< Psalmorum 89 >

1 intellectus Aethan Ezraitae misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo in generationem et generationem adnuntiabo veritatem tuam in ore meo
A psalm (maskil) of Ethan the Ezraite I will sing of the Lord's trustworthy love forever; I will tell all generations of your faithfulness.
2 quoniam dixisti in aeternum misericordia aedificabitur in caelis praeparabitur veritas tua in eis;
For I have said, “Your unfailing love lasts forever; your faithfulness endures as long as the heavens.”
3 disposui testamentum electis meis iuravi David servo meo
You said, “I have made an agreement with my chosen one, I gave a binding promise to my servant David:
4 usque in aeternum praeparabo semen tuum et aedificabo in generationem et generationem sedem tuam diapsalma
I will make sure your lineage lasts forever; I will keep your throne secure for all generations.” (Selah)
5 confitebuntur caeli mirabilia tua Domine etenim veritatem tuam in ecclesia sanctorum
All the heavenly beings will sing of the wonderful things you have done, Lord; angels will gather to sing of your faithfulness.
6 quoniam quis in nubibus aequabitur Domino similis erit Domino in filiis Dei
For who in heaven can compare to the Lord? Who is like the Lord even among the angels?
7 Deus qui glorificatur in consilio sanctorum magnus et horrendus super omnes qui in circuitu eius sunt
The heavenly council are in awe of God; all who surround him are overwhelmed by him.
8 Domine Deus virtutum quis similis tibi potens es Domine et veritas tua in circuitu tuo
Lord God Almighty, who is as powerful as you? In all this, Lord, you are completely trustworthy.
9 tu dominaris potestatis maris motum autem fluctuum eius tu mitigas
You rule the restless seas; you calm their stormy waves.
10 tu humiliasti sicut vulneratum superbum in brachio virtutis tuae dispersisti inimicos tuos
You crushed Rahab the sea-monster to death; by your power you scattered your enemies.
11 tui sunt caeli et tua est terra orbem terrae et plenitudinem eius tu fundasti
The heavens belong to you, and the earth too; you made the world and everything in it.
12 aquilonem et mare tu creasti Thabor et Hermon in nomine tuo exultabunt
You created north and south; Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon celebrate you.
13 tuum brachium cum potentia firmetur manus tua et exaltetur dextera tua
Your arm is powerful. Your hand is strong. Your right hand is held up high in command.
14 iustitia et iudicium praeparatio sedis tuae misericordia et veritas praecedent faciem tuam
Your character of goodness and fairness is the basis for the way you rule; dependable love and trustworthiness are always with you.
15 beatus populus qui scit iubilationem Domine in lumine vultus tui ambulabunt
How happy are those who know how to shout your praises, Lord. They live in the light of your presence.
16 et in nomine tuo exultabunt tota die et in iustitia tua exaltabuntur
They celebrate the person you are all day long, so glad that you do what's right.
17 quoniam gloria virtutis eorum tu es et in beneplacito tuo exaltabitur cornu nostrum
They rely on you, their glory and strength; by your grace you lift us up.
18 quia Domini est adsumptio nostra; et Sancti Israhel regis nostri
Yes, the Lord is the one who shields us, and our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel.
19 tunc locutus es in visione sanctis tuis et dixisti posui adiutorium in potentem exaltavi electum de plebe mea
Once you spoke in a vision to your faithful servant and said, “I have given strength to the warrior I have chosen from the people to become king.
20 inveni David servum meum in oleo sancto meo linui eum
I have selected David my servant, and I have anointed him with the oil of my holiness.
21 manus enim mea auxiliabitur ei et brachium meum confirmabit eum
I have placed my hand on him to steady him; and I have made him strong by my powerful arm.
22 nihil proficiet inimicus in eo et filius iniquitatis non adponet nocere eum
His enemies will not deceive him; the wicked will not bring him down.
23 et concidam a facie ipsius inimicos eius et odientes eum in fugam convertam
I will wipe out his enemies before him; I will strike down those who hate him.
24 et veritas mea et misericordia mea cum ipso et in nomine meo exaltabitur cornu eius
My trustworthiness and unfailing love will be with him, and through me he will be victorious.
25 et ponam in mari manum eius et in fluminibus dexteram eius
I will extend his rule from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.
26 ipse invocabit me pater meus es tu Deus meus et susceptor salutis meae
He will call out to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.’
27 et ego primogenitum ponam illum excelsum prae regibus terrae
I will also make him my first-born son, the highest of the kings of the earth.
28 in aeternum servabo illi misericordiam meam et testamentum meum fidele ipsi
I will love him faithfully forever; my agreement with him shall never come to an end.
29 et ponam in saeculum saeculi semen eius et thronum eius sicut dies caeli
I will make sure his royal line lasts forever; his dynasty will continue as long as the heavens endure.
30 si dereliquerint filii eius legem meam et in iudiciis meis non ambulaverint
But if his descendants abandon my laws, if they do not follow my rules,
31 si iustitias meas profanaverint et mandata mea non custodierint
if they break my decrees, and do not keep my commandments,
32 visitabo in virga iniquitates eorum et in verberibus peccata eorum
I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a rod, and their sin by lashing them with a whip.
33 misericordiam autem meam non dispergam ab eo neque nocebo in veritate mea
However, I will not take away my love from him; I will not break my promise to him.
34 neque profanabo testamentum meum et quae procedunt de labiis meis non faciam irrita
I will not annul the agreement I have with him; I will not alter a single word I've said.
35 semel iuravi in sancto meo si David mentiar
By my holy character I have made a vow to David that I will not lie to him.
36 semen eius in aeternum manebit
His royal line will last forever, and his dynasty will continue before me as long as the sun endures.
37 et thronus eius sicut sol in conspectu meo et sicut luna perfecta in aeternum et testis in caelo fidelis diapsalma
It will continue forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the heavens.” (Selah)
38 tu vero reppulisti et despexisti distulisti christum tuum
But you have rejected and abandoned him! You are angry with your chosen king!
39 evertisti testamentum servi tui profanasti in terram sanctuarium eius
You have broken the agreement you had with him; you have thrown his crown to the ground!
40 destruxisti omnes sepes eius posuisti firmamenta eius formidinem
You have torn down his defensive walls; you have ruined his fortresses.
41 diripuerunt eum omnes transeuntes viam factus est obprobrium vicinis suis
Everyone who passes by has robbed him; he has become an object of mockery to the nations nearby.
42 exaltasti dexteram deprimentium eum laetificasti omnes inimicos eius
You have made his enemies strong; you have made them celebrate their victory.
43 avertisti adiutorium gladii eius et non es auxiliatus ei in bello
You have repelled his sharp sword; you have not helped him in battle.
44 destruxisti eum a mundatione sedem eius in terram conlisisti
You took away his glory; you threw his throne to the ground.
45 minorasti dies temporis eius perfudisti eum confusione diapsalma
You have made him grow old before his time; you have totally humiliated him. (Selah)
46 usquequo Domine avertis in finem exardescet sicut ignis ira tua
How long, Lord? Will you hide yourself from us forever, your anger burning like fire?
47 memorare quae mea substantia numquid enim vane constituisti omnes filios hominum
Remember me—my life is so short! Why did you bother creating futile humanity?
48 quis est homo qui vivet et non videbit mortem eruet animam suam de manu inferi diapsalma (Sheol h7585)
There's no one who doesn't die—no one can save themselves from the power of the grave. (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
49 ubi sunt misericordiae tuae antiquae Domine sicut iurasti David in veritate tua
Where is the trustworthy love you used to have, Lord, that you faithfully promised to David?
50 memor esto Domine obprobrii servorum tuorum quod continui in sinu meo multarum gentium
Don't forget, Lord, how your servants are being humiliated! I'm burdened down with the insults of so many nations!
51 quod exprobraverunt inimici tui Domine quod exprobraverunt commutationem christi tui
Your enemies taunt me, Lord, mocking your king wherever he goes.
52 benedictus Dominus in aeternum fiat fiat
May the Lord be blessed for ever. Amen and amen.

< Psalmorum 89 >