< Psalmorum 37 >

1 ipsi David noli aemulari in malignantibus neque zelaveris facientes iniquitatem
“A psalm of David.” Be not thou angry on account of the wicked, Nor be envious of those who do iniquity.
2 quoniam tamquam faenum velociter arescent et quemadmodum holera herbarum cito decident
For soon shall they be cut down like grass, And wither like the green herb.
3 spera in Domino et fac bonitatem et inhabita terram et pasceris in divitiis eius
Trust in the LORD, and do good; Abide in the land, and delight in faithfulness.
4 delectare in Domino et dabit tibi petitiones cordis tui
Place thy delight in the LORD. And he will give thee thy heart's desires.
5 revela Domino viam tuam et spera in eum et ipse faciet
Commit thy way to the LORD; Trust in him, and he will give thee success!
6 et educet quasi lumen iustitiam tuam et iudicium tuum tamquam meridiem
He will cause thy justice to shine forth like the light, And thy righteousness like the noonday's brightness.
7 subditus esto Domino et ora eum noli aemulari in eo qui prosperatur in via sua in homine faciente iniustitias
Hope thou patiently on the LORD, And in him place thy trust! Be not angry on account of the prosperous, —On account of him that deviseth deceit!
8 desine ab ira et derelinque furorem noli aemulari ut maligneris
Cease from anger; give not way to wrath; Be not provoked, so as to do evil!
9 quoniam qui malignantur exterminabuntur sustinentes autem Dominum ipsi hereditabunt terram
For evil-doers shall be rooted out; But they who trust in the LORD, they shall inherit the land.
10 et adhuc pusillum et non erit peccator et quaeres locum eius et non invenies
Yet a little while, and the wicked shall be no more; Thou mayst look for his place, and he will not be found.
11 mansueti autem hereditabunt terram et delectabuntur in multitudine pacis
But the meek shall inherit the land, And delight themselves in the fulness of prosperity.
12 observabit peccator iustum et stridebit super eum dentibus suis
The wicked man plotteth against the just, And gnasheth at him with his teeth.
13 Dominus autem inridebit eum quia prospicit quoniam veniet dies eius
The Lord laugheth at him; For he seeth that his day is coming.
14 gladium evaginaverunt peccatores intenderunt arcum suum ut decipiant pauperem et inopem ut trucident rectos corde
The wicked draw the sword, And bend their bow, To cast down the afflicted and the needy, And to slay the upright.
15 gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur
Their swords shall enter their own hearts, And their bows shall be broken in pieces.
16 melius est modicum iusto super divitias peccatorum multas
Better is the little of the righteous man Than the great abundance of the wicked;
17 quoniam brachia peccatorum conterentur confirmat autem iustos Dominus
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, But the LORD will uphold the righteous.
18 novit Dominus dies inmaculatorum et hereditas eorum in aeternum erit
The LORD careth for the life of the upright, And their inheritance shall endure for ever.
19 non confundentur in tempore malo et in diebus famis saturabuntur
They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, And in the days of famine they shall have enough.
20 quia peccatores peribunt inimici vero Domini mox honorificati fuerint et exaltati deficientes quemadmodum fumus defecerunt
But the wicked shall perish; Yea, the enemies of the LORD shall be consumed, like the glory of the fields; They shall be consumed into smoke.
21 mutuabitur peccator et non solvet iustus autem miseretur et tribuet
The wicked borroweth, and repayeth not; But the righteous is merciful and bountiful.
22 quia benedicentes ei hereditabunt terram maledicentes autem ei disperibunt
For they who are blessed by God shall inherit the land, And they who are cursed by him shall be rooted out.
23 apud Dominum gressus hominis dirigentur et viam eius volet
The steps of the good man are directed by the LORD; He delighteth himself in his way.
24 cum ceciderit non conlidetur quia Dominus subponit manum suam
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, For the LORD holdeth him by the hand.
25 iunior fui et senui et non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius quaerens panes
I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his offspring begging bread.
26 tota die miseretur et commodat et semen illius in benedictione erit
He is ever merciful and lendeth, And his offspring shall be blessed.
27 declina a malo et fac bonum et inhabita in saeculum saeculi
Depart from evil, and do good; So thou shalt dwell in the land for ever.
28 quia Dominus amat iudicium et non derelinquet sanctos suos in aeternum conservabuntur iniusti punientur et semen impiorum peribit
For the LORD loveth righteousness, And forsaketh not his servants; They are preserved for ever; But the posterity of the wicked shall be rooted out.
29 iusti autem hereditabunt terram et inhabitabunt in saeculum saeculi super eam
The righteous shall inherit the land, And shall dwell therein for ever.
30 os iusti meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius loquetur iudicium
The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And his tongue speaketh what is right.
31 lex Dei eius in corde ipsius et non subplantabuntur gressus eius
The law of his God is in his heart; His footsteps shall not slip.
32 considerat peccator iustum et quaerit mortificare eum
The wicked watcheth the righteous, And seeketh to slay him;
33 Dominus autem non derelinquet eum in manus eius nec damnabit eum cum iudicabitur illi
The Lord will not leave him in his hand, Nor suffer him to be condemned, when he is judged.
34 expecta Dominum et custodi viam eius et exaltabit te ut hereditate capias terram cum perierint peccatores videbis
Trust in the LORD, and keep his way, And he will exalt thee to the possession of the land, Whilst thou shalt see the destruction of the wicked!
35 vidi impium superexaltatum et elevatum sicut cedros Libani
I have seen a wicked man in great power, And spreading himself like a green cedar;
36 et transivi et ecce non erat et quaesivi eum et non est inventus locus eius
But he passed away, and, lo! he was no more; Yea, I sought him, but he was not found.
37 custodi innocentiam et vide aequitatem quoniam sunt reliquiae homini pacifico
Mark the righteous man, and behold the upright, That posterity is to the man of peace!
38 iniusti autem disperibunt simul reliquiae impiorum peribunt
But transgressors will all be destroyed; The posterity of the wicked shall be rooted out.
39 salus autem iustorum a Domino et protector eorum in tempore tribulationis
The salvation of the just is from the LORD. He is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 et adiuvabit eos Dominus et liberabit eos et eruet eos a peccatoribus et salvabit eos quia speraverunt in eo
The LORD will help and deliver them; He will deliver them from their enemies, and save them, Because they trust in him.

< Psalmorum 37 >