< Psalmorum 90 >

1 oratio Mosi hominis Dei Domine refugium tu factus es nobis in generatione et generatione
The preier of Moises, the man of God. Lord, thou art maad help to vs; fro generacioun in to generacioun.
2 priusquam montes fierent et formaretur terra et orbis a saeculo usque in saeculum tu es Deus
Bifore that hillis weren maad, ether the erthe and the world was formed; fro the world and in to the world thou art God.
3 ne avertas hominem in humilitatem et dixisti convertimini filii hominum
Turne thou not awei a man in to lownesse; and thou seidist, Ye sones of men, be conuertid.
4 quoniam mille anni ante oculos tuos tamquam dies hesterna quae praeteriit et custodia in nocte
For a thousynde yeer ben bifore thin iyen; as yistirdai, which is passid, and as keping in the niyt.
5 quae pro nihilo habentur eorum anni erunt
The yeeris of hem schulen be; that ben had for nouyt.
6 mane sicut herba transeat mane floreat et transeat vespere decidat induret et arescat
Eerli passe he, as an eerbe, eerli florische he, and passe; in the euentid falle he doun, be he hard, and wexe drie.
7 quia defecimus in ira tua et in furore tuo turbati sumus
For we han failid in thin ire; and we ben disturblid in thi strong veniaunce.
8 posuisti iniquitates nostras in conspectu tuo saeculum nostrum in inluminatione vultus tui
Thou hast set oure wickidnessis in thi siyt; oure world in the liytning of thi cheer.
9 quoniam omnes dies nostri defecerunt in ira tua defecimus anni nostri sicut aranea meditabantur
For alle oure daies han failid; and we han failid in thin ire. Oure yeris schulen bithenke, as an yreyn;
10 dies annorum nostrorum in ipsis septuaginta anni si autem in potentatibus octoginta anni et amplius eorum labor et dolor quoniam supervenit mansuetudo et corripiemur
the daies of oure yeeris ben in tho seuenti yeeris. Forsothe, if fourescoor yeer ben in myyti men; and the more tyme of hem is trauel and sorewe. For myldenesse cam aboue; and we schulen be chastisid.
11 quis novit potestatem irae tuae et prae timore tuo iram tuam
Who knew the power of thin ire; and durste noumbre thin ire for thi drede?
12 dinumerare dexteram tuam sic notam fac et conpeditos corde in sapientia
Make thi riythond so knowun; and make men lerned in herte bi wisdom.
13 convertere Domine usquequo et deprecabilis esto super servos tuos
Lord, be thou conuertid sumdeel; and be thou able to be preied on thi seruauntis.
14 repleti sumus mane misericordia tua et exultavimus et delectati sumus in omnibus diebus nostris
We weren fillid eerli with thi merci; we maden ful out ioye, and we delitiden in alle oure daies.
15 laetati sumus pro diebus quibus nos humiliasti annis quibus vidimus mala
We weren glad for the daies in whiche thou madist vs meke; for the yeeris in whiche we siyen yuels.
16 et respice in servos tuos et in opera tua et dirige filios eorum
Lord, biholde thou into thi seruauntis, and in to thi werkis; and dresse thou the sones of hem.
17 et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos et opus manuum nostrarum dirige;
And the schynyng of oure Lord God be on vs; and dresse thou the werkis of oure hondis on vs, and dresse thou the werk of oure hondis.

< Psalmorum 90 >