< Pirmā Laiku 14 >

1 Un Īrams, Tirus ķēniņš, sūtīja vēstnešus pie Dāvida un ciedru kokus un mūrniekus un būvmeistarus, viņam uztaisīt namu.
and to send: depart (Hiram *Q(K)*) king Tyre messenger to(wards) David and tree cedar and artificer wall and artificer tree: wood to/for to build to/for him house: home
2 Un Dāvids manīja, ka Tas Kungs viņu bija apstiprinājis par ķēniņu pār Israēli; jo viņa valstība tapa varen paaugstināta viņa Israēla ļaužu labad.
and to know David for to establish: establish him LORD to/for king upon Israel for to lift: exalt to/for above [to] royalty his in/on/with for the sake of people his Israel
3 Un Dāvids ņēma vēl vairāk sievu Jeruzālemē un Dāvidam dzima vēl vairāk dēlu un meitu.
and to take: take David still woman: wife in/on/with Jerusalem and to beget David still son: child and daughter
4 Un šie ir to bērnu vārdi, kas viņam piedzima Jeruzālemē: Šamuūs un Zobabs, Nātans un Salamans.
and these name [the] to beget which to be to/for him in/on/with Jerusalem Shammua and Shobab Nathan and Solomon
5 Un Jebears un Elizuūs un Elvalets
and Ibhar and Elishua and Elpelet
6 Un Nogus un Nevegs un Japius
and Nogah and Nepheg and Japhia
7 Un Elišamus un BaelJadus un Elivalets.
and Elishama and Beeliada and Eliphelet
8 Kad nu Fīlisti dzirdēja, ka Dāvids bija svaidīts par ķēniņu pār visu Israēli, tad visi Fīlisti nāca, Dāvidu meklēt. Un kad Dāvids to dzirdēja, tad viņš tiem izgāja pretī.
and to hear: hear Philistine for to anoint David to/for king upon all Israel and to ascend: rise all Philistine to/for to seek [obj] David and to hear: hear David and to come out: come to/for face: before their
9 Un Fīlisti nāca un izplētās Refaīm ielejā.
and Philistine to come (in): come and to strip in/on/with Valley (of Rephaim) (Valley of) Rephaim
10 Tad Dāvids vaicāja Dievam un sacīja: vai man būs iet pret Fīlistiem, un vai tu tos dosi manā rokā? Un Tas Kungs tam sacīja: celies, jo es tos došu tavā rokā.
and to ask David in/on/with God to/for to say to ascend: rise upon (Philistine *Q(k)*) and to give: give them in/on/with hand: power my and to say to/for him LORD to ascend: rise and to give: give them in/on/with hand: power your
11 Un tie gāja uz BaālPracim, un Dāvids tos tur sakāva, un Dāvids sacīja: Dievs aizrāvis manus ienaidniekus caur manu roku, tā kā ūdens rauj. Tādēļ tie nosauca to vietu BaālPracim (rāveju vieta).
and to ascend: rise in/on/with Baal-perazim Baal-perazim and to smite them there David and to say David to break through [the] God [obj] enemy my in/on/with hand: power my like/as breach water upon so to call: call by name [the] place [the] he/she/it Baal-perazim Baal-perazim
12 Un tie tur pameta savus dievus; un Dāvids pavēlēja, tos sadedzināt ar uguni.
and to leave: forsake there [obj] God their and to say David and to burn in/on/with fire
13 Bet Fīlisti atkal nāca un apmetās ielejā.
and to add: again still Philistine and to strip in/on/with valley
14 Tad Dāvids atkal vaicāja Dievam, un Dievs uz to sacīja: neej aiz viņiem bet ej apkārt ap viņiem, un ej tiem virsū pret tiem raudu kokiem.
and to ask still David in/on/with God and to say to/for him [the] God not to ascend: rise after them to turn: surround from upon them and to come (in): come to/for them from opposite [the] balsam
15 Un kad tu dzirdēsi soļus rībam raudu koku galotnēs, tad izej uz kaušanos, jo Dievs iziet tavā priekšā, kaut Fīlistu karaspēku.
and to be like/as to hear: hear you [obj] voice: sound [the] marching in/on/with head: top [the] balsam then to come out: come in/on/with battle for to come out: come [the] God to/for face: before your to/for to smite [obj] camp Philistine
16 Un Dāvids darīja, kā Dievs tam bija pavēlējis; un tie kāva Fīlistu karaspēku no Gibeonas līdz Gazerai.
and to make: do David like/as as which to command him [the] God and to smite [obj] camp Philistine from Gibeon and till Gezer [to]
17 Tā Dāvida slava izpaudās pa visām zemēm, un Tas Kungs lika bailēm no viņa uziet visiem pagāniem.
and to come out: come name David in/on/with all [the] land: country/planet and LORD to give: give [obj] dread his upon all [the] nation

< Pirmā Laiku 14 >