< Pirmā Laiku 29 >

1 Un ķēniņš Dāvids sacīja uz visu draudzi: Salamans, mans dēls, tas vienīgais, ko Dievs izredzējis, vēl ir jauns un mazs, un taču šis darbs ir liels, jo tā nav pils kādam cilvēkam, bet Dievam, Tam Kungam.
And David the king said to all the congregation, Solomon my son, whom the Lord has chosen, [is] young and tender, and the work [is] great; for [it is] not for man, but for the Lord God.
2 Tad ar visu savu spēku esmu sagādājis priekš sava Dieva nama zeltu zelta rīkiem un sudrabu sudraba rīkiem un varu vara rīkiem un dzelzi dzelzs rīkiem un kokus koka rīkiem, Onika akmeņus un ieliekamus akmeņus un rubīnus un raibus akmeņus, visādus dārgus akmeņus un marmora akmeņus lielā pulkā.
I have prepared according to all [my] might for the house of my God gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, onyx stones, and costly and variegated stones for setting, and every precious stone, and much Parian [marble].
3 Un turklāt, kad man pie sava Dieva nama ir labs prāts, man ir vēl zelts un sudrabs, un to es dodu klāt savam Dieva namam bez visa tā, ko esmu sakrājis priekš tā svētā nama:
And still farther, because I took pleasure in the house of my God, I have gold and silver which I have procured for myself, and, behold, I have given them to the house of my God over and above, beyond what I have prepared for the holy house.
4 Trīstūkstoš talentus zelta no Ofira zelta un septiņtūkstoš talentus šķīsta sudraba, ēku sienas pārvilkt;
Three thousand talents of gold of Suphir, and seven thousand talents of fine silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the sanctuary:
5 Zeltu zelta- un sudrabu sudraba-(traukiem) un ikvienam darbam, ko amatnieku roka taisa. Un kam nu ir labs prāts šodien ar pilnu roku upurēt Tam Kungam?
[for you to use] the gold for [things of] gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for every work by the hand of the artificers. And who is willing to dedicate himself in work this day for the Lord?
6 Tad deva ar labu prātu tēvu namu virsnieki un Israēla cilšu virsnieki un tūkstošnieki un simtnieki un ķēniņa darba virsnieki.
Then the heads of families, and the princes of the children of Israel, and the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and the overseers of the works, and the king's builders, offered willingly.
7 Tie deva Dieva nama vajadzībai piectūkstoš talentus zelta un desmit tūkstoš zelta gabalus un desmit tūkstoš talentus sudraba, astoņpadsmit tūkstoš talentus vara un simts tūkstoš talentus dzelzs.
And they gave for the works of the house of the Lord five thousand talents of gold, and ten thousand gold [pieces], and ten thousand talents of silver, and eighteen thousand talents of brass, and a hundred thousand talents of iron.
8 Un pie kā akmeņi atradās, tie tos deva Tā Kunga nama mantā Jeķiēļa, Geršona dēla, rokā.
And they who had [precious] stone, gave it into the treasuries of the house of the Lord by the hand of Jeiel the Gedsonite.
9 Un tie ļaudis priecājās labprātīgi dodami, jo tie deva no visas sirds Tam Kungam ar labu prātu.
And the people rejoiced because of the willingness, for they offered willingly to the Lord with a full heart: and king David rejoiced greatly.
10 Un ķēniņš Dāvids priecājās arī ar lielu prieku, un Dāvids teica To Kungu visas draudzes priekšā. Un Dāvids sacīja: slavēts esi Kungs, mūsu tēva Israēla Dievs, mūžīgi mūžam!
And king David blessed the Lord before the congregation, saying, Blessed are you, O Lord God of Israel, our Father, from everlasting and to everlasting.
11 Tev, Kungs, pieder augstība un spēks un godība un slava un gods, jo viss, kas debesīs un zemes virsū, tas Tev pieder. Tava ir tā valstība, un Tu esi paaugstinājies kā galva pār visiem.
Your, O Lord, [is] the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the might: for you are Lord of all things that are in heaven and upon the earth: before your face every king and nation is troubled.
12 Un bagātība un gods nāk no Tevis, un Tu esi valdītājs pār visu, un Tavā rokā ir spēks un vara, un Tavā rokā stāv, visu paaugstināt un stiprināt.
From you [come] wealth and glory: you, O Lord, rule over all, the Lord of all dominion, and in your hand [is] strength and rule; and [you are] almighty with your hand to increase and establish all things.
13 Tad nu, mūsu Dievs, mēs Tev pateicamies un slavējam Tavas godības vārdu.
And now, Lord, we give thanks to you, and praise your glorious name.
14 Jo kas es esmu, un kas ir mani ļaudis, ka mēs spētu labprātīgi dot tādas dāvanas? Jo viss ir no Tevis, un no Tavas rokas mēs Tev dodam.
But who am I, and what [is] my people, that we have been able to be thus forward [in offering] to you? for all things [are] your, and of your own have we given you,
15 Jo mēs esam svešinieki un piemitēji Tavā priekšā, kā visi mūsu tēvi; mūsu dienas virs zemes ir kā ēna un bez pastāvības.
for we are strangers before you, and sojourners, as all our fathers [were]: our days upon the earth [are] as a shadow, and there is no remaining.
16 Kungs, mūsu Dievs, visa šī bagātība, ko esam sakrājuši, Tev namu taisīt Tavam svētam vārdam, tā ir no Tavas rokas, un viss Tev pieder.
O Lord our God, as for all this abundance which I have prepared that a house should be built to your holy name, it is of your hand, and all [is] your.
17 Un es zinu, mans Dievs, ka Tu sirdi pārbaudi, un skaidrība Tev labi patīk; no savas sirds skaidrības visu šo esmu devis ar labu prātu, un esmu redzējis ar līksmību Tavus ļaudis, kas še sanākuši, Tev dodam labprātīgi.
And I know, Lord, that you are he that searches the hearts, and you love righteousness. I have willingly offered all these things in simplicity of heart; and now I have seen with joy your people here present, willingly offering to you.
18 Kungs, mūsu tēvu, Ābrahāma, Īzaka un Israēla, Dievs, uzturi to mūžīgi, tādu prātu un sirdi Saviem ļaudīm, un atgriez viņu sirdis pie Sevis,
O Lord God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, preserve these things in the thought of the heart of your people for ever, and direct their hearts to you.
19 Un manam dēlam Salamanam dod padevīgu sirdi, turēt Tavus baušļus un Tavas liecības un Tavus likumus un visu darīt un uztaisīt šo augsto namu, ko es esmu nolicis.
And to Solomon my son give a good heart, to perform your commandments, and [to observe] your testimonies, and your ordinances, and to accomplish the building of your house.
20 Un Dāvids sacīja uz visu draudzi: teiciet jel To Kungu, savu Dievu! Tad visa draudze teica To Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu, un palocījās un nometās zemē Tā Kunga un ķēniņa priekšā.
And David said to the whole congregation, Bless you the Lord our God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and they bowed the knee and worshipped the Lord, and [did obeisance] to the king.
21 Un tie upurēja Tam Kungam upurus, un upurēja Tam Kungam dedzināmos upurus otras dienas rītā tūkstoš vēršus, tūkstoš aunus, tūkstoš jērus ar saviem dzeramiem upuriem un kaujamiem upuriem lielā pulkā priekš visa Israēla.
And David sacrificed to the Lord, and offered up whole burnt offerings to the Lord on the morrow after the first day, a thousand calves, a thousand rams, a thousand lambs, and their drink-offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel.
22 Un tie ēda un dzēra tai dienā Tā Kunga priekšā ar lielu līksmību. Un tie cēla Salamanu, Dāvida dēlu, otrā reizē par ķēniņu un to svaidīja par valdītāju Tā Kunga priekšā un Cadoku par priesteri.
And they ate and drank joyfully that day before the Lord: and they made Solomon the son of David king a second time, and anointed him king before the Lord, and Sadoc to the priesthood.
23 Tā Salamans sēdās Tā Kunga krēslā par ķēniņu sava tēva Dāvida vietā, un tam labi izdevās, un viss Israēls tam klausīja.
And Solomon sat upon the throne of his father David, and was highly honored; and all Israel obeyed him.
24 Un visi lielkungi un varenie, arī visi ķēniņa Dāvida bērni padevās ķēniņam Salamanam.
The princes, and the mighty men, and all the sons of king David his father, were subject to him.
25 Un Tas Kungs darīja Salamanu jo lielu visa Israēla priekšā un deva tam valstības godību, kāda vēl nebija bijusi nevienam Israēla ķēniņam priekš viņa.
And the Lord magnified Solomon over all Israel, and gave him royal glory, such as was not upon any king before him.
26 Tā Dāvids, Isajus dēls, bija valdījis pār visu Israēli.
And David the son of Jessae reigned over Israel forty years;
27 Un tas laiks, kamēr viņš valdīja pār Israēli, bija četrdesmit gadi; Hebronē viņš valdīja septiņus gadus un Jeruzālemē viņš valdīja trīsdesmit trīs gadus.
seven years in Chebron, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
28 Un viņš nomira labā vecumā, diezgan piedzīvojis mūža dienu, bagātības un goda, un viņa dēls Salamans palika par ķēniņu viņa vietā.
And he died in a good old age, full of days, in wealth, and glory: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.
29 Un ķēniņa Dāvida lietas, pirmās un pēdējās, redzi, tās ir rakstītas redzētāja Samuēla stāstos un pravieša Nātana stāstos un redzētāja Gada stāstos,
And the rest of the acts of David, the former and the latter, are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,
30 Ar visu viņa valdību un varu un tiem laikiem, kas aizgājuši pār viņu un pār Israēli un pār visām valstīm un zemēm.
concerning all his reign, and his power, and the times which went over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the earth.

< Pirmā Laiku 29 >