< Apocalypsis 18 >

1 et post haec vidi alium angelum descendentem de caelo habentem potestatem magnam et terra inluminata est a gloria eius
AFTER these I saw another angel descending from heaven, having great power; and the earth brightened with his glory.
2 et exclamavit in forti voce dicens cecidit cecidit Babylon magna et facta est habitatio daemoniorum et custodia omnis spiritus inmundi et custodia omnis volucris inmundae
And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen hath Babel the Great, and hath become a den of demons, and the keep of every unclean spirit, and the keep of every unclean and abominable bird, and the keep of every unclean and abominable beast of prey.
3 quia de ira fornicationis eius biberunt omnes gentes et reges terrae cum illa fornicati sunt et mercatores terrae de virtute deliciarum eius divites facti sunt
For that of the wine of her rage have all nations drunk; and the kings of the earth have with her committed fornication, and the merchants of the earth from the power of her luxuriance have become rich.
4 et audivi aliam vocem de caelo dicentem exite de illa populus meus ut ne participes sitis delictorum eius et de plagis eius non accipiatis
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that you be not partakers of her sins, and lest of her plagues you receive.
5 quoniam pervenerunt peccata eius usque ad caelum et recordatus est Deus iniquitatum eius
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Aloha hath remembered her iniquity.
6 reddite illi sicut ipsa reddidit et duplicate duplicia secundum opera eius in poculo quo miscuit miscite illi duplum
Deal with her as she hath dealt with you, and double to her according to her works. In the cup which she mingled mingle to her double.
7 quantum glorificavit se et in deliciis fuit tantum date illi tormentum et luctum quia in corde suo dicit sedeo regina et vidua non sum et luctum non videbo
How much she hath pleased herself to be wanton, all this give her suffering and sorrow. For she said in her heart, I sit the queen, and am not a widow, and sorrow I see not.
8 ideo in una die venient plagae eius mors et luctus et fames et igni conburetur quia fortis est Deus qui iudicavit illam
Therefore in one day will come these her plagues, death and sorrow and hunger; and in fire she will burn, for mighty is the Lord God who judgeth her.
9 et flebunt et plangent se super illam reges terrae qui cum illa fornicati sunt et in deliciis vixerunt cum viderint fumum incendii eius
And the kings of the earth who with her have committed fornication, and have been wanton, shall weep and lament and wail over her, when they see the smoke of her burning;
10 longe stantes propter timorem tormentorum eius dicentes vae vae civitas illa magna Babylon civitas illa fortis quoniam una hora venit iudicium tuum
standing from far, for fear of her torment, saying, Woe, woe, that great city Babel, that mighty city! For in one hour hath come thy judgment.
11 et negotiatores terrae flebunt et lugebunt super illam quoniam merces eorum nemo emet amplius
And the merchants of the earth shall be sorrowful over her, because no man buyeth of their burden.
12 mercem auri et argenti et lapidis pretiosi et margaritis et byssi et purpurae et serici et cocci et omne lignum thyinum et omnia vasa eboris et omnia vasa de lapide pretioso et aeramento et ferro et marmore
No more (shall there be in thee) the burden of gold, and of silver and of precious stones, and of pearls; and of fine linen, and of purple, and of silk and scarlet; and of every aromatic wood, and every vessel of elephant's-tooth, and every vessel of wood of great price, and of brass and of iron and of marble;
13 et cinnamomum et amomum et odoramentorum et unguenti et turis et vini et olei et similae et tritici et iumentorum et ovium et equorum et raedarum et mancipiorum et animarum hominum
and cinnamon and omomun and perfumes, and ointment and frankincense and wine and oil, and fine meal, and wheat, and cattle, and slaves, and horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.
14 et poma tua desiderii animae discessit a te et omnia pinguia et clara perierunt a te et amplius illa iam non invenient
And the fruit of the desire of thy soul hath gone from thee, and all those things which are delicious and brilliant have perished from thee,
15 mercatores horum qui divites facti sunt ab ea longe stabunt propter timorem tormentorum eius flentes ac lugentes
and the merchants of these things will find them no more. They who were made rich by her from afar will stand for fear of her torment, and wail and be sorrowful,
16 et dicentes vae vae civitas illa magna quae amicta erat byssino et purpura et cocco et deaurata est auro et lapide pretioso et margaritis
saying, Woe, woe, that great city, which was arrayed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and golded with gold, and (adorned) with precious stones and pearls;
17 quoniam una hora destitutae sunt tantae divitiae et omnis gubernator et omnis qui in locum navigat et nautae et qui maria operantur longe steterunt
for in one hour hath been destroyed wealth like this. And every captain and every pilot who navigateth to the place, and the mariners, and all who serve on the sea, stood from afar,
18 et clamaverunt videntes locum incendii eius dicentes quae similis civitati huic magnae
and cried, while beholding the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like to this great city!
19 et miserunt pulverem super capita sua et clamaverunt flentes et lugentes dicentes vae vae civitas magna in qua divites facti sunt omnes qui habent naves in mari de pretiis eius quoniam una hora desolata est
And they cast dust upon their heads, and cried, weeping and lamenting, and saying, Woe, woe, that great city, in which were made rich all they who have ships in the sea, from the preciousness of her! For in one hour she becometh desolate!
20 exulta super eam caelum et sancti et apostoli et prophetae quoniam iudicavit Deus iudicium vestrum de illa
Rejoice over her, heaven, and the angels and apostles and prophets, because Aloha hath judged your judgment upon her.
21 et sustulit unus angelus fortis lapidem quasi molarem magnum et misit in mare dicens hoc impetu mittetur Babylon magna illa civitas et ultra iam non invenietur
And an angel took a stone, as a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with force is cast down Babel the great city, and to be found no more.
22 et vox citharoedorum et musicorum et tibia canentium et tuba non audietur in te amplius et omnis artifex omnis artis non invenietur in te amplius et vox molae non audietur in te amplius
And the voice of harpers, and of musicians, and of singers, and of trumpeters, shall be heard in thee no more. And no artificer, nor art, shall more be found in thee.
23 et lux lucernae non lucebit tibi amplius et vox sponsi et sponsae non audietur adhuc in te quia mercatores tui erant principes terrae quia in veneficiis tuis erraverunt omnes gentes
And the light of a lamp shall be seen in thee no more. And the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard in thee no more. For thy merchants were the great ones of the earth; for by thy sorcery were all nations seduced.
24 et in ea sanguis prophetarum et sanctorum inventus est et omnium qui interfecti sunt in terra
And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all those who had been killed upon the earth.

< Apocalypsis 18 >