< Psalmorum 28 >

1 huic David ad te Domine clamabo Deus meus ne sileas a me nequando taceas a me et adsimilabor descendentibus in lacum
By David. To you, LORD, I call. My rock, don’t be deaf to me, lest, if you are silent to me, I would become like those who go down into the pit.
2 exaudi vocem deprecationis meae dum oro ad te dum extollo manus meas ad templum sanctum tuum
Hear the voice of my petitions, when I cry to you, when I lift up my hands towards your Most Holy Place.
3 ne simul tradas me cum peccatoribus et cum operantibus iniquitatem ne perdideris me qui loquuntur pacem cum proximo suo mala autem sunt in cordibus eorum
Don’t draw me away with the wicked, with the workers of iniquity who speak peace with their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.
4 da illis secundum opera ipsorum et secundum nequitiam adinventionum ipsorum secundum opera manuum eorum tribue illis redde retributionem eorum ipsis
Give them according to their work, and according to the wickedness of their doings. Give them according to the operation of their hands. Bring back on them what they deserve.
5 quoniam non intellexerunt opera Domini et in opera manuum eius destrues illos et non aedificabis eos
Because they don’t respect the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he will break them down and not build them up.
6 benedictus Dominus quoniam exaudivit vocem deprecationis meae
Blessed be the LORD, because he has heard the voice of my petitions.
7 Dominus adiutor meus et protector meus in ipso speravit cor meum et adiutus sum et refloruit caro mea et ex voluntate mea confitebor ei
The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.
8 Dominus fortitudo plebis suae et protector salvationum christi sui est
The LORD is their strength. He is a stronghold of salvation to his anointed.
9 salvam fac plebem tuam et benedic hereditati tuae et rege eos et extolle eos usque in aeternum
Save your people, and bless your inheritance. Be their shepherd also, and bear them up forever.

< Psalmorum 28 >