< Zaccharias Propheta 1 >

1 in mense octavo in anno secundo Darii factum est verbum Domini ad Zacchariam filium Barachiae filium Addo prophetam dicens
In the month eighth in year two of Darius it came [the] word of Yahweh to Zechariah [the] son of Berekiah [the] son of Iddo the prophet saying.
2 iratus est Dominus super patres vestros iracundia
He was angry Yahweh towards ancestors your anger.
3 et dices ad eos haec dicit Dominus exercituum convertimini ad me ait Dominus exercituum et convertar ad vos dicit Dominus exercituum
And you will say to them thus he says Yahweh of hosts return to me [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts so I may return to you he says Yahweh of hosts.
4 ne sitis sicut patres vestri ad quos clamabant prophetae priores dicentes haec dicit Dominus exercituum convertimini de viis vestris malis et cogitationibus vestris pessimis et non audierunt neque adtenderunt ad me dicit Dominus
May not you be like ancestors your whom they proclaimed to them the prophets former saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts turn back please from ways your evil (and deeds your *Q(k)*) evil and not they listened and not they paid attention to me [the] utterance of Yahweh.
5 patres vestri ubi sunt et prophetae numquid in sempiternum vivent
Ancestors your where? [are] they and the prophets ¿ to forever do they live.
6 verumtamen verba mea et legitima mea quae mandavi servis meis prophetis numquid non conprehenderunt patres vestros et conversi sunt et dixerunt sicut cogitavit Dominus exercituum facere nobis secundum vias nostras et secundum adinventiones nostras fecit nobis
Nevertheless - words my and statutes my which I commanded servants my the prophets ¿ not did they overtake ancestors your and they repented and they said just as he planned Yahweh of hosts to do to us according to ways our and according to deeds our so he has done with us.
7 in die vicesima et quarta undecimo mense sabath in anno secundo Darii factum est verbum Domini ad Zacchariam filium Barachiae filium Addo prophetam dicens
On day twenty and four of one [plus] ten month it [was] [the] month of Shebat in year two of Darius it came [the] word of Yahweh to Zechariah [the] son of Berekiah [the] son of Iddo the prophet saying.
8 vidi per noctem et ecce vir ascendens super equum rufum et ipse stabat inter myrteta quae erant in profundo et post eum equi rufi varii et albi
I saw - the night and there! a man [was] riding on a horse red and he [was] standing between the myrtle trees which [were] in the hollow and [were] behind him horses red sorrel and white.
9 et dixi quid sunt isti domine mi et dixit ad me angelus qui loquebatur in me ego ostendam tibi quid sint haec
And I said what? [are] these O lord my and he said to me the angel who was speaking with me I I will show you what? they [are] these.
10 et respondit vir qui stabat inter myrteta et dixit isti sunt quos misit Dominus ut perambularent terram
And he answered the man who was standing between (the myrtle trees *LB(ah)*) and he said these [are those] whom he has sent Yahweh to go about on the earth.
11 et responderunt angelo Domini qui stabat inter myrteta et dixerunt perambulavimus terram et ecce omnis terra habitatur et quiescit
And they answered [the] angel of Yahweh who was standing between the myrtle trees and they said we have gone about on the earth and there! all the earth [is] dwelling and [is] undisturbed.
12 et respondit angelus Domini et dixit Domine exercituum usquequo tu non misereberis Hierusalem et urbium Iuda quibus iratus es iste septuagesimus annus est
And he answered [the] angel of Yahweh and he said O Yahweh of hosts until when? you not will you have compassion on Jerusalem and [the] cities of Judah which you have been indignant this seventy year[s].
13 et respondit Dominus angelo qui loquebatur in me verba bona verba consolatoria
And he answered Yahweh the angel who was speaking with me words good words comfort.
14 et dixit ad me angelus qui loquebatur in me clama dicens haec dicit Dominus exercituum zelatus sum Hierusalem et Sion zelo magno
And he said to me the angel who was speaking with me proclaim saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion jealousy great.
15 et ira magna ego irascor super gentes opulentas quia ego iratus sum parum ipsi vero adiuverunt in malum
And anger great I [am] angry towards the nations at ease which I I was angry a little and they they have helped for evil.
16 propterea haec dicit Dominus revertar ad Hierusalem in misericordiis domus mea aedificabitur in ea ait Dominus exercituum et perpendiculum extendetur super Hierusalem
Therefore thus he says Yahweh I have returned to Jerusalem with compassion house my it will be rebuilt in it [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts (and a measuring-line *Q(K)*) it will be stretched out over Jerusalem.
17 adhuc clama dicens haec dicit Dominus exercituum adhuc affluent civitates meae bonis et consolabitur Dominus adhuc Sion et eliget adhuc Hierusalem
Again - proclaim saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts again they will overflow cities my from good and he will comfort Yahweh again Zion and he will choose again Jerusalem.
18 et levavi oculos meos et vidi et ecce quattuor cornua
And I lifted up eyes my and I saw and there! four horns.
19 et dixi ad angelum qui loquebatur in me quid sunt haec et dixit ad me haec sunt cornua quae ventilaverunt Iudam et Israhel et Hierusalem
And I said to the angel who was speaking with me what? [are] these and he said to me these [are] the horns which they scattered Judah Israel and Jerusalem.
20 et ostendit mihi Dominus quattuor fabros
And he showed me Yahweh four craftsmen.
21 et dixi quid isti veniunt facere qui ait dicens haec sunt cornua quae ventilaverunt Iudam per singulos viros et nemo eorum levavit caput suum et venerunt isti deterrere ea ut deiciant cornua gentium quae levaverunt cornu super terram Iuda ut dispergerent eam
And I said what? [are] these coming to do and he said saying these [are] the horns which they scattered Judah according to [the] mouth of a man not he lifted up head his and they have come these [craftsmen] to terrify them to throw down [the] horns of the nations which lifted up a horn against [the] land of Judah to scatter it.

< Zaccharias Propheta 1 >