< Pirmā Samuela 13 >
1 Sauls bija četrdesmit gadus vecs, kad palika par ķēniņu un valdīja divdesmit divus gadus pār Israēli.
When he began to reign, Saul was the son of one year, and he reigned over Israel for two years.
2 Un Sauls sev izlasīja trīs tūkstošus (vīru) no Israēla un divi tūkstoši bija pie Saula Mikmasā un uz Bēteles kalniem, un tūkstoš (vīru) pie Jonatāna Benjamina Ģibejā; un tos citus ļaudis viņš atlaida, ikvienu uz savām mājām.
And Saul chose for himself three thousand men of Israel. And two thousand were with Saul at Michmash and at mount Bethel. Then one thousand were with Jonathan at Gibeah of Benjamin. But the remainder of the people, he sent back, each one to his own tent.
3 Bet Jonatāns sita Fīlistus lēģerī Ģebā, un Fīlisti to dzirdēja. Tādēļ Sauls pūta ar bazūnēm pa visu zemi sacīdams: lai Ebreji to dzird.
And Jonathan struck the garrison of the Philistines, which was in Gibeah. And when the Philistines had heard about it, Saul sounded the trumpet over all the land, saying, “Let the Hebrews listen.”
4 Tad viss Israēls dzirdēja sakām: Sauls Fīlistus lēģerī ir sitis, un Israēls ir tapis smirdots pie Fīlistiem. Tad tie ļaudis tapa sasaukti uz Gilgalu Saulam pakaļ.
And all of Israel heard this report, that Saul had struck the garrison of the Philistines. And Israel raised himself up against the Philistines. Then the people cried out to Saul at Gilgal.
5 Un Fīlisti sapulcējās pret Israēli karot, trīsdesmit tūkstoš rati un seštūkstoš jātnieki un tik daudz ļaužu kā smiltis jūrmalā. Un tie cēlās un apmeta lēģeri pie Mikmasas, no Bet-Avenas pret rītiem.
And the Philistines gathered to do battle against Israel, thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and the remainder of the common people, who were very many, like the sand that is on the shore of the sea. And ascending, they encamped at Michmash, toward the east of Bethaven.
6 Kad nu Israēla vīri redzēja savas bēdas (jo tie ļaudis bija spaidos), tad tie ļaudis paslēpās alās un ērkšķu krūmos un klintīs un pilīs un bedrēs.
And when the men of Israel had seen themselves to be in a narrowed position, they hid themselves in caves, and in out of the way places, and in rocks, and in hollows, and in pits (for the people were distressed).
7 Un Ebreji cēlās pār Jardāni pāri uz Gada zemi un Gileādu. Bet Sauls bija vēl Gilgalā un visi ļaudis drebēja viņam pakaļ.
Then some of the Hebrews crossed over the Jordan, into the land of Gad and Gilead. And while Saul was still at Gilgal, the entire people who followed him were terrified.
8 Tad viņš gaidīja septiņas dienas, līdz tam laikam, ko Samuēls bija nolicis. Bet kad Samuēls uz Gilgalu nenāca, tad tie ļaudis no viņa izklīda.
But he waited for seven days, in accord with what was agreed with Samuel. But Samuel did not arrive at Gilgal, for the people were scattering away from him.
9 Tad Sauls sacīja: nesiet man šurp to dedzināmo upuri un tos pateicības upurus. Un viņš upurēja to dedzināmo upuri.
Therefore, Saul said, “Bring me the holocaust and the peace offerings.” And he offered the holocaust.
10 Kad nu viņš bija beidzis upurēt to dedzināmo upuri, redzi, tad Samuēls atnāca, un Sauls izgāja tam pretī, viņu sveicināt.
And when he had completed the offering of the holocaust, behold, Samuel arrived. And Saul went out to meet him, so that he might greet him.
11 Tad Samuēls sacīja: ko tu esi darījis? Un Sauls sacīja: kad es redzēju, ka tie ļaudis no manis izklīda un tu noliktā laikā nenāci, un tie Fīlisti bija sapulcējušies Mikmasā,
And Samuel said to him, “What have you done?” Saul responded: “Since I saw that the people were scattering away from me, and you had not arrived after the agreed upon days, and yet the Philistines had gathered together at Michmash,
12 Tad es sacīju: nu Fīlisti pie manis nāks uz Gilgalu, un es Tā Kunga vaigu neesmu pielūdzis, tā es iedrošinājos un upurēju to dedzināmo upuri.
I said: ‘Now the Philistines will descend to me at Gilgal. And I have not appeased the face of the Lord.’ Compelled by necessity, I offered the holocaust.
13 Tad Samuēls sacīja uz Saulu: tu esi aplam darījis; tu neesi turējis Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, bausli, ko Viņš tev ir pavēlējis; jo nu Tas Kungs tavu valstību pār Israēli būtu apstiprinājis mūžīgi,
And Samuel said to Saul: “You have acted foolishly. You have not kept the commandments of the Lord your God, which he instructed to you. And if you had not acted in this way, the Lord would, here and now, have prepared your kingdom over Israel forever.
14 Bet nu tava valstība nepastāvēs: Tas Kungs Sev vīru ir izmeklējis pēc Savas sirds, un Tas Kungs to ir nolicis Saviem ļaudīm par valdnieku, tāpēc ka tu neesi turējis, ko Tas Kungs tev bija pavēlējis.
But by no means shall your kingdom rise up any more. The Lord has sought for himself a man according to his own heart. And him the Lord has instructed to be the leader over his people, because you have not kept what the Lord has instructed.”
15 Tad Samuēls cēlās un gāja no Gilgalas uz Benjamina Ģibeju, un Sauls skaitīja tos ļaudis, kas pie viņa atradās, pie sešsimt vīru.
Then Samuel rose up and ascended from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin. And the remainder of the people ascended after Saul, to meet the people who were fighting against them, going from Gilgal into Gibeah, to the hill of Benjamin. And Saul took a census of the people, who had been found to be with him, about six hundred men.
16 Un Sauls un Jonatāns, viņa dēls, un tie ļaudis, kas pie viņiem atradās, palika Benjamina Ģibejā. Bet Fīlisti bija apmetušies Mikmasā.
And Saul, and his son Jonathan, and the people who had been found to be with them, were at Gibeah of Benjamin. But the Philistines had settled in at Michmash.
17 Un no Fīlistu lēģera izgāja trīs pulki sirotāju, viens pulks griezās uz to ceļu pret Ovru, uz Saula zemi,
And three companies went out from the camp of the Philistines, in order to plunder. One company was traveling toward the way of Ophrah, to the land of Shual.
18 Un viens pulks griezās uz to ceļu pret Bet-Oronu, un viens pulks griezās uz to robežas ceļu, kas uz Ceboīm ieleju pret tuksnesi stiepjas.
Then another entered along the way of Beth-horon. But the third turned itself to the way of the border, overhanging the valley of Zeboim, opposite the desert.
19 Un neviena kalēja nebija pa visu Israēla zemi. Jo Fīlisti sacīja: lai Ebreji ne zobenu, ne šķēpu netaisa.
Now there was no worker of iron to be found in all the land of Israel. For the Philistines had been cautious, lest perhaps the Hebrews might make swords or spears.
20 Tādēļ visam Israēlim bija jānoiet pie Fīlistiem, savu lemesi vai lāpstu vai cirvi vai izkapti asināt.
Therefore, all of Israel descended to the Philistines, so that each man could sharpen his plowshare, or pick axe, or hatchet, or hoe.
21 Un asmeņi pie izkaptīm un lāpstām un dakšām un cirvjiem bija atcirsti, un tie dzenuļi atkal bija jāmetina.
For their plow blades, and pick axes, and pitch forks, and axes had become blunt, and even the handles needed to be repaired.
22 Un notikās kaujas dienā, ka ne pie viena no tiem ļaudīm, kas bija pie Saula un pie Jonatāna, neatrada rokā ne zobena, ne šķēpa, tikvien pie Saula un pie Jonatāna, viņa dēla, tie atradās.
And when the day of battle had arrived, there was found neither sword nor spear in the hand of the entire people who were with Saul and Jonathan, except for Saul and his son Jonathan.
23 Un viens pulks Fīlistu devās uz to ceļa šaurumu kalnos pie Mikmasas.
Then the army of the Philistines went out in order to go across Michmash.