< Pāvila 1. Vēstule Korintiešiem 9 >
1 Vai es neesmu svabads? Vai es neesmu apustulis? Vai es Kristu, mūsu Kungu, neesmu redzējis? Vai jūs neesat mans darbs iekš Tā Kunga?
Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen our Lord Jesus? Aren’t you yourselves my work achieved in union with the Lord?
2 Ja es citiem neesmu apustulis, tomēr jums es esmu; jo mana apustuļa amata zieģelis jūs esat iekš Tā Kunga.
If I am not an apostle to others, yet at least I am to you; for you are the seal that stamps me as an apostle in union with the Lord.
3 Mana atbildēšana tiem, kas mani tiesā, ir šī:
The defence that I make to my critics is this:
4 Vai mums nav brīv, ēst un dzert?
Haven’t we a right to food and drink?
5 Vai mums nav brīv kādu māsu vest līdz par sievu, tā kā arī tie citi apustuļi un Tā Kunga brāļi un Kefas?
Haven’t we a right to take a wife with us, if she is a Christian, as the other apostles and the Master’s brothers and Cephas all do?
6 Jeb vai man un Barnabam vien nav brīv, nestrādāt?
Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to give up working for our bread?
7 Kas jel iet karā ar savu maizi? Kas vīna kalnu dēsta un neēd no viņa augļiem? Jeb kas lopus gana un neēd no tā piena?
Does anyone ever serve as a soldier at his own expense? Does anyone plant a vineyard and not eat its produce? Or does anyone look after a herd and not drink the milk?
8 Vai es to runāju pēc cilvēku prāta? Jeb vai to nesaka arī pati bauslība?
Am I, in all this, speaking only from the human standpoint? Does not the Law also say the same?
9 Jo Mozus bauslībā ir rakstīts: Tev nebūs vērsim, kas labību min, purnu apsiet: vai tad Dievam rūp par vēršiem?
For in the Law of Moses it is said – “You should not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.” Is it the bullocks that God is thinking of?
10 Jeb vai viņš to visu nesaka mūsu labad? Jo mūsu labad ir rakstīts, ka arājam vajag art uz cerību un kūlējam kult uz cerību, ka viņam būs sava daļa.
Or is not is said entirely for our sakes? Surely it was written for our sakes, for the ploughman ought not to plough, nor the thrasher to thrash, without expecting a share of the grain.
11 Ja mēs jums to garīgo mantu esam sējuši, vai tad tā liela lieta, ja jūsu miesīgo pļaujam?
Since we, then, sowed spiritual seed for you, is it too much that we should reap from you an earthly harvest?
12 Ja tad citiem tāda vaļa ir par jums, kāpēc ne jo vairāk mums? Bet mēs šo vaļu neesam lietojuši, bet visu panesam, lai Kristus evaņģēliju neaizkavējam.
If others share in this right over you, don’t we even more? Still we did not avail ourselves of this right. No, we endure anything rather than impede the progress of the good news of the Christ.
13 Vai nezināt, ka tie, kas pie svētuma kalpo, no tā svētuma ēd? Un ka tiem, kam darbs ir pie altāra, daļa ir no tā altāra?
Don’t you know that those who do the work of the Temple live on what comes from the Temple, and that those who serve at the altar share the offerings with the altar?
14 Tāpat arī Tas Kungs ir iestādījis, ka tie, kas evaņģēliju sludina, no evaņģēlija pārtiek.
So, too, the Master has appointed that those who tell the good news should get their living from the good news.
15 Bet no tā es nekā neesmu lietojis. Un es to neesmu rakstījis, lai pie manis tā notiek; jo man būtu labāki mirt, nekā ja kāds manu slavu nīcinātu.
I, however, have not availed myself of any of these rights. I am not saying this to secure such an arrangement for myself; indeed, I would far rather die – Nobody will make my boast a vain one!
16 Jo kad es evaņģēliju sludināju, tad man nav ko lielīties; jo tas man jādara; un vai man, ja es evaņģēliju nesludināju!
If I proclaim the good news, I have nothing to boast of, for I am compelled to do so. Woe is me if I do not share it!
17 Jo ja es to labprāt daru, tad man ir alga; ja ne labprāt, tad tomēr nama turēšana man ir uzticēta.
If I do this work willingly, I have a reward; but, if unwillingly, I have been charged to perform a duty.
18 Kāda alga tad nu man ir? Ka evaņģēliju sludinādams Kristus evaņģēliju mācu bez maksas, lai neizlietoju savu vaļu pie evaņģēlija.
What is my reward, then? To present the good news free of all cost, and so make but a sparing use of the rights which it gives me.
19 Jo no visiem svabads būdams es sevi pašu esmu darījis visiem par kalpu, ka jo vairāk dvēseļu mantotu.
Although I was entirely free, yet, to win as many converts as possible, I made myself everyone’s slave.
20 Un Jūdiem es esmu tapis par Jūdu, ka Jūdus mantotu; tiem, kas apakš bauslības es esmu tapis kā apakš bauslības, (pats nebūdams apakš bauslības, ) ka mantotu tos, kas apakš bauslības.
To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win Jews. To those who are subject to Law I became like a man subject to Law – though I was not myself subject to Law – to win those who are subject to Law.
21 Tiem, kas bez bauslības, esmu tapis tā kā bez bauslības, (pats nebūdams bez bauslības Dieva priekšā, bet stāvēdams iekš bauslības caur Kristu), ka es tos mantotu, kas bez bauslības.
To those who have no Law I became like a man who has no Law – not that I am free from God’s Law; no, for I am under Christ’s Law – to win those who have no law.
22 Vājiem es esmu tapis tā kā vājš, ka mantotu vājos; visiem esmu palicis viss, ka visādi kādus glābtu.
To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so as at all costs to save some.
23 Un to es daru evaņģēlija dēļ, ka man arī kāda daļa pie tā būtu.
And I do everything for the sake of the good news, so that with them I may share in its blessings.
24 Vai nezināt, ka tie, kas iet skrieties, gan visi skrien, bet viens dabū to goda maksu? Skrieniet tā, ka jūs to dabūjiet.
Don’t you know that on a racecourse, though all run, yet only one wins the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.
25 Bet ikviens, kas cīkstas, savaldās visās lietās, - viņi tāpēc, ka dabūtu iznīcīgu kroni, bet mēs neiznīcīgu.
Every athlete exercises self-restraint in everything; they, indeed, for a crown that fades, we for one that is unfading.
26 Es tad skrienu, ne tā kā uz ko nezināmu, - es cīnos, ne tā kā gaisu sizdams;
I, therefore, do not run aimlessly. I do not box like a man hitting the air.
27 Bet es savu miesu mērdēju un viņu kalpināju, lai citiem sludinādams pats nekļūstu atmetams.
No, I bruise my body and make it my slave, so that I, who have called others to the contest, will not myself be rejected.