< Psalmorum 35 >

1 huic David iudica Domine nocentes me expugna expugnantes me
A Psalme of Dauid. Pleade thou my cause, O Lord, with them that striue with me: fight thou against them, that fight against me.
2 adprehende arma et scutum et exsurge in adiutorium mihi
Lay hand vpon the shielde and buckler, and stand vp for mine helpe.
3 effunde frameam et conclude adversus eos qui persequuntur me dic animae meae salus tua ego sum
Bring out also the speare and stop the way against them, that persecute me: say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation.
4 confundantur et revereantur quaerentes animam meam avertantur retrorsum et confundantur cogitantes mihi mala
Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seeke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusion, that imagine mine hurt.
5 fiant tamquam pulvis ante faciem venti et angelus Domini coartans eos
Let them be as chaffe before the winde, and let the Angel of the Lord scatter them.
6 fiat via illorum tenebrae et lubricum et angelus Domini persequens eos
Let their way be darke and slipperie: and let the Angel of the Lord persecute them.
7 quoniam gratis absconderunt mihi interitum laquei sui supervacue exprobraverunt animam meam
For without cause they haue hid the pit and their net for me: without cause haue they digged a pit for my soule.
8 veniat illi laqueus quem ignorat et captio quam abscondit conprehendat eum et in laqueo cadat in ipso
Let destruction come vpon him at vnwares, and let his net, that he hath laid priuilie, take him: let him fall into the same destruction.
9 anima autem mea exultabit in Domino delectabitur super salutari suo
Then my soule shalbe ioyfull in the Lord: it shall reioyce in his saluation.
10 omnia ossa mea dicent Domine quis similis tui eripiens inopem de manu fortiorum eius egenum et pauperem a diripientibus eum
All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like vnto thee, which deliuerest the poore from him, that is too strong for him! yea, the poore and him that is in miserie, from him that spoyleth him!
11 surgentes testes iniqui quae ignorabam interrogabant me
Cruell witnesses did rise vp: they asked of me things that I knewe not.
12 retribuebant mihi mala pro bonis sterilitatem animae meae
They rewarded me euill for good, to haue spoyled my soule.
13 ego autem cum mihi molesti essent induebar cilicio humiliabam in ieiunio animam meam et oratio mea in sinum meum convertetur
Yet I, when they were sicke, I was clothed with a sacke: I humbled my soule with fasting: and my praier was turned vpon my bosome.
14 quasi proximum quasi fratrem nostrum sic conplacebam quasi lugens et contristatus sic humiliabar
I behaued my selfe as to my friend, or as to my brother: I humbled my selfe, mourning as one that bewaileth his mother.
15 et adversum me laetati sunt et convenerunt congregata sunt super me flagella et ignoravi
But in mine aduersitie they reioyced, and gathered them selues together: the abiects assembled themselues against me, and knewe not: they tare me and ceased not,
16 dissipati sunt nec conpuncti temptaverunt me subsannaverunt me subsannatione frenduerunt super me dentibus suis
With the false skoffers at bankets, gnashing their teeth against me.
17 Domine quando respicies restitue animam meam a malignitate eorum a leonibus unicam meam
Lord, how long wilt thou beholde this? deliuer my soule from their tumult, euen my desolate soule from the lions.
18 confitebor tibi in ecclesia magna in populo gravi laudabo te
So will I giue thee thankes in a great Congregation: I will praise thee among much people.
19 non supergaudeant mihi qui adversantur mihi inique qui oderunt me gratis et annuunt oculis
Let not them that are mine enemies, vniustly reioyce ouer mee, neyther let them winke with the eye, that hate mee without a cause.
20 quoniam mihi quidem pacifice loquebantur et in iracundia terrae loquentes; dolos cogitabant
For they speake not as friendes: but they imagine deceitfull woordes against the quiet of the lande.
21 et dilataverunt super me os suum dixerunt euge euge viderunt oculi nostri
And they gaped on mee with their mouthes, saying, Aha, aha, our eye hath seene.
22 vidisti Domine ne sileas Domine ne discedas a me
Thou hast seene it, O Lord: keepe not silence: be not farre from me, O Lord.
23 exsurge et intende iudicio meo Deus meus et Dominus meus in causam meam
Arise and wake to my iudgement, euen to my cause, my God, and my Lord.
24 iudica me secundum iustitiam tuam Domine Deus meus et non supergaudeant mihi
Iudge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousnesse, and let them not reioyce ouer mee.
25 non dicant in cordibus suis euge euge animae nostrae nec dicant devoravimus eum
Let them not say in their hearts, O our soule reioyce: neither let them say, We haue deuoured him.
26 erubescant et revereantur simul qui gratulantur malis meis induantur confusione et reverentia qui magna loquuntur super me
Let them bee confounded, and put to shame together, that reioyce at mine hurt: let them bee clothed with confusion and shame, that lift vp themselues against me.
27 exultent et laetentur qui volunt iustitiam meam et dicant semper magnificetur Dominus qui volunt pacem servi eius
But let them be ioyful and glad, that loue my righteousnesse: yea, let them say alway, Let the Lord be magnified, which loueth the prosperitie of his seruant.
28 et lingua mea meditabitur iustitiam tuam tota die laudem tuam
And my tongue shall vtter thy righteousnesse, and thy praise euery day.

< Psalmorum 35 >