< Psalmorum 21 >

1 in finem psalmus David Domine in virtute tua laetabitur rex et super salutare tuum exultabit vehementer
Yahweh, ([I], your king am glad/the king is glad) because you have caused me/him to be strong. (I rejoice/he rejoices) greatly because you have rescued me/him [from my/his enemies].
2 desiderium animae eius tribuisti ei et voluntate labiorum eius non fraudasti eum diapsalma
You have given me/him the things that I/he [SYN] desired and you have not refused to do what I requested you to do.
3 quoniam praevenisti eum in benedictionibus dulcedinis posuisti in capite eius coronam de lapide pretioso
In answer to my/his prayer, you enabled me/him to succeed and prosper. You placed a gold crown on my/his head.
4 vitam petiit a te et tribuisti ei longitudinem dierum in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi
I/He asked you to enable me/him to live [for a long time], and that is what you gave me/him, a very long [HYP] life.
5 magna gloria eius in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum decorem inpones super eum
(I am/He is) greatly honored because you have helped me/him to defeat my/his enemies; you have made me/him famous.
6 quoniam dabis eum benedictionem in saeculum saeculi laetificabis eum in gaudio cum vultu tuo
You will bless me/him forever, and you have caused me/him to be joyful in your presence.
7 quoniam rex sperat in Domino et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur
Yahweh, you are God Almighty, and (I trust/the king trusts) in you. Because you faithfully love me/him, disastrous things will never happen to me/him.
8 inveniatur manus tua omnibus inimicis tuis dextera tua inveniat omnes qui te oderunt
You will enable me/him to capture [MTY] all my/his enemies and all those who hate me/him.
9 pones eos ut clibanum ignis in tempore vultus tui Dominus in ira sua conturbabit eos et devorabit eos ignis
When you appear, you will throw them into a fiery furnace. Because you are angry [with them], you will get rid of them; the fire will burn them up.
10 fructum eorum de terra perdes et semen eorum a filiis hominum
You will remove their children from this earth; their descendants will all disappear.
11 quoniam declinaverunt in te mala cogitaverunt consilia quae non potuerunt stabilire
They planned to harm you, but what they plan will never succeed.
12 quoniam pones eos dorsum in reliquis tuis praeparabis vultum eorum
You will cause them to run away [IDM] by shooting arrows at them.
13 exaltare Domine in virtute tua cantabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas
Yahweh, show us that you are very strong! When you do that, while we sing we will praise you because you are very powerful.

< Psalmorum 21 >