< Psalmorum 83 >

1 canticum psalmi Asaph Deus quis similis erit tibi ne taceas neque conpescaris Deus
The song of the salm of Asaph. God, who schal be lijk thee? God, be thou not stille, nether be thou peesid.
2 quoniam ecce inimici tui sonaverunt et qui oderunt te extulerunt caput
For lo! thin enemyes sowneden; and thei that haten thee reisiden the heed.
3 super populum tuum malignaverunt consilium et cogitaverunt adversus sanctos tuos
Thei maden a wickid counsel on thi puple; and thei thouyten ayens thi seyntis.
4 dixerunt venite et disperdamus eos de gente et non memoretur nomen Israhel ultra
Thei seiden, Come ye, and leese we hem fro the folk; and the name of Israel be no more hadde in mynde.
5 quoniam cogitaverunt unianimiter simul adversum te testamentum disposuerunt
For thei thouyten with oon acord;
6 tabernacula Idumeorum et Ismahelitae Moab et Aggareni
the tabernaclis of Ydumeys, and men of Ismael disposiden a testament togidere ayens thee. Moab, and Agarenus, Jebal, and Amon, and Amalech;
7 Gebal et Ammon et Amalech alienigenae cum habitantibus Tyrum
alienys with hem that dwellen in Tyre.
8 etenim Assur venit cum illis facti sunt in adiutorium filiis Loth diapsalma
For Assur cometh with hem; thei ben maad in to help to the sones of Loth.
9 fac illis sicut Madiam et Sisarae sicut Iabin in torrente Cison
Make thou to hem as to Madian, and Sisara; as to Jabyn in the stronde of Sison.
10 disperierunt in Endor facti sunt ut stercus terrae
Thei perischiden in Endor; thei weren maad as a toord of erthe.
11 pone principes eorum sicut Oreb et Zeb et Zebee et Salmana omnes principes eorum
Putte thou the prynces of hem as Oreb and Zeb; and Zebee and Salmana. Alle the princis of hem, that seiden;
12 qui dixerunt hereditate possideamus sanctuarium Dei
Holde we bi eritage the seyntuarie of God.
13 Deus meus pone illos ut rotam sicut stipulam ante faciem venti
My God, putte thou hem as a whele; and as stobil bifor the face of the wynde.
14 sicut ignis qui conburit silvam sicut flamma conburens montes
As fier that brenneth a wode; and as flawme brynnynge hillis.
15 ita persequeris illos in tempestate tua et in ira tua turbabis eos
So thou schalt pursue hem in thi tempeste; and thou schalt disturble hem in thin ire.
16 imple facies illorum ignominia et quaerent nomen tuum Domine
Lord, fille thou the faces of hem with schenschipe; and thei schulen seke thi name.
17 erubescant et conturbentur in saeculum saeculi et confundantur et pereant
Be thei aschamed, and be thei disturblid in to world of world; and be thei schent and perische thei.
18 et cognoscant quia nomen tibi Dominus tu solus Altissimus in omni terra
And knowe thei, that the Lord is name to thee; thou aloone art the hiyeste in ech lond.

< Psalmorum 83 >