< Zaccharias Propheta 14 >

1 ecce dies veniunt Domini et dividentur spolia tua in medio tui
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and thi spuylis schulen be departid in the myddil of thee.
2 et congregabo omnes gentes ad Hierusalem in proelium et capietur civitas et vastabuntur domus et mulieres violabuntur et egredietur media pars civitatis in captivitatem et reliquum populi non auferetur ex urbe
And Y schal gadere alle folkis to Jerusalem, in to batel; and the citee schal be takun, and housis schulen be distried, and wymmen schulen be defoulid. And the myddil part of the citee schal go out in to caitiftee, and the `tother part of the puple schal not be takun awei fro the citee.
3 et egredietur Dominus et proeliabitur contra gentes illas sicut proeliatus est in die certaminis
And the Lord schal go out, and schal fiyte ayens tho folkis, as he fauyte in the dai of strijf.
4 et stabunt pedes eius in die illa super montem Olivarum qui est contra Hierusalem ad orientem et scindetur mons Olivarum ex media parte sui ad orientem et occidentem praerupto grandi valde et separabitur medium montis ad aquilonem et medium eius ad meridiem
And hise feet schulen stonde in that dai on the hil of olyues, that is ayens Jerusalem at the eest. And the hil of olyues schal be coruun of the myddil part therof to the eest and to the west, bi ful greet biforbrekyng; and the myddil of the hil schal be departid to the north, and the myddil therof to the south.
5 et fugietis ad vallem montium meorum quoniam coniungetur vallis montium usque ad proximum et fugietis sicut fugistis a facie terraemotus in diebus Oziae regis Iuda et veniet Dominus Deus meus omnesque sancti cum eo
And ye schulen fle to the valei of myn hillis, for the valei of hillis schal be ioyned togidere til to the nexte. And ye schulen fle, as ye fledden fro the face of erthe mouyng in the daies of Osie, kyng of Juda; and my Lord God schal come, and alle seyntis with hym.
6 et erit in die illa non erit lux sed frigus et gelu
And it schal be, in that dai liyt schal not be, but coold and frost.
7 et erit dies una quae nota est Domino non dies neque nox et in tempore vesperae erit lux
And `ther schal be o dai, which is knowun to the Lord, not day, nether niyt, and in tyme of euentid liyt schal be.
8 et erit in die illa exibunt aquae vivae de Hierusalem medium earum ad mare orientale et medium earum ad mare novissimum in aestate et in hieme erunt
And it schal be, in that dai quyke watris schulen go out of Jerusalem, the myddil of hem schal go out to the eest see, and the myddil of hem to the laste see; in somer and in wynter thei schulen be.
9 et erit Dominus rex super omnem terram in die illa erit Dominus unus et erit nomen eius unum
And the Lord schal be kyng on al erthe; in that dai there schal be o Lord, and his name schal be oon.
10 et revertetur omnis terra usque ad desertum de colle Remmon ad austrum Hierusalem et exaltabitur et habitabit in loco suo a porta Beniamin usque ad locum portae Prioris usque ad portam Angulorum et a turre Ananehel usque ad torcularia regis
And al erthe schal turne ayen til to desert, fro the litil hil Remmon to the south of Jerusalem. And it schal be reisid, and schal dwelle in his place, fro the yate of Beniamyn til to place of the formere yate, and til to the yate of the corneris, and fro the tour of Ananyel til to the pressouris of the kyng.
11 et habitabunt in ea et anathema non erit amplius sed sedebit Hierusalem secura
And thei schulen dwelle there ynne, and cursidnesse schal no more be, but Jerusalem schal sitte sikir.
12 et haec erit plaga qua percutiet Dominus omnes gentes quae pugnaverunt adversus Hierusalem tabescet caro uniuscuiusque stantis super pedes suos et oculi eius contabescent in foraminibus suis et lingua eorum contabescet in ore suo
And this schal be the wounde, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, that fouyten ayens Jerusalem; the fleisch of ech man stondynge on hise feet schal faile, and hise iyen schulen faile togidere in her hoolis, and her tunge schal faile togidere in her mouth.
13 in die illo erit tumultus Domini magnus in eis et adprehendet vir manum proximi sui et conseretur manus eius super manum proximi sui
In that dai greet noise of the Lord schal be in hem, and a man schal catche the hond of his neiybore; and his hond schal be lockid togidere on hond of his neiybore.
14 sed et Iudas pugnabit adversus Hierusalem et congregabuntur divitiae omnium gentium in circuitu aurum et argentum et vestes multae satis
But and Judas schal fiyte ayens Jerusalem; and richessis of alle folkis in cumpas schulen be gaderide togidere, gold, and siluer, and many clothis ynow.
15 et sic erit ruina equi et muli cameli et asini et omnium iumentorum quae fuerint in castris illis sicut ruina haec
And so fallyng schal be of hors, and mule, and camel, and asse, and of alle werk beestis, that weren in tho castels, as this fallyng.
16 et omnes qui reliqui fuerint de universis gentibus quae venerint contra Hierusalem ascendent ab anno in annum ut adorent regem Dominum exercituum et celebrent festivitatem tabernaculorum
And alle that schulen be residue of alle folkis, that camen ayens Jerusalem, schulen stie vp fro yeer in to yeer, that thei worschipe the kyng, Lord of oostis, and halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.
17 et erit qui non ascenderit de familiis terrae ad Hierusalem ut adoret regem Dominum exercituum non erit super eos imber
And it schal be, reyn schal not be on hem that schulen not stie vp of the meyneis of erthe to Jerusalem, `that thei worschipe the king, Lord of oostis.
18 quod si et familia Aegypti non ascenderit et non venerit nec super eos erit sed erit ruina qua percutiet Dominus omnes gentes quae non ascenderint ad celebrandam festivitatem tabernaculorum
`That and if the meynee of Egipt schal not stie vp, and schal not come, nether on hem schal be reyn; but fallyng schal be, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, whiche stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.
19 hoc erit peccatum Aegypti et hoc peccatum omnium gentium quae non ascenderint ad celebrandam festivitatem tabernaculorum
This schal be the synne of Egipt, and this the synne of alle folkis, that stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.
20 in die illo erit quod super frenum equi est sanctum Domino et erunt lebetes in domo Domini quasi fialae coram altari
In that dai, that that is on the bridil of hors schal be hooli to the Lord; and caudruns schulen be in the hous of the Lord, as cruetis bifor the auter.
21 et erit omnis lebes in Hierusalem et in Iuda sanctificatus Domino exercituum et venient omnes immolantes et sument ex eis et coquent in eis et non erit mercator ultra in domo Domini exercituum in die illo
And euery caudrun in Jerusalem and Juda schal be halewid to the Lord of oostis. And alle men schulen come offrynge, and schulen take of tho, and schulen sethe in tho; and a marchaunt schal no more be in the hous of the Lord of oostis in that day.

< Zaccharias Propheta 14 >