< Pirmā Samuela 26 >

1 Tad Zifieši nāca pie Saula uz Ģibeju un sacīja: vai Dāvids nav paslēpies uz Aķilas pakalna šaipus tuksneša?
One day [some of] the people of Ziph [town] went to Saul while he was at Gibeah, and they said to him, “David is hiding in a cave on Hakilah hill, across from Jeshimon [town].”
2 Tad Sauls cēlās un nogāja uz Zifas tuksnesi, un viņam līdz trīstūkstoš izlasīti Israēla vīri, Dāvidu meklēt Zifas tuksnesī.
So Saul chose 3,000 of the best Israeli soldiers and went with them to Ziph Desert to search for David.
3 Un Sauls apmeta lēģeri uz Aķilas pakalna, kas šaipus tuksneša ceļmalā. Bet Dāvids palika tuksnesī. Un kad viņš redzēja, ka Sauls viņam pakaļ nāca tuksnesī,
Saul and his men set up their tents close to the road on Hakilah hill, east of Jeshimon [town], but David [and his men] stayed in the desert. When David heard that Saul was searching for him,
4 Tad Dāvids izsūtīja izlūkus un nomanīja Saulu tiešām nākam.
he sent some spies to find out for certain that Saul had come to Hakilah.
5 Un Dāvids cēlās un nāca uz to vietu, kur Sauls bija apmeties, un Dāvids redzēja to vietu, kur Sauls gulēja ar Abneru, Nera dēlu, savu karalielkungu, un Sauls gulēja starp tiem savestiem lēģera ratiem, un tie ļaudis ap viņu bija apmetušies.
Then [that evening] David went to the place where Saul had set up his tent. [From a distance] he saw where Saul and his army commander, Abner, were sleeping. Saul was sleeping with all his army [sleeping] around him.
6 Tad Dāvids bilda un sacīja uz Aķimeleku, to Etieti, un uz Abizaju, Cerujas dēlu, Joaba brāi, sacīdams: Kas man ies līdz pie Saula lēģerī? Tad Abizajus sacīja: es iešu tev līdzi.
David [went back to where his men were and] talked to Ahimelech, who was from the Heth people-group, and Joab’s brother Abishai, whose mother was [David’s older sister] Zeruiah. He asked them, “Who will go with me down into the camp where Saul is?” Abishai replied, “I will go with you.”
7 Tad Dāvids un Abizajus nāca pie (Saula) ļaudīm naktī, un redzi, Sauls gulēja aizmidzis starp tiem savestiem lēģera ratiem, un viņa šķēps bija viņa galvas galā zemē iedurts, bet Abners un tie ļaudis gulēja ap viņu.
So that night David and Abishai crept into Saul’s camp. They saw that Saul was asleep. His spear was stuck in the ground near his head. Saul was asleep in the middle of the camp. Abner [the army commander] and the other soldiers were sleeping around Saul.
8 Tad Abizajus sacīja uz Dāvidu: Dievs šodien tavu ienaidnieku ir devis tavā rokā; lai es nu viņu jel ar vienu reizi noduru ar šķēpu pie zemes, tad viņam otru reizi vairs nevajadzēs.
Abishai whispered to David, “Today Yahweh has enabled us to kill your enemy! Allow me to fasten Saul to the ground [by thrusting] my spear into him. It will be necessary for me to strike him only once. I will not [need to] strike him twice.”
9 Bet Dāvids sacīja uz Abizaju: nenonāve viņu, jo kas savu roku varētu pielikt pie Tā Kunga svaidītā un palikt nenoziedzīgs?
But David whispered to Abishai, “No, do not kill Saul. Yahweh has appointed him to be king, so Yahweh will surely [RHQ] punish anyone who kills him.
10 Un Dāvids sacīja: tik tiešām kā Tas Kungs dzīvo, - ja Tas Kungs viņu nesitīs, vai nu viņa diena nāks, ka tas mirs, vai tas karā ies un ies bojā, -
Just as surely as Yahweh lives, he himself will punish Saul. Perhaps Yahweh will strike him when it is Saul’s time to die, or perhaps Saul will be killed in a battle.
11 Lai Tas Kungs mani pasargā, ka es savu roku liktu pie Tā Kunga svaidītā! Tāpēc ņem jel nu to šķēpu, kas ir viņa galvas galā, un to ūdens biķeri un ejam.
But I hope/desire that Yahweh will prevent me from harming the king whom he has appointed. Let’s take Saul’s spear and water jug that are near his head. Then let’s get out of here!”
12 Tā Dāvids ņēma to šķēpu un to ūdens biķeri no Saula galvas gala, un tie gāja projām, un neviens to neredzēja, un neviens to nemanīja, un neviens neuzmodās, bet tie gulēja visi, jo ciets miegs no Tā Kunga tiem bija uzkritis.
So David took the spear and the jug, and he and Abishai left. No one saw them or knew what they were doing, and no one woke up, because Yahweh had caused them to be sound asleep.
13 Kad nu Dāvids uz otru pusi bija pārgājis, tad viņš stāvēja kalna galā no tālienes, ka vēl plata vieta bija viņu starpā.
David and Abishai went across the valley and climbed to the top of the hill, a long way from Saul’s camp.
14 Un Dāvids uzkliedza tiem ļaudīm un Abneram, Nera dēlam, un sacīja: vai tu neatbildi Abner? Tad Abners atbildēja un sacīja: kas tu tāds esi, ka tu tā pret ķēniņu kliedzi?
Then David shouted to Abner, “Abner, can you hear me?” Abner [woke up and] replied “Who are you, [waking up] the king by calling out to him?”
15 Tad Dāvids sacīja uz Abneru: vai tu neesi vīrs? Un kas tev ir līdzīgs iekš Israēla? Kāpēc tad tu savu kungu, to ķēniņu, neesi sargājis? Jo viens no tiem ļaudīm ir nācis, ķēniņu, tavu kungu, nonāvēt.
David replied, “[I am sure that] you are the greatest man in Israel [IRO, RHQ]! So why did you not guard your master, the king? Someone came into your camp in order to kill your master, the king.
16 Tas nav labi, ko tu esi darījis; tik tiešām kā Tas Kungs dzīvo, jo jūs nāvi esat pelnījuši, tāpēc ka jūs savu kungu, Tā Kunga svaidīto, neesat labāki sargājuši. Un nu redzi, kur ķēniņa šķēps ir un tas ūdens biķeris, kas bija viņa galvas galā?
You have done a very poor [job of guarding Saul]. So just as surely as Yahweh lives, you and your men should be executed! You have not guarded your master whom Yahweh appointed to be the king. Where are the king’s spear and the water jug that were close to his head?”
17 Un Sauls pazina Dāvida balsi un sacīja: vai šī nav tava balss, mans dēls Dāvid? Un Dāvids sacīja: mana balss, mans kungs un ķēniņ.
[The shouting woke] Saul [up and he] recognized that it was David’s voice. He called out, saying, “My son David, is that your voice?” David replied, “Yes, your majesty it is my voice.”
18 Un viņš sacīja: kāpēc mans kungs savu kalpu tā vajā? Jo ko es esmu darījis un kāds ļaunums ir manā rokā?
Then David added, “Sir, why are you pursuing me [RHQ]? What wrong have I done [RHQ]?
19 Un nu klausi jel, mans kungs un ķēniņ, sava kalpa vārdus. Ja Tas Kungs tevi pret mani skubina, tad lai viņš ož upura dāvanu, bet ja cilvēku bērni to dara, tad tie lai ir nolādēti priekš Tā Kunga, tāpēc ka tie mani šodien izdzen, ka es nevaru palikt iekš Tā Kunga mantības, sacīdami: ej, kalpo svešiem dieviem.
Your majesty, listen to me! If Yahweh has caused you to be angry with me, I should offer a sacrifice [in order to appease him]. But if it is people who have caused you to be angry with me, I hope/desire that Yahweh will curse them. They have forced me to leave the land that Yahweh gave to me. They have told me, ‘Go somewhere else and worship other gods!’
20 Bet lai nu manas asinis pie zemes nekrīt tālu no Tā Kunga vaiga, jo Israēla ķēniņš ir izgājis vienu blusu meklēt, tā kā irbi medī uz kalniem.
Now do not force me to die [MTY] far from [where we worship] Yahweh. You, the king of Israel, have come here searching for me. [But I do not want to harm you]! I am [as harmless as] a flea [MET]. You are searching for me like people hunt for a bird in the mountains! [MET]”
21 Tad Sauls sacīja: es esmu grēkojis, griezies atpakaļ, mans dēls Dāvid, jo es tev vairs ļauna nedarīšu, tāpēc ka mana dvēsele šodien ir dārga bijusi tavās acīs; redzi, es esmu aplam darījis un ļoti noziedzies.
Then Saul said, “David, my son. I have sinned [by trying to kill you]. So come back home. Today you have considered my life to be very valuable [and so you have not killed me]. So I will not try to harm you. I have made a big mistake and have acted foolishly.”
22 Tad Dāvids atbildēja un sacīja: redz, še ir ķēniņa šķēps, lai tad viens no tiem puišiem nāk un to paņem.
David replied, [“will leave] your spear here. Send one of your young men here to get it.
23 Bet Tas Kungs lai ikvienam maksā pēc viņa taisnības un pēc viņa uzticības; gan Tas Kungs tevi šodien manā rokā bija devis, bet es savu roku negribēju likt pie Tā Kunga svaidītā.
Yahweh rewards us for the things that we do that are right and for being loyal [to him]. Even when Yahweh placed me where I could easily have killed you, I refused to do that, because you are the one whom Yahweh has appointed [MTY] to be the king.
24 Un redzi, kā tava dvēsele šodien ir augsti turēta manās acīs, tā lai mana dvēsele augsti top turēta Tā Kunga acīs, un lai viņš mani izpestī no visām bēdām.
Just like I considered your life to be valuable [and spared your life] today, I hope/desire that Yahweh will consider my life to be valuable and [spare my life and] save me from all my troubles.”
25 Tad Sauls sacīja uz Dāvidu: svētīts tu esi, mans dēls Dāvid, tiešām ko tu uzņemsies, to tu tiešām arī izvedīsi galā. Tad Dāvids gāja savu ceļu, un Sauls griezās atpakaļ uz savu vietu.
Then Saul said to David, “My son David, I pray that Yahweh will bless you. You will do great things very successfully.” Then David returned to his men, and Saul went back home.

< Pirmā Samuela 26 >