< Psalmorum 147 >

1 alleluia Aggei et Zacchariae laudate Dominum quoniam bonum psalmus Deo nostro sit iucunda decoraque; laudatio
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing vnto our God: for it is a pleasant thing, and praise is comely.
2 aedificans Hierusalem Dominus dispersiones Israhel congregabit
The Lord doth builde vp Ierusalem, and gather together the dispersed of Israel.
3 qui sanat contritos corde et alligat contritiones illorum
He healeth those that are broken in heart, and bindeth vp their sores.
4 qui numerat multitudinem stellarum et omnibus eis nomina vocans
He counteth the nomber of the starres, and calleth them all by their names.
5 magnus Dominus noster et magna virtus eius et sapientiae eius non est numerus
Great is our Lord, and great is his power: his wisdome is infinite.
6 suscipiens mansuetos Dominus humilians autem peccatores usque ad terram
The Lord relieueth the meeke, and abaseth the wicked to the ground.
7 praecinite Domino in confessione psallite Deo nostro in cithara
Sing vnto the Lord with prayse: sing vpon the harpe vnto our God,
8 qui operit caelum nubibus et parat terrae pluviam qui producit in montibus faenum et herbam servituti hominum
Which couereth the heauen with cloudes, and prepareth raine for the earth, and maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaines:
9 et dat iumentis escam ipsorum et pullis corvorum invocantibus eum
Which giueth to beasts their foode, and to the yong rauens that crie.
10 non in fortitudine equi voluntatem habebit nec in tibiis viri beneplacitum erit ei
He hath not pleasure in the strength of an horse, neither delighteth he in the legs of man.
11 beneplacitum est Domino super timentes eum et in eis qui sperant super misericordia eius
But the Lord deliteth in them that feare him, and attende vpon his mercie.
12 alleluia lauda Hierusalem Dominum lauda Deum tuum Sion
Prayse the Lord, O Ierusalem: prayse thy God, O Zion.
13 quoniam confortavit seras portarum tuarum benedixit filiis tuis in te
For he hath made the barres of thy gates strong, and hath blessed thy children within thee.
14 qui posuit fines tuos pacem et adipe frumenti satiat te
He setteth peace in thy borders, and satisfieth thee with the floure of wheate.
15 qui emittit eloquium suum terrae velociter currit sermo eius
He sendeth foorth his commandement vpon earth, and his worde runneth very swiftly.
16 qui dat nivem sicut lanam nebulam sicut cinerem spargit
He giueth snowe like wooll, and scattereth the hoare frost like ashes.
17 mittit cristallum suum sicut buccellas ante faciem frigoris eius quis sustinebit
He casteth foorth his yce like morsels: who can abide the colde thereof?
18 emittet verbum suum et liquefaciet ea flabit spiritus eius et fluent aquae
He sendeth his worde and melteth them: he causeth his winde to blowe, and the waters flowe.
19 qui adnuntiat verbum suum Iacob iustitias et iudicia sua Israhel
He sheweth his word vnto Iaakob, his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel.
20 non fecit taliter omni nationi et iudicia sua non manifestavit eis
He hath not dealt so with euery nation, neither haue they knowen his iudgements. Prayse ye the Lord.

< Psalmorum 147 >