< Psalmorum 144 >
1 David adversus Goliad benedictus Dominus Deus meus qui docet manus meas ad proelium digitos meos ad bellum
`A salm. Blessid be my Lord God, that techith myn hondis to werre; and my fyngris to batel.
2 misericordia mea et refugium meum susceptor meus et liberator meus protector meus et in eo speravi qui subdis populum meum sub me
Mi merci, and my refuyt; my takere vp, and my delyuerer. Mi defender, and Y hopide in him; and thou makist suget my puple vnder me.
3 Domine quid est homo quia innotuisti ei aut filius hominis quia reputas eum
Lord, what is a man, for thou hast maad knowun to him; ether the sone of man, for thou arettist him of sum valu?
4 homo vanitati similis factus est dies eius sicut umbra praetereunt
A man is maad lijk vanyte; hise daies passen as schadow.
5 Domine inclina caelos tuos et descende tange montes et fumigabunt
Lord, bowe doun thin heuenes, and come thou doun; touche thou hillis, and thei schulen make smoke.
6 fulgora coruscationem et dissipabis eos emitte sagittas tuas et conturbabis eos
Leite thou schynyng, and thou schalt scatere hem; sende thou out thin arowis, and thou schalt disturble hem.
7 emitte manum tuam de alto eripe me et libera me de aquis multis de manu filiorum alienorum
Sende out thin hond fro an hiy, rauysche thou me out, and delyuere thou me fro many watris; and fro the hond of alien sones.
8 quorum os locutum est vanitatem et dextera eorum dextera iniquitatis
The mouth of which spak vanite; and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse.
9 Deus canticum novum cantabo tibi in psalterio decacordo psallam tibi
God, Y schal synge to thee a new song; I schal seie salm to thee in a sautre of ten stringis.
10 qui das salutem regibus qui redimit David servum suum de gladio maligno
Which yyuest heelthe to kingis; which ayen bouytist Dauid, thi seruaunt, fro the wickid swerd rauische thou out me.
11 eripe me et eripe me de manu filiorum alienigenarum quorum os locutum est vanitatem et dextera eorum dextera iniquitatis
And delyuere thou me fro `the hond of alien sones; the mouth of whiche spak vanyte, and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse.
12 quorum filii sicut novella plantationis in iuventute sua filiae eorum conpositae circumornatae ut similitudo templi
Whose sones ben; as new plauntingis in her yongthe. The douytris of hem ben arayed; ourned about as the licnesse of the temple.
13 promptuaria eorum plena eructantia ex hoc in illud oves eorum fetosae abundantes in egressibus suis
The selers of hem ben fulle; bringinge out fro this vessel in to that. The scheep of hem ben with lambre, plenteuouse in her goingis out;
14 boves eorum crassi non est ruina maceriae neque transitus neque clamor in plateis eorum
her kien ben fatte. `No falling of wal is, nether passing ouere; nether cry is in the stretis of hem.
15 beatum dixerunt populum cui haec sunt beatus populus cuius Dominus Deus eius
Thei seiden, `The puple is blessid, that hath these thingis; blessid is the puple, whos Lord is the God of it.