< Psalmorum 41 >
1 in finem psalmus David beatus qui intellegit super egenum et pauperem in die mala liberabit eum Dominus
For the music director. A psalm of David. How happy are those who take care of the poor! When they are in trouble the Lord will save them.
2 Dominus conservet eum et vivificet eum et beatum faciat eum in terra et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius
The Lord protects them and keeps them alive. They will live happily in the land, and they will not be handed over to their enemies.
3 Dominus opem ferat illi super lectum doloris eius universum stratum eius versasti in infirmitate eius
The Lord looks after them when they're sick; he makes them well from their illness.
4 ego dixi Domine miserere mei sana animam meam quoniam peccavi tibi
“Lord, please be gracious to me,” I asked. “Please heal me, for I have sinned against you.”
5 inimici mei dixerunt mala mihi quando morietur et peribit nomen eius
Those who hate me only say evil things about me. “When is he going to die, and people forget all about him?” they ask.
6 et si ingrediebatur ut videret vane loquebatur cor eius congregavit iniquitatem sibi egrediebatur foras et loquebatur
They come to visit me, but their sympathy is not sincere. They're only interested in the bad news, which they spread around as soon as they leave.
7 in id ipsum adversum me susurrabant omnes inimici mei adversus me cogitabant mala mihi
All who hate me talk in whispers about my condition, hoping for the worst.
8 verbum iniquum constituerunt adversus me numquid qui dormit non adiciet ut resurgat
“He's been cursed with some terrible disease,” they say. “Now he's bed-ridden he'll never recover!”
9 etenim homo pacis meae in quo speravi qui edebat panes meos magnificavit super me subplantationem
Even my best friend, the one I trusted, who shared meals with me—even he has turned against me.
10 tu autem Domine miserere mei et resuscita me et retribuam eis
But you Lord, please be gracious to me, make me well so I can repay them!
11 in hoc cognovi quoniam voluisti me quoniam non gaudebit inimicus meus super me
I know you are pleased with me because you have not let my enemies win and shout in triumph over me.
12 me autem propter innocentiam suscepisti et confirmasti me in conspectu tuo in aeternum
You have supported me because of my integrity, you have brought me into your presence forever.
13 benedictus Dominus Deus Israhel a saeculo et in saeculum fiat fiat
Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity! Amen and amen!