< Psalmorum 96 >
1 quando domus aedificabatur post captivitatem canticum huic David cantate Domino canticum novum cantate Domino omnis terra
O sing to Jehovah a new song. Sing to Jehovah, all the earth.
2 cantate Domino benedicite nomini eius adnuntiate diem de die salutare eius
Sing to Jehovah, bless his name. Show forth his salvation from day to day.
3 adnuntiate inter gentes gloriam eius in omnibus populis mirabilia eius
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.
4 quoniam magnus Dominus et laudabilis valde terribilis est super omnes deos
For great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised. He is to be feared above all gods.
5 quoniam omnes dii gentium daemonia at vero Dominus caelos fecit
For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but Jehovah made the heavens.
6 confessio et pulchritudo in conspectu eius sanctimonia et magnificentia in sanctificatione eius
Honor and majesty are before him. Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.
7 adferte Domino patriae gentium adferte Domino gloriam et honorem
Ascribe to Jehovah, ye kindred of the peoples. Ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength.
8 adferte Domino gloriam nomini eius tollite hostias et introite in atria eius
Ascribe to Jehovah the glory due to his name. Bring an offering, and come into his courts.
9 adorate Dominum in atrio sancto eius commoveatur a facie eius universa terra
O worship Jehovah in holy array. Tremble before him, all the earth.
10 dicite in gentibus quia Dominus regnavit etenim correxit orbem qui non movebitur iudicabit populos in aequitate
Say among the nations, Jehovah reigns! The world also is established that it cannot be moved. He will judge the peoples with equity.
11 laetentur caeli et exultet terra commoveatur mare et plenitudo eius
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice. Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof.
12 gaudebunt campi et omnia quae in eis sunt tunc exultabunt omnia ligna silvarum
Let the field exult, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the wood shall sing for joy
13 a facie Domini quia venit quoniam venit iudicare terram iudicabit orbem terrae in aequitate et populos in veritate sua
before Jehovah, for he comes. For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth.