< Canticum Canticorum 2 >

1 ego flos campi et lilium convallium
I am [like] [MET] a flower/rose from the Sharon [Plain], and [like] [MET] a lily [that grows] in a valley.
2 sicut lilium inter spinas sic amica mea inter filias
Among the [other] young women, the one whom I love is like [MET] a lily [growing] among thorns!
3 sicut malum inter ligna silvarum sic dilectus meus inter filios sub umbra illius quam desideraveram sedi et fructus eius dulcis gutturi meo
And among [the other] men, you, the man who loves me, are like [MET] an apple/fruit tree [that grows] in the forest. [You are like a tree whose] shadow [protects me from the sun], and your [being close to me] [EUP] is like [MET] eating sweet fruit.
4 introduxit me in cellam vinariam ordinavit in me caritatem
You led me to the (banquet room/room where we could make love), and it is evident that you love me very much.
5 fulcite me floribus stipate me malis quia amore langueo
Refresh me and strengthen me [with your lovemaking] [like I am refreshed by eating] [MET, EUP] raisins and other fruit, because I very much desire that you love me even more.
6 leva eius sub capite meo et dextera illius amplexabitur me
Put your left arm under my head and with your right arm hold me close.
7 adiuro vos filiae Hierusalem per capreas cervosque camporum ne suscitetis neque evigilare faciatis dilectam quoadusque ipsa velit
You young women of Jerusalem, solemnly promise me, while the does and gazelles [are listening], that you will not disturb us while we are making love until we are ready to quit.
8 vox dilecti mei ecce iste venit saliens in montibus transiliens colles
I hear the voice of the man who loves me. [It is as though] [MET] he is leaping over the mountains and skipping over the hills
9 similis est dilectus meus capreae hinuloque cervorum en ipse stat post parietem nostrum despiciens per fenestras prospiciens per cancellos
like [SIM] a deer or a gazelle. Now he is standing outside the wall of our house, looking in the window, and peering through the (lattice/wooden strips inside the window frame).
10 et dilectus meus loquitur mihi surge propera amica mea formonsa mea et veni
He spoke to me and said, “You whom I love, get up; my beautiful one, come with me [CHI]!
11 iam enim hiemps transiit imber abiit et recessit
Look, the (winter/cold season) is ended; the rain has stopped;
12 flores apparuerunt in terra tempus putationis advenit vox turturis audita est in terra nostra
flowers are blooming throughout the country/land. It is now time to sing; we hear the doves cooing.
13 ficus protulit grossos suos vineae florent dederunt odorem surge amica mea speciosa mea et veni
There are young/new figs on the fig trees, and there are blossoms on the grapevines and their fragrance fills the air. You whom I love, get up; my beautiful one, come with me!
14 columba mea in foraminibus petrae in caverna maceriae ostende mihi faciem tuam sonet vox tua in auribus meis vox enim tua dulcis et facies tua decora
[You are like] [MET] a dove that is hiding [far from me] in an opening/crack in the rocky cliff. Show me your face, and allow me to hear your voice, because your voice is sweet-sounding and your face is lovely [CHI].”
15 capite nobis vulpes vulpes parvulas quae demoliuntur vineas nam vinea nostra floruit
[There are other men who are like] [MET] little jackals/foxes that ruin vineyards; do not allow [those men to attack me].
16 dilectus meus mihi et ego illi qui pascitur inter lilia
You who love me, I belong to you and you belong to me, and you [experience pleasure when you kiss] my lips [like] [MET] a shepherd enjoys taking care of his sheep.
17 donec adspiret dies et inclinentur umbrae revertere similis esto dilecte mi capreae aut hinulo cervorum super montes Bether
You who love me, come and be like [SIM] a gazelle or like a young deer on the hills of Bether, and then flee like a deer at dawn [tomorrow morning], when the darkness fades.

< Canticum Canticorum 2 >