< Psalmorum 85 >
1 in finem filiis Core psalmus benedixisti Domine terram tuam avertisti captivitatem Iacob
Of the sones of Chore. Lord, thou hast blessid thi lond; thou hast turned awei the caitifte of Jacob.
2 remisisti iniquitates plebis tuae operuisti omnia peccata eorum diapsalma
Thou hast foryoue the wickidnesse of thi puple; thou hast hilid alle the synnes of hem.
3 mitigasti omnem iram tuam avertisti ab ira indignationis tuae
Thou hast aswagid al thin ire; thou hast turned awei fro the ire of thin indignacioun.
4 converte nos Deus salutum nostrarum et averte iram tuam a nobis
God, oure helthe, conuerte thou vs; and turne awei thin ire fro vs.
5 numquid in aeternum irasceris nobis aut extendes iram tuam a generatione in generationem
Whether thou schalt be wrooth to vs withouten ende; ether schalt thou holde forth thin ire fro generacioun in to generacioun?
6 Deus tu conversus vivificabis nos et plebs tua laetabitur in te
God, thou conuertid schalt quykene vs; and thi puple schal be glad in thee.
7 ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam et salutare tuum da nobis
Lord, schewe thi merci to vs; and yyue thin helthe to vs.
8 audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus Deus quoniam loquetur pacem in plebem suam et super sanctos suos et in eos qui convertuntur ad cor
I schal here what the Lord God schal speke in me; for he schal speke pees on his puple. And on hise hooli men; and on hem that ben turned to herte.
9 verumtamen prope timentes eum salutare ipsius ut inhabitet gloria in terra nostra
Netheles his helthe is niy men dredynge him; that glorie dwelle in oure lond.
10 misericordia et veritas obviaverunt sibi iustitia et pax osculatae sunt
Merci and treuthe metten hem silf; riytwisnesse and pees weren kissid.
11 veritas de terra orta est et iustitia de caelo prospexit
Treuthe cam forth of erthe; and riytfulnesse bihelde fro heuene.
12 etenim Dominus dabit benignitatem et terra nostra dabit fructum suum
For the Lord schal yyue benignyte; and oure erthe schal yyue his fruyt.
13 iustitia ante eum ambulabit et ponet in via gressus suos
Riytfulnesse schal go bifore him; and schal sette hise steppis in the weie.