< Psalmorum 77 >

1 in finem pro Idithun psalmus Asaph voce mea ad Dominum clamavi voce mea ad Deum et intendit me
I cry out to God; I cry aloud to him, and he hears me.
2 in die tribulationis meae Deum exquisivi manibus meis nocte contra eum et non sum deceptus rennuit consolari anima mea
Whenever have trouble, I pray to the Lord; all during the night I lift up my hands while I pray, [but] nothing causes me to be comforted.
3 memor fui Dei et delectatus sum exercitatus sum et defecit spiritus meus diapsalma
When I think about God, I (despair/think that he will never help me); when I meditate about him, I am discouraged.
4 anticipaverunt vigilias oculi mei turbatus sum et non sum locutus
[All during the night] he prevents me from sleeping; I am very worried, with the result that I do not know what to say.
5 cogitavi dies antiquos et annos aeternos in mente habui
I think about days that have passed; I remember [what happened in] previous years.
6 et meditatus sum nocte cum corde meo exercitabar et scobebam spiritum meum
I spend the whole night thinking [about things]; I meditate, and this is what I ask myself:
7 numquid in aeternum proiciet Deus et non adponet ut conplacitior sit adhuc
“Will the Lord always reject us? Will he never again be pleased with us?
8 aut in finem misericordiam suam abscidet a generatione in generationem
Has he stopped faithfully loving us? Will he not do for us what he promised to do?
9 aut obliviscetur misereri Deus aut continebit in ira sua misericordias suas diapsalma
God promised to be merciful to us; has he forgotten that? Because he is angry [with us], has he decided to not be kind to us?”
10 et dixi nunc coepi haec mutatio dexterae Excelsi
Then I said, “What causes me to be [very] sad is that [it seems that] God, who is greater than any other god, is no longer powerful.”
11 memor fui operum Domini quia memor ero ab initio mirabilium tuorum
[But then], Yahweh, I recall/remember your great deeds; I remember the wonderful things that you did in the past.
12 et meditabor in omnibus operibus tuis et in adinventionibus tuis exercebor
I meditate on all that you have done, and I think about your mighty acts.
13 Deus in sancto via tua quis deus magnus sicut Deus noster
God, everything that you do is holy; there is certainly no god [RHQ] who is great like you are!
14 tu es Deus qui facis mirabilia notam fecisti in populis virtutem tuam
You are God, the one who performs miracles; you showed to people of many people-groups that you are powerful.
15 redemisti in brachio tuo populum tuum filios Iacob et Ioseph diapsalma
By your power [MTY] you rescued your people [from Egypt]; you saved those who were descendants of Jacob and [his son] Joseph.
16 viderunt te aquae Deus viderunt te aquae et timuerunt et turbatae sunt abyssi
[It was as though] the waters [of the Red Sea] saw you and became very afraid, and even the deepest part of the water shook.
17 multitudo sonitus aquarum vocem dederunt nubes etenim sagittae tuae transeunt
Rain poured down from the clouds [PRS]; it thundered [very loudly] [PRS], and lightning flashed in all directions.
18 vox tonitrui tui in rota inluxerunt coruscationes tuae orbi terrae commota est et contremuit terra
Thunder crashed in the whirlwind, and lightning (lit up/flashed across) the entire sky [HYP]; the earth shook violently [DOU].
19 in mari via tua et semitae tuae in aquis multis et vestigia tua non cognoscentur
[Then] you walked through the sea on a path that you made through the deep water, but your footprints could not be seen.
20 deduxisti sicut oves populum tuum in manu Mosi et Aaron
You led your people like [a shepherd leads his] flock [of sheep], while Moses and Aaron were the leaders [of your people].

< Psalmorum 77 >