< Pāvila 2. Vēstule Korintiešiem 10 >
1 Bet es, Pāvils, pats jūs lūdzu caur Kristus lēnprātību un laipnību, es, kas klāt būdams jūsu starpā gan esmu pazemīgs, bet no tālienes drošs pret jums,
NOW I Paul myself exhort you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who, when present, am indeed lowly among you, but being absent, am bold towards you.
2 Es lūdzos, ka man pie jums nākot nevajadzētu būt bargam ar to drošību, ar ko es domāju pret citiem turēties, kam šķiet, ka mēs tā kā pēc miesas dzīvojam.
But I pray, that when I am present I may not be bold with the confidence with which I purpose to act resolutely against some who think of us, as if we walked after the flesh.
3 Jo mēs miesā staigādami, tomēr pēc miesas necīnāmies;
For though we walk in the flesh, we war not after the flesh:
4 Jo mūsu karošanas ieroči nav miesīgi, bet spēcīgi Dieva priekšā, nopostīt tos stiprumus.
for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the casting down the strong holds of corruption;
5 Mēs izpostām tos padomus un visu, kas augsti ceļas pret Dieva atzīšanu, un savaldām visas domas, lai Kristum paklausa,
laying low proud reasonings, and every high thing which exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and making every thought captive to the obedience of Christ:
6 Un esam gatavi, atriebt ikvienu neklausību, kad jūsu paklausība būs tapusi pilnīga.
and holding ourselves ready to avenge every act of disobedience, when your obedience is fully proved.
7 Vai jūs raugiet uz to, kas priekš acīm? Ja kāds no sevis paša tic, ka Kristum piederot, lai tas atkal pie sevis paša tā domā, ka, tā kā viņš pieder Kristum, tāpat arī mēs piederam Kristum.
Regard ye the things that are personal? If any man is confident in himself that he is Christ’s, let him reflect again in himself, that as he is Christ’s, so are we Christ’s.
8 Jo lai es arī vēl vairāk lielītos ar mūsu varu, ko Tas Kungs mums devis jums par uztaisīšanu un ne par postīšanu, taču es nepalikšu kaunā;
Yea, and if I should boast somewhat more highly of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for your edification, and not for your destruction, I shall not be ashamed;
9 Lai mani netur par tādu, kas jūs gribētu baidīt caur grāmatām.
that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters.
10 Jo tie saka, ka tās grāmatas gan ir svarīgas un stipras, bet tas cilvēks pats klāt būdams nespēcīgs un viņa valoda nievājama.
For his letters indeed, say they, are weighty and forcible, but his bodily presence is feeble, and his speech contemptible.
11 Tas tāds lai zin, kādi mēs no tālienes esam ar vārdiem grāmatās, tādi pat mēs arī klāt būdami ar darbu.
Let such a man be assured of this, that such as we are by word in our letters when absent, such also will we be in deed when we are present.
12 Jo nedrīkstam pieskaitīties jeb sevi līdzināt tādiem, kas paši sevi uzteic; bet viņi paši pie sevis mērodamies un paši sevi ar sevi līdzinādami ir neprātīgi.
For we will not presume to put ourselves on the level, or compare ourselves with some who vaunt themselves; but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, have no understanding.
13 Bet mēs nelielīsimies pārlieku, bet pēc tā robežu mēra, ko Dievs mums ir nolicis, ka arī līdz pat jums esam nonākuši.
But we will not glory in things beyond our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath marked out for us―a measure that hath reached even unto you.
14 Jo mēs neizstiepjamies pārlieku, tā kā līdz jums nebūtu nonākuši, jo mēs arī līdz pat jums esam tikuši ar Kristus evaņģēliju;
For we stretch not our pretensions beyond bounds, as though we reached not unto you; for we have advanced even unto you in the gospel of Christ:
15 Ne pārlieku lielīdamies ar cita darbiem, bet cerēdami, ka jūsu ticībai augot mēs pie jums savās robežās jo vairāk augsim lielumā,
not boasting ourselves unmeasurably in other men’s labours; but having hope that when your faith is increased, we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule for more abundant usefulness,
16 Tā ka mēs evaņģēliju varam pasludināt tiem, kas aiz jūsu robežām, un nelielīsimies ar to, kas svešā daļā jau pastrādāts.
to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to arrogate glory in another man’s line for things already prepared.
17 Bet kas lielās, lai lielās iekš Tā Kunga.
But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
18 Jo ne tas, kas pats sevi uzteic, ir derīgs, bet ko Tas Kungs uzteic.
For not he who commendeth himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commendeth.