< Psalmorum 86 >

1 oratio ipsi David inclina Domine aurem tuam et exaudi me quoniam inops et pauper sum ego
A prayer of David. Incline thine eare, O Lord, and heare me: for I am poore and needy.
2 custodi animam meam quoniam sanctus sum salvum fac servum tuum Deus meus sperantem in te
Preserue thou my soule, for I am mercifull: my God, saue thou thy seruant, that trusteth in thee.
3 miserere mei Domine quoniam ad te clamabo tota die
Be mercifull vnto me, O Lord: for I crie vpon thee continually.
4 laetifica animam servi tui quoniam ad te Domine animam meam levavi
Reioyce the soule of thy seruant: for vnto thee, O Lord, doe I lift vp my soule.
5 quoniam tu Domine suavis et mitis et multae misericordiae omnibus invocantibus te
For thou, Lord, art good and mercifull, and of great kindenes vnto all them, that call vpon thee.
6 auribus percipe Domine orationem meam et intende voci orationis meae
Giue eare, Lord, vnto my prayer, and hearken to the voyce of my supplication.
7 in die tribulationis meae clamavi ad te quia exaudisti me
In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thee: for thou hearest me.
8 non est similis tui in diis Domine et non est secundum opera tua
Among the gods there is none like thee, O Lord, and there is none that can doe like thy workes.
9 omnes gentes quascumque fecisti venient et adorabunt coram te Domine et glorificabunt nomen tuum
All nations, whome thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and shall glorifie thy Name.
10 quoniam magnus es tu et faciens mirabilia tu es Deus solus
For thou art great and doest wonderous things: thou art God alone.
11 deduc me Domine in via tua et ingrediar in veritate tua laetetur cor meum ut timeat nomen tuum
Teach me thy way, O Lord, and I will walke in thy trueth: knit mine heart vnto thee, that I may feare thy Name.
12 confitebor tibi Domine Deus meus in toto corde meo et glorificabo nomen tuum in aeternum
I wil prayse thee, O Lord my God, with all mine heart: yea, I wil glorifie thy Name for euer.
13 quia misericordia tua magna est super me et eruisti animam meam ex inferno inferiori (Sheol h7585)
For great is thy mercie toward me, and thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue. (Sheol h7585)
14 Deus iniqui insurrexerunt super me et synagoga potentium quaesierunt animam meam et non proposuerunt te in conspectu suo
O God, the proude are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men haue sought my soule, and haue not set thee before them.
15 et tu Domine Deus miserator et misericors patiens et multae misericordiae et verax
But thou, O Lord, art a pitifull God and mercifull, slowe to anger and great in kindenes and trueth.
16 respice in me et miserere mei da imperium tuum puero tuo et salvum fac filium ancillae tuae
Turne vnto me, and haue mercy vpon me: giue thy strength vnto thy seruant, and saue the sonne of thine handmayd.
17 fac mecum signum in bono et videant qui oderunt me et confundantur quoniam tu Domine adiuvasti me et consolatus es me
Shew a token of thy goodnes towarde me, that they which hate me, may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, O Lord, hast holpen me and comforted me.

< Psalmorum 86 >