< Psalmorum 20 >

1 in finem psalmus David exaudiat te Dominus in die tribulationis protegat te nomen Dei Iacob
I desire that Yahweh will answer you [when you call out to him] when you have troubles! God is the one whom ([our ancestor] Jacob/the Israeli people) [worshiped]; I desire that he will protect you [MTY] [from being harmed by your enemies].
2 mittat tibi auxilium de sancto et de Sion tueatur te
I desire/hope that he will reach out from his sacred temple and help you, and aid you from [where he lives] on Zion [Hill].
3 memor sit omnis sacrificii tui et holocaustum tuum pingue fiat diapsalma
I desire/hope that he will accept all the offerings that you give him to be burned [on the altar], and all your [other] offerings.
4 tribuat tibi secundum cor tuum et omne consilium tuum confirmet
I want him to give to you what you desire, and that you will be able to accomplish all that you desire to do.
5 laetabimur in salutari tuo et in nomine Dei nostri magnificabimur
When [we hear that] you have defeated [your enemies], we will shout joyfully. We will lift up a banner proclaiming that it is God [MTY] [who helps us](inc). I want Yahweh to [do for you] all that you request him to do.
6 impleat Dominus omnes petitiones tuas nunc cognovi quoniam salvum fecit Dominus christum suum exaudiet illum de caelo sancto suo in potentatibus salus dexterae eius
I know now that Yahweh rescues [me], the one whom he has chosen [to be king]. From his holy place in heaven he will answer me, and he will save me by his great power [MTY].
7 hii in curribus et hii in equis nos autem in nomine Domini Dei nostri invocabimus
Some [kings] trust that because they have chariots [they will be able to defeat their enemies], and some trust that their horses [will enable them to defeat their enemies], but we will trust in the power [MTY] of Yahweh our God.
8 ipsi obligati sunt et ceciderunt nos vero surreximus et erecti sumus
Some kings will stumble and fall down, but we will be strong and (not be moved/continue standing firm).
9 Domine salvum fac regem et exaudi nos in die qua invocaverimus te
Yahweh, enable [me], your king, to defeat our enemies! Answer us when we call out to you [to help us.]

< Psalmorum 20 >