< Otra Laiku 20 >

1 Un pēc tam notika, ka Moaba bērni un Amona bērni, un līdz ar tiem kādi no tiem Meunim nāca, karot pret Jehošafatu.
And after this came the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them [some] of the Minaeans, against Josaphat to battle.
2 Un vēstneši nāca un sacīja Jehošafatam: liels pulks nāk pret tevi no viņpus jūras, no Sīrijas, un redzi, tie ir AceconaTamarā, tas ir Enģedos.
And they came and told Josaphat, saying, There is come against you a great multitude from Syria, from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Asasan Thamar, this is Engadi.
3 Tad Jehošafats izbijās un grieza savu vaigu, To Kungu meklēt, un izsauca gavēni pa visu Jūdu.
And Josaphat was alarmed, and set his face to seek the Lord earnestly, and he proclaimed a fast in all Juda.
4 Un Jūda ļaudis sapulcinājās, meklēt no Tā Kunga palīgu, un no visām Jūda pilsētām tie nāca, To Kungu meklēt.
And Juda gathered themselves together to seek after the Lord: even from all the cities of Juda they came to seek the Lord.
5 Un Jehošafats stāvēja Jūda un Jeruzālemes draudzes vidū Tā Kunga namā priekš tā jaunā pagalma
And Josaphat stood up in the assembly of Juda in Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, in front of the new court.
6 Un sacīja: Kungs mūsu tēvu Dievs! Vai Tu neesi Dievs debesīs un valdītājs visu ļaužu valstīs? Un Tavā rokā ir spēks un vara, ka neviens pret Tevi nevar celties!
And he said, O Lord God of my fathers, are not you God in heaven above, and are not you Lord of all the kingdoms of the nations? and [is there] not in your hand the might of dominion, and there is no one who can resist you?
7 Vai Tu, mūsu Dievs, šās zemes iedzīvotājus neesi izdzinis Savu Israēla ļaužu priekšā, un vai to neesi devis Ābrahāma, Sava mīļā, dzimumam uz mūžīgiem laikiem?
Are not you the Lord that did destroy the inhabitants of this land before the face of your people Israel, and did give it to your beloved seed of Abraham for ever?
8 Un tie tur dzīvojuši un Tev tur taisījuši svētu vietu Tavam vārdam, sacīdami:
And they lived in it, and built in it a sanctuary to your name, saying,
9 Kad pār mums nāk nelaime, zobens, sodība, mēris un bads, tad mēs stāvēsim priekš šī nama un priekš Tava vaiga, tāpēc ka Tavs vārds ir šinī namā, un kad Tevi piesauksim savās bēdās, tad Tu paklausīsi un izpestīsi.
If there should come upon us evils, sword, judgment, pestilence, famine, we will stand before this house, and before you, (for your name [is] upon this house, ) and we will cry to you because of the affliction, and you shall hear, and deliver.
10 Un nu, redzi, Amona bērni un Moabs un tie no Seīra kalniem, kur Tu Israēlim neļāvi iet cauri, kad tie nāca no Ēģiptes zemes, bet tie no tiem atstājās un tos neizdeldēja, -
And now, behold, the children of Ammon, and Moab, and mount Seir, with regard to whom you did not permit Israel to pass through their border, when they had come out of the land of Egypt, (for they turned away from them, and did not destroy them; )—
11 Redzi nu, tie mums to atmaksā, nākdami, mūs izdzīt no mūsu zemes, ko Tu mums licis iemantot.
yet now, behold, they make attempts against us, to come forth to cast us out from our inheritance which you gave us.
12 Ak mūsu Dievs! Vai Tu nenesīsi tiesu pret viņiem? Jo mums nav spēka pret šo lielo pulku, kas pret mums nāk, un mēs nezinām, ko būs darīt, bet mūsu acis griežas uz Tevi.
O Lord our God, will you not judge them? for we have no strength to resist this great multitude that is come against us; and we know not what we shall do to them: but our eyes are toward you.
13 Un visa Jūda valsts stāvēja Tā Kunga priekšā, arī viņu bērni, viņu sievas un viņu dēli.
And all Juda was standing before the Lord, and their children, and their wives.
14 Tad Tā Kunga Gars nāca draudzes vidū pār Jeaziēli, Zakarijas dēlu, tas bija Benajas, tas Jeiēļa, tas Levita Matanijas dēls, no Asafa bērniem.
And Oziel the [son] of Zacharias, of the children of Banaias, of the sons of Eleiel, the sons of Matthanias the Levite, of the sons of Asaph, —upon him came the Spirit of the Lord in the assembly:
15 Un tas sacīja: klausāties, visa Jūda valsts un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji, un ķēniņ Jehošafat, - tā saka Tas Kungs uz jums: nebīstaties un neizbaiļojaties priekš šā lielā pulka, jo tas karš nepieder jums, bet Dievam.
and he said, Hear you, all Juda, and the dwellers in Jerusalem, and king Josaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, even you, Fear not, neither be alarmed, before all this great multitude; for the battle is not years, but God's.
16 Ejat rītu tiem pretī, redzi, tie nāks augšā pa Cic kalnu, un jūs tos sastapsiet ielejas galā šaipus Jeruēles tuksneša.
To-morrow go you down against them: behold, they come up by the ascent of Assis, and you shall find them at the extremity of the river of the wilderness of Jeriel.
17 Šinī kaujā jums nebūs jākaujas, ejat tikai klāt, stāviet un redziet Tā Kunga pestīšanu, kas ir ar jums. Jūda un Jeruzāleme, nebīstaties un neizbaiļojaties, izejat rītu viņiem pretī, jo Tas Kungs būs ar jums.
It is not for you to fight: understand these things, and see the deliverance of the Lord with you, Juda and Jerusalem: fear not, neither be afraid to go forth to-morrow to meet them; and the Lord shall be with you.
18 Tad Jehošafats locījās ar savu vaigu pie zemes, un visi Jūda un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji metās pie zemes priekš Tā Kunga un pielūdza To Kungu.
And Josaphat bowed with his face [to the ground] with all Juda and the dwellers in Jerusalem, [and] they fell before the Lord to worship the Lord.
19 Un tie Leviti no Kehāta bērniem un no Koraha bērniem cēlās, augsti slavēt To Kungu, Israēla Dievu ar skanīgu balsi,
And the Levites of the children of Caath, and [they] of the sons of Core, rose up to praise the Lord God of Israel with a loud voice on high.
20 Un tie cēlās it agri un izgāja uz Tekoas tuksnesi, un tiem izejot Jehošafats stāvēja un sacīja: klausiet mani, Jūda un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji, ticiet uz To Kungu, savu Dievu, tad jūs pastāvēsiet; ticiet Viņa praviešiem, tad jums labi izdosies.
And they rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Thecoe: and as they went out, Josaphat stood and cried, and said, Hear me, Juda, and the dwellers in Jerusalem; put your trust in the Lord God, and your trust shall be honored; trust in his prophet, and you shall prosper.
21 Un viņš sarunājās ar tiem ļaudīm un iecēla dziedātājus priekš Tā Kunga, ka tie svētā glītumā slavētu, apbruņoto priekšā iedami un sacīdami: teiciet To Kungu, jo Viņa žēlastība paliek mūžīgi!
And he took counsel with the people, and set appointed men to sing psalms and praises, to give thanks, and sing the holy songs of praise in going forth before the host: and they said, Give thanks to the Lord, for his mercy [endures] for ever.
22 Un to brīdi, kad tie sāka dziedāt tās priecīgās un teicamās dziesmas, tad Tas Kungs sūtīja glūnētājus pret Amona bērniem, Moabu un tiem no Seīra kalniem, kas bija nākuši uz Jūdu, un tie tika sakauti.
And when they began the praise and thanksgiving, the Lord caused the children of Ammon to fight against Moab, and [the inhabitants of] mount Seir that came out against Juda; and they were routed.
23 Jo Amona bērni un Moabs cēlās pret Seīra kalnu iedzīvotājiem un tos izdeldēja un nomaitāja, un kad tie visus Seīra iedzīvotājus bija nokāvuši, tad tie palīdzēja nomaitāt cits citu.
Then the children of Ammon and Moab rose up against the dwellers in mount Seir, to destroy and consume them; and when they had made an end of [destroying] the inhabitants of Seir, they rose up against one another so that they were utterly destroyed.
24 Un Jūda nāca kalna galā pie tuksneša un griezās pret tiem pulkiem, un redzi, tur bija miroņi, kas zemē gulēja, un neviens nebija izbēdzis.
And Juda came to the watch-tower of the wilderness, and looked, and saw the multitude, and, behold, [they were] all fallen dead upon the earth, not one escaped.
25 Tad Jehošafats un viņa ļaudis nāca un tos aplaupīja un atrada pie tiem ļoti daudz mantas un drēbes un dārgus rīkus, un paņēma tik daudz, ka nevarēja panest, un tie laupīja laupījumu trīs dienas, jo tur bija ļoti daudz.
And Josaphat and his people went out to spoil them, and they found much cattle, and furniture, and spoils, and precious things: and they spoiled them, and they were three days gathering the spoil, for it was abundant.
26 Un ceturtā dienā tie sapulcējās teikšanas ielejā, jo tur tie teica To Kungu, tāpēc tie tās vietas vārdu nosauca Teikšanas ieleja līdz šai dienai.
And it came to pass on the fourth day they were gathered to the Valley of Blessing; for there they blessed the Lord: therefore they called the name of the place the Valley of Blessing, until this day.
27 Pēc tam visi vīri no Jūda un Jeruzālemes griezās atpakaļ, un Jehošafats viņu priekšā, un gāja uz Jeruzālemi ar prieku; jo Tas Kungs viņus bija darījis priecīgus par viņu ienaidniekiem.
And all the men of Juda returned to Jerusalem, and Josaphat led them with great joy; for the Lord gave them joy over their enemies.
28 Un tie nonāca Jeruzālemē ar somastabulēm un koklēm un trumetēm uz Tā Kunga namu.
And they entered into Jerusalem with lutes and harps and trumpets, [going] into the house of the lord.
29 Un bailes no Dieva nāca pār visām zemes valstīm, kad dzirdēja, ka Tas Kungs bija karojis pret Israēla ienaidniekiem.
And there was a terror of the Lord upon all the kingdoms of the land, when they heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel.
30 Un Jehošafata valsts bija mierā, un viņa Dievs tam deva mieru visapkārt.
And the kingdom of Josaphat was at peace; and his God gave him rest round about.
31 Un Jehošafats valdīja pār Jūdu; viņš bija trīsdesmit piecus gadus vecs, kad tas palika par ķēniņu, un valdīja divdesmit piecus gadus Jeruzālemē, un viņa mātei bija vārds Azuba, Šilkus meita.
And Josaphat reigned over Juda, being thirty-five years [old] when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty-five years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Azuba, daughter of Sali.
32 Un viņš staigāja sava tēva Asas ceļos un neatstājās no tiem, darīdams, kas Tam Kungam patika.
And he walked in the ways of his father Asa, and turned not aside from doing that which was right in the sight of the Lord.
33 Taču kalnu altāri netapa nopostīti, un vēl tie ļaudis ar savu sirdi pilnīgi neturējās pie savu tēvu Dieva.
nevertheless the high places yet remained; and as yet the people did not direct their heart to the Lord God of their fathers.
34 Un kas vēl par Jehošafatu stāstāms, par viņa pirmām un pēdējām dienām, redzi, tas rakstīts Jeūs, Anana dēla, stāstos, ko viņš sarakstījis Israēla ķēniņu grāmatā.
And the rest of the acts of Josaphat, the first and the last, behold, they are written in the history of Jeu [the son] of Anani, who wrote the book of the kings of Israel.
35 Un pēc tam Jehošafats, Jūda ķēniņš, sabiedrojās ar Ahaziju, Israēla ķēniņu; tas bija bezdievīgs savos darbos.
And afterwards Josaphat king of Juda entered into an alliance with Ochozias king of Israel, (now this was an unrighteous man, )
36 Un viņš ar to vienojās, kuģus taisīt, ar ko braukt uz Taršišu, un tie taisīja kuģus EceonĢeberā.
by acting [with] and going to him, to build ships to go to Tharsis: and he built ships in Gasion Gaber.
37 Bet Eliēzers, Dodava dēls, no Marezas, sludināja pret Jehošafatu sacīdams: tādēļ ka tu ar Ahaziju esi sabiedrojies, Tas Kungs salauzīs tavu darbu. Un tie kuģi tika sadragāti un nevarēja tikt uz Taršišu.
And Eliezer you [son] of Dodia of Marisa prophesied against Josaphat, saying, Forasmuch as you have allied yourself with Ochozias, the Lord has broken your work, and your vessels have been wrecked. And they could not go to Tharsis.

< Otra Laiku 20 >