< Otra Laiku 35 >
1 Un Josija Tam Kungam noturēja Pasa svētkus Jeruzālemē, un tie nokāva to Pasa pirmā mēneša četrpadsmitā dienā.
And Josiah kept, in Jerusalem, a passover unto Yahweh, —and they slaughtered the passover, on the fourteenth of the first month.
2 Un viņš iecēla priesterus, ikvienu savā vietā, un tos iedrošināja pie Tā Kunga nama kalpošanas.
And he set the priests over their charges, —and encouraged them unto the service of the house of Yahweh;
3 Un viņš sacīja uz tiem levitiem, kas visu Israēli mācīja, kas bija svētīti Tam Kungam: noliekat to svēto šķirstu tai namā, ko Salamans, Dāvida dēls, Israēla ķēniņš, ir uzcēlis; tas jums vairs nav jānes uz kamiešiem. Tad nu kalpojiet Tam Kungam, savam Dievam, un Viņa Israēla ļaudīm,
and said to the Levites who gave instruction to all Israel as to the things which were hallowed unto Yahweh, Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon son of David king of Israel did build, it is not yours as a burden on the shoulder, —Now, serve ye Yahweh your God, and his people Israel;
4 Un esat gatavi pēc savu tēvu namiem, pēc savām kārtām, kā Dāvids, Israēla ķēniņš, to uzrakstījis, un kā Salamans, viņa dēls, arī uzrakstījis.
and prepare yourselves by your ancestral houses, according to your courses, —by the writing of David king of Israel, and by what hath been written by Solomon his son;
5 Un stāviet svētā vietā pēc tēvu namu kārtām par saviem brāļiem, tiem ļaužu bērniem, un pēc levitu tēvu namu kārtām,
and stand ye in the holy place, by the divisions of the ancestral house, for your brethren, the sons of the people, and the partitioning of an ancestral house, for the Levites.
6 Un kaujiet to Pasa un svētījaties un sataisiet to saviem brāļiem, darīdami pēc Tā Kunga vārda caur Mozu.
So slaughter ye the passover, —and hallow yourselves, and prepare for your brethren, that they may do according to the word of Yahweh, by the hand of Moses.
7 Un Josija deva tiem ļaudīm no sīkiem lopiem jērus un kazlēnus, tos visus par Pasa upuriem, visiem, kas tur atradās, trīsdesmit tūkstošus, un trīs tūkstošus vēršus; tas bija no ķēniņa mantas.
And Josiah presented to the sons of the people—of flocks, young sheep and the young of the goats, the whole for the passover offerings, for all present, to the number of thirty thousand, and, of bullocks, three thousand, —these, out of the substance of the king.
8 Arī viņa lielkungi deva labprātības upurus tiem ļaudīm, priesteriem un levitiem: Hilķija un Zaharija un Jeīels, Dieva nama virsnieki, deva priesteriem uz Pasa svētkiem divtūkstoš sešsimt jērus un trīssimt vēršus.
And, his rulers, willingly, to the people and to the priests and to the Levites, presented, —Hilkiah and Zechariah and Jehiel, chief rulers of the house of God, unto the priests, did give, for passover offerings, two thousand and six hundred, and, of bullocks, three hundred;
9 Un Kananija un Šemaja un Netaneēls, viņa brāļi, Hašabija un Jeīels un Jozabads, levitu virsnieki, deva levitiem uz Pasa svētkiem piectūkstoš jērus un piecsimt vēršus.
and, Conaniah, and Shemaiah and Nethanel his brethren, and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, rulers of the Levites, presented to the Levites, for passover offerings, five thousand, and, of bullocks, five hundred.
10 Tā Dieva kalpošana tapa ierīkota, un priesteri stāvēja savā vietā un leviti pēc savām kārtām, pēc ķēniņa pavēles.
Thus was the service prepared, —and the priests stood in their place, and the Levites in their courses, according to the commandment of the king.
11 Un tie kāva to Pasa, un priesteri slacināja asinis no savām rokām, un leviti noplēsa ādas.
So they slaughtered the passover, and the priests dashed [the blood received] at their hand, and the Levites were flaying [the offerings].
12 Un tie atšķīra dedzināmos upurus, ka tos izdalītu ļaužu tēvu namu kārtām, Tam Kungam upurēt, kā Mozus grāmatā rakstīts. Tāpat arī darīja ar vēršiem.
Then they removed the ascending-sacrifice, that they might give them—by the divisions of each ancestral house—unto the sons of the people, to offer unto Yahweh, as it is written in the Book of Moses, —and, in like manner, with the bullocks.
13 Un tie cepa to Pasa pie uguns pēc likuma, bet svētos gabalus tie vārīja podos un katlos un pannās un steigšus to nesa visiem ļaudīm.
And they cooked the passover with fire, according to the regulation, —but, the hallowed things, cooked they in cauldrons and in pots and in bowls, and then took quickly, unto all the sons of the people.
14 Pēc tam tie arī sev sataisīja un priesteriem. Jo priesteri, Ārona dēli, upurēja līdz pašai naktij dedzināmos upurus un taukus, tādēļ leviti sataisīja priekš sevis un priekš priesteriem, Ārona dēliem.
And, afterwards, prepared they for themselves and for the priests, because, the priests, the sons of Aaron, had been engaged in offering up the ascending-sacrifice and the fat pieces, until night, —the Levites, therefore prepared for themselves, and for the priests, the sons of Aaron.
15 Un tie dziedātāji, Asafa dēli, stāvēja savās vietās, tā kā Dāvids un Asafs un Hemans un Jedutuns, ķēniņa redzētājs, pavēlējuši, arī vārtu sargi pie ikkatriem vārtiem. Un tiem nevajadzēja atkāpties no sava darba, bet viņu brāļi, tie leviti, to sataisīja priekš viņiem.
the singers also, the sons of Asaph, were in their place, according to the commandment of David, and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun the seer of the king, and, the doorkeepers, were at the several doors, —there was no need for them to remove from their service, for, their brethren the Levites, prepared for them.
16 Tā visa Tā Kunga kalpošana tai dienā tapa izdarīta, Pasa svētki tika noturēti un tie dedzināmie upuri upurēti uz Tā Kunga altāra, kā ķēniņš Josija to bija pavēlējis.
Thus was all the service of Yahweh prepared on that day; to keep the passover, and to offer up the ascending-sacrifice, upon the altar of Yahweh, —according to the commandment of King Josiah.
17 Un Israēla bērni, kas tur atradās, turēja tai laikā Pasa svētkus un neraudzētās maizes svētkus septiņas dienas.
So the sons of Israel who were present kept the passover at that time, —and the festival of unleavened cakes, seven days.
18 Tādi Pasa svētki iekš Israēla vēl nebija turēti no pravieša Samuēla laika, un neviens no Israēla ķēniņiem nebija turējis tādus Pasa svētkus, kā Josija turēja ar priesteriem un levitiem un ar visu Jūdu un Israēli, cik tur atradās, un ar Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem.
And there had not been kept, a passover like it, in Israel, since the days of Samuel the prophet, —yea, none of the kings of Israel, had kept such a passover as was kept by Josiah and the priests and the Levites and all Judah and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
19 Josijas valdīšanas astoņpadsmitā gadā šie Pasa svētki tapa turēti.
In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah, was kept this passover.
20 Pēc visa tā, kad Josija to namu bija uzkopis, tad Nekus, Ēģiptes ķēniņš, nāca karot pret Karķemisu pie Eifrat upes. Un Josija tam izgāja pretī.
After all this—when Josiah had prepared the house, Neco king of Egypt came up, -to fight against Carchemish, by Euphrates, and Josiah went forth against him.
21 Bet viņš sūtīja vēstnešus pie tā un sacīja: kas man ar tevi, Jūda ķēniņ? Es šodien pret tevi neesmu nācis, bet pret kādu namu, kas karo pret mani, un Dievs ir sacījis, ka man būs steigties; nepretojies tu Dievam, kas ir ar mani, lai tas tevi nesamaitā.
But he sent unto him messengers, saying—What have I to do with thee, O king of Judah? not against thee, [have I come] this day, but against the house wherewith I have war, and, God, hath given word to speed me, —cease thou from [provoking] God who is with me, lest he destroy thee.
22 Bet Josija nenovērsās no tā, bet sataisījās ar viņu karot, un viņš neklausīja Nekus vārdiem no Dieva mutes un nāca, ar viņu kauties Meģidus ielejā.
Howbeit Josiah turned not his face from him, for, to fight against him, he had disguised himself, and he hearkened not unto the words of Neco, from the mouth of God, —so he came to fight in the valley of Megiddo.
23 Bet strēlnieki šāva uz ķēniņu Josiju, un ķēniņš sacīja uz saviem kalpiem: vediet mani projām, jo es esmu ļoti ievainots.
And the archers shot at King Josiah, —and the king said unto his servants, Take me away, for I am sore wounded.
24 Tad viņa kalpi to nocēla no ratiem un noveda uz viņa otriem ratiem, un to noveda Jeruzālemē. Un tas nomira un tapa aprakts savu tēvu kapos, un visa Jūda valsts un Jeruzāleme žēlojās par Josiju.
So his servants took him away out of the war-chariot, and conveyed him in a second chariot which he had, and carried him to Jerusalem, and he died, and was buried in the sepulchres of his fathers, —and, all Judah and Jerusalem, were mourning over Josiah.
25 Un Jeremija taisīja vienu raudu dziesmu par Josiju, un visi dziedātāji un dziedātājas runāja savās raudu dziesmās par Josiju līdz šai dienai, un to iestādīja par likumu iekš Israēla; un redzi, tās ir rakstītas raudu dziesmās.
And Jeremiah chanted a dirge over Josiah, and all the singing men and singing women in their dirges have spoken concerning Josiah, until this day, and they appointed them by statute for Israel, —and, there they are, written among the dirges.
26 Un kas vēl par Josiju stāstāms, un viņa dievbijība pēc Tā Kunga bauslības,
But, the rest of the story of Josiah, and his lovingkindness, —according to that which is written in the law of Yahweh:
27 Arī viņa pirmās un pēdējās lietas, redzi, tās rakstītas Israēla un Jūda ķēniņu grāmatā.
even his story, first and last, there it is, written in the book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.