For thou hast girded me with strength to battle: them that rose up against me hast thou subdued under me.
41 Tu maniem ienaidniekiem liksi bēgt manā priekšā un savus nīdētājus es iznīcināšu.
Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.
42 Tie skatās visapkārt, bet glābēja nav, - uz To Kungu, bet Viņš tiem neatbild.
They looked, but there was none to save; even unto the Lord, but he answered them not.
43 Es tos sagrūdīšu kā zemes pīšļus, es tos samīšu un izkaisīšu kā dubļus uz ielām.
Then did I beat them as small as the dust of the earth, I did stamp them as the mire of the street, and did spread them abroad.
44 Tu mani izglābi no manu ļaužu ķildām, Tu mani lieci par galvu tautām: ļaudis, ko es nepazinu, man kalpo.
Thou also hast delivered me from the strivings of my people, thou hast kept me to be head of the heathen: a people which I knew not shall serve me.
45 Svešinieku bērni mīlīgi izrādās manā priekšā; kad viņu auss dzird, tad tie man paklausa.
Strangers shall submit themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me.
46 Svešinieku bērni nonīkst un drebēdami iziet no savām pilīm.
Strangers shall fade away, and they shall be afraid out of their close places.
47 Tas Kungs ir dzīvs, un slavēts lai ir mans Patvērums, un augsti slavēts lai ir Dievs, manas pestīšanas Klints,
The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation.
48 Tas stiprais Dievs, kas man dod atriebšanu, un tautas nomet apakš manis,
It is God that avengeth me, and that bringeth down the people under me,
49 Un kas mani izvada no maniem ienaidniekiem. Un Tu mani paaugstini pār tiem, kas pret mani cēlās, no tiem varas darītājiem Tu mani izglābi.
And that bringeth me forth from mine enemies: thou also hast lifted me up on high above them that rose up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.
50 Tāpēc es Tevi, Kungs, slavēšu starp tautām un dziedāšu Tavam vārdam.
Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
51 Viņš Savam ķēniņam parāda lielu pestīšanu un dara labu Savam svaidītam Dāvidam un viņa dzimumam mūžīgi.
He is the tower of salvation for his king: and sheweth mercy to his anointed, unto David, and to his seed for evermore.

< Otra Samuela 22 >