< Psalmorum 119 >

1 alleluia aleph beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini
(Yahweh is pleased with/Happy are) those about whom no one can say truthfully that they have done things that are wrong, those who always obey the laws of Yahweh.
2 beati qui scrutantur testimonia eius in toto corde exquirent eum
Yahweh is pleased with those who (obey his requirements/do what he has instructed them to do), those who request him with their entire inner beings to help them [to do that].
3 non enim qui operantur iniquitatem in viis eius ambulaverunt
They do not do things that are wrong; they behave like Yahweh wants them to.
4 tu mandasti mandata tua custodire nimis
Yahweh, you have given [us] (your principles of behavior/all the things that you have declared that we should do), [and you told us] to obey them carefully.
5 utinam dirigantur viae meae ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas
I desire that I will faithfully/always obey all (your statutes/that you have said that [we] should do).
6 tunc non confundar cum perspexero in omnibus mandatis tuis
If I continually (heed/pay attention to) all (your commands/that you have commanded), I will not be disgraced/ashamed.
7 confitebor tibi in directione cordis in eo quod didici iudicia iustitiae tuae
When I learn [all of] (your regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)], I will praise you with a pure inner being [IDM].
8 iustificationes tuas custodiam non me derelinquas usquequaque
I will obey all (your statutes/that you have decreed that [we] should do); do not desert/abandon me!
9 beth in quo corriget adulescentior viam suam in custodiendo sermones tuos
[I know] [RHQ] how a youth can (keep his life pure/avoid sinning); it is by obeying what you have told us to do.
10 in toto corde meo exquisivi te non repellas me a mandatis tuis
I try to serve you with my entire inner being; do not allow me to (wander away from obeying/disobey) (your commands/what you have commanded).
11 in corde meo abscondi eloquia tua ut non peccem tibi
I have (memorized/stored in my mind) [many of] (your words/what you have promised) in order that I will not sin against you.
12 benedictus es Domine doce me iustificationes tuas
Yahweh, I praise you; teach me (your statutes/what you have declared).
13 in labiis meis pronuntiavi omnia iudicia oris tui
I [MTY] tell others (the regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)].
14 in via testimoniorum tuorum delectatus sum sicut in omnibus divitiis
I like to obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; I enjoy that more than being very rich.
15 in mandatis tuis exercebor et considerabo vias tuas
I will (study/think about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I will pay attention to what you have showed [me].
16 in iustificationibus tuis meditabor non obliviscar sermones tuos
I will be happy [to obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), and I will not forget your words.
17 gimel retribue servo tuo vivifica me et custodiam sermones tuos
Do good things for me, who serve you, in order that I may continue to live and obey (your words/what you have told us to do) during all my life.
18 revela oculos meos et considerabo mirabilia de lege tua
Open my mind in order that I may know the wonderful things that [are written] in your laws.
19 incola ego sum in terra non abscondas a me mandata tua
I am living [here] on the earth for only a short time; (do not prevent me from [understanding]/help me to understand) [LIT] (your commands/what you have commanded).
20 concupivit anima mea desiderare iustificationes tuas in omni tempore
In my inner being I strongly desire to know (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) all the time.
21 increpasti superbos maledicti qui declinant a mandatis tuis
You rebuke those who are proud; cursed are those who disobey (your commands/what you have commanded).
22 aufer a me obprobrium et contemptum quia testimonia tua exquisivi
Do not allow them to continue to insult and scorn me; [I request this] because I have obeyed what you have instructed us to do.
23 etenim sederunt principes et adversum me loquebantur servus autem tuus exercebatur in iustificationibus tuis
Rulers gather together and plan ways to harm me, but I will (meditate on/study) (your statutes/what you have decreed).
24 nam et testimonia tua meditatio mea et consilium meum iustificationes tuae
I am delighted with (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; [it is as though] they are my advisors.
25 deleth adhesit pavimento anima mea vivifica me secundum verbum tuum
[I think that] I will soon die [IDM]; revive/heal me, as you have told me that you would.
26 vias meas enuntiavi et exaudisti me doce me iustificationes tuas
When I told you about my behavior, you answered me; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
27 viam iustificationum tuarum instrue me et exercebor in mirabilibus tuis
Help me to understand (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and [then] I will (meditate on/think about) the wonderful things that you [have done].
28 dormitavit anima mea prae taedio confirma me in verbis tuis
I am very sad/sorrowful [IDM], with the result that I have no strength; enable me to be strong [again], like you promised me that you would do.
29 viam iniquitatis amove a me et lege tua miserere mei
Prevent me from doing what is wrong, and be kind to me by teaching me your laws.
30 viam veritatis elegi iudicia tua non sum oblitus
I have decided that I will faithfully/always [obey you]; I have (paid attention to/heeded) (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
31 adhesi testimoniis tuis Domine noli me confundere
Yahweh, I try to carefully hold fast to what you have instructed [us to do]; do not [abandon me, with the result that] I would become disgraced.
32 viam mandatorum tuorum cucurri cum dilatasti cor meum
I will eagerly obey [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), because you have enabled me to understand more [what you want me to do].
33 he legem pone mihi Domine viam iustificationum tuarum et exquiram eam semper
Yahweh, teach me the meaning of (your statutes/the things that you have decreed that we should do), and [then] I will obey them, every one of them.
34 da mihi intellectum et scrutabor legem tuam et custodiam illam in toto corde meo
Help me to understand your laws in order that I may obey them with all my inner being.
35 deduc me in semita mandatorum tuorum quia ipsam volui
I am happy with (your commands/what you have commanded), so (lead me along the paths/enable me to walk on the road) that you [have chosen for me].
36 inclina cor meum in testimonia tua et non in avaritiam
Cause me to want to obey your rules and not to want to become rich.
37 averte oculos meos ne videant vanitatem in via tua vivifica me
Do not allow me to look at things that are worthless, and allow me to continue to live, like you promised that you would do.
38 statue servo tuo eloquium tuum in timore tuo
[Because] I serve you, do what you promised to do for me, which is what you also promise to do for [all] those who revere you.
39 amputa obprobrium meum quod suspicatus sum quia iudicia tua iucunda
[People] insult me; protect me from those insults, [because] I hate them. The (regulations/rules that you have given [to us]) are [very] good!
40 ecce concupivi mandata tua in aequitate tua vivifica me
I very much desire [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you are righteous, allow me to continue to live (OR, be good to me).
41 vav et veniat super me misericordia tua Domine salutare tuum secundum eloquium tuum
Yahweh, show me that you faithfully love me, and rescue/save me, like you have said/promised that you would.
42 et respondebo exprobrantibus mihi verbum quia speravi in sermonibus tuis
After you do that, I will be able to reply to those who insult me, because I trust in (your word/what you have promised that you would do).
43 et ne auferas de ore meo verbum veritatis usquequaque quia in iudiciis tuis supersperavi
Always enable me to [LIT] speak your truth, because I have confidence in (your regulations/the rules that you have given us).
44 et custodiam legem tuam semper in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi
I will always obey your laws, forever.
45 et ambulabam in latitudine quia mandata tua exquisivi
I will be free [from (affliction/my enemies’ attacks)], because I have tried [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
46 et loquebar in testimoniis tuis in conspectu regum et non confundebar
I will tell to kings (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do); and [because I did not abandon you], those kings will not cause me to be ashamed.
47 et meditabar in mandatis tuis quae dilexi
I am delighted to [obey] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them.
48 et levavi manus meas ad mandata quae dilexi et exercebar in iustificationibus tuis
I respect/revere [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them, and I will (meditate on/think about) (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
49 zai memor esto verbi tui servo tuo in quo mihi spem dedisti
Do not forget what you said/promised to do for me, who serve you, [because] what you have said has caused me to confidently expect [good things from you].
50 haec me consolata est in humilitate mea quia eloquium tuum vivificavit me
When I have been suffering, you comforted me; you did what you promised me, and that [PRS] revived me.
51 superbi inique agebant usquequaque a lege autem tua non declinavi
Proud people are always making fun of me, but I do not (turn away from/stop) [obeying] your laws.
52 memor fui iudiciorum tuorum a saeculo Domine et consolatus sum
Yahweh, when I think about (your regulations/the rules) that you gave to us long ago, I am comforted/encouraged.
53 defectio tenuit me prae peccatoribus derelinquentibus legem tuam
When [I see that] wicked people have disregarded your laws, I become very angry.
54 cantabiles mihi erant iustificationes tuae in loco peregrinationis meae
While I have been living here for a short time on the earth, I have written songs about (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
55 memor fui in nocte nominis tui Domine et custodivi legem tuam
Yahweh, during the night I think about you [MTY], and [so] I obey your laws.
56 haec facta est mihi quia iustificationes tuas exquisivi
What I have always done is to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
57 heth portio mea Dominus dixi custodire legem tuam
Yahweh, you are the one whom I have chosen, and I promise to (obey your words/do what you have told us to do).
58 deprecatus sum faciem tuam in toto corde meo miserere mei secundum eloquium tuum
With all my inner being I plead with you to be good to me; be kind to me, like you promised/said that you would do.
59 cogitavi vias meas et avertisti pedes meos in testimonia tua
I have thought about my behavior, and I [have decided to] return to [obeying] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
60 paratus sum et non sum turbatus ut custodiam mandata tua
I hurry to obey (your commands/what you have commanded); I do not delay [at all].
61 funes peccatorum circumplexi sunt me et legem tuam non sum oblitus
Wicked people have [tried to] seize me, [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a net [MET], but I do not forget your laws.
62 media nocte surgebam ad confitendum tibi super iudicia iustificationis tuae
In the middle of the night I wake up, and I praise you for (your commands/the rules that you have given us to do); they are fair/just.
63 particeps ego sum omnium timentium te et custodientium mandata tua
I am a friend of all those who revere you, those who obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
64 misericordia Domini plena est terra iustificationes tuas doce me
Yahweh, you faithfully/always love [people] all over the earth; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
65 teth bonitatem fecisti cum servo tuo Domine secundum verbum tuum
Yahweh, you have done good things for me, like you promised/said that you would do.
66 bonitatem et disciplinam et scientiam doce me quia mandatis tuis credidi
Teach me to think carefully before I decide what to do, and [teach me other things that I need to] know, because I believe [that it is good for us to obey] (your commands/what you have commanded).
67 priusquam humiliarer ego deliqui propterea eloquium tuum custodivi
Before you afflicted/punished me, I did things that were wrong, but now I obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
68 bonus es tu et in bonitate tua doce me iustificationes tuas
You are [very] good, and what you do is good; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
69 multiplicata est super me iniquitas superborum ego autem in toto corde scrutabor mandata tua
Proud people have told many lies about me, but [the truth is that] with all my inner being I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
70 coagulatum est sicut lac cor eorum ego vero legem tuam meditatus sum
Those proud people (are stupid/do not understand your laws) [IDM], but [as for me], I am delighted with your laws.
71 bonum mihi quia humiliasti me ut discam iustificationes tuas
It was good for me that [you] afflicted/punished me, because the result was that I learned (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
72 bonum mihi lex oris tui super milia auri et argenti
The laws that you [MTY] gave/told [to us] are [worth] more to me than gold, more than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
73 ioth manus tuae fecerunt me et plasmaverunt me da mihi intellectum et discam mandata tua
You created me and formed my body (OR, kept me safe); help me to be wise in order that I may learn (your commands/what you have commanded).
74 qui timent te videbunt me et laetabuntur quia in verba tua supersperavi
Those who have an awesome respect for you will see [what you have done for] me, and they will rejoice, because [they will see that] I have trusted in (your words/what you told us).
75 cognovi Domine quia aequitas iudicia tua et veritate humiliasti me
Yahweh, I know that (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are right/fair and that you have afflicted/punished me because you faithfully do [what you have promised].
76 fiat misericordia tua ut consoletur me secundum eloquium tuum servo tuo
Cause me to be comforted/encouraged by [knowing that] you faithfully love [me], like you said to me that you would do.
77 veniant mihi miserationes tuae et vivam quia lex tua meditatio mea est
Be merciful to me in order that I may [continue to] live, because I am delighted with your laws.
78 confundantur superbi quia iniuste iniquitatem fecerunt in me ego autem exercebor in mandatis tuis
Cause the proud people who falsely accuse me to be ashamed, [but] as for me, I will [continue] (meditating on/thinking about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
79 convertantur mihi timentes te et qui noverunt testimonia tua
Cause those who revere you to come [back] to me in order that they may (OR, specifically, those who) know (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do]).
80 fiat cor meum inmaculatum in iustificationibus tuis ut non confundar
Enable me to perfectly [obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do) in order that I may not be ashamed [because of not doing that].
81 caf defecit in salutare tuum anima mea in verbum tuum supersperavi
I am very tired/exhausted while I wait for you to save [me from my enemies]; [but] I confidently expect that you will tell [me what you will do].
82 defecerunt oculi mei in eloquium tuum dicentes quando consolaberis me
My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to do what you promised/said that you would do, and I ask, “When will you help/encourage me?”
83 quia factus sum sicut uter in pruina iustificationes tuas non sum oblitus
I have become [as useless as] [MET] a wineskin that is [shriveled from hanging a long time] in the smoke [inside a house], but I have not forgotten (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
84 quot sunt dies servo tuo quando facies de persequentibus me iudicium
How long must I wait? When will you punish those who (persecute/cause trouble for) me?
85 narraverunt mihi iniqui fabulationes sed non ut lex tua
[It is as though] proud people have dug deep pits for me [to fall into], people who do not obey your laws.
86 omnia mandata tua veritas inique persecuti sunt me adiuva me
All (your commands are/what you have commanded is) trustworthy; [but] people are (persecuting/causing trouble for) me by telling lies [about me, so please] help me!
87 paulo minus consummaverunt me in terra ego autem non dereliqui mandata tua
Those people have almost killed me, but I have not stopped [obeying] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
88 secundum misericordiam tuam vivifica me et custodiam testimonia oris tui
Because you faithfully love [me], allow me [to continue] to live in order that I may [continue to] obey (your rules/what you have instructed [us to do]).
89 lamed in aeternum Domine verbum tuum permanet in caelo
Yahweh, your words will last forever; they will last as long as heaven lasts.
90 in generationem et generationem veritas tua fundasti terram et permanet
You will faithfully [continue doing] ([for people who are not yet born/in every generation]) what you have (promised/said that you would do); you have put the earth in its place, and it remains firmly [there].
91 ordinatione tua perseverat dies quoniam omnia serviunt tibi
To this day, [all things on the earth] remain because you decided that they should remain; everything [on the earth] serves you.
92 nisi quod lex tua meditatio mea est tunc forte perissem in humilitate mea
If I had not been delighted [in obeying] your laws, I would have died because of what I was suffering.
93 in aeternum non obliviscar iustificationes tuas quia in ipsis vivificasti me
I will never forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), because as a result of [my obeying them] you have enabled me to [continue to] live.
94 tuus sum ego salvum me fac quoniam iustificationes tuas exquisivi
I belong to you; save/rescue me [from my enemies], because I have tried to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
95 me expectaverunt peccatores ut perderent me testimonia tua intellexi
Wicked [men] are waiting to kill me, but I [will] think about what you have instructed [us to do].
96 omni consummationi vidi finem latum mandatum tuum nimis
I have learned that there is a limit/end for everything, but what you command (has no limits/never ends).
97 mem quomodo dilexi legem tuam tota die meditatio mea est
I love your laws very much. I (meditate on/think about) them all during the day.
98 super inimicos meos prudentem me fecisti mandato tuo quia in aeternum mihi est
Because I know (your commands/what you have commanded), and because I think about them all the time, I have become wiser than my enemies.
99 super omnes docentes me intellexi quia testimonia tua meditatio mea est
I understand more than my teachers do, because I (meditate on/think about) (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
100 super senes intellexi quia mandata tua quaesivi
I understand more than [many] old people do, because I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
101 ab omni via mala prohibui pedes meos ut custodiam verba tua
I have avoided all evil behavior in order that I may obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
102 a iudiciis tuis non declinavi quia tu legem posuisti mihi
I have not (turned away from/quit) [obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), because you have taught me [while I have studied them].
103 quam dulcia faucibus meis eloquia tua super mel ori meo
[When I read] your words, they are like [MET] sweet things that I taste/eat, [yes], they are even sweeter than honey.
104 a mandatis tuis intellexi propterea odivi omnem viam iniquitatis
Because [I have learned] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), I am able to understand [many things]; therefore, I hate all evil things [that some people do].
105 nun lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum et lumen semitis meis
Your words are [like] [MET] a lamp to guide me; they are [like] a light [MET] to show me the path [that I should walk on].
106 iuravi et statui custodire iudicia iustitiae tuae
I have solemnly promised, and I am solemnly promising it again, that I will [always] obey your (regulations/rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] fair/just.
107 humiliatus sum usquequaque Domine vivifica me secundum verbum tuum
Yahweh, I am suffering very much; cause me to be strong/healthy [again], as you have promised to do.
108 voluntaria oris mei beneplacita fac Domine et iudicia tua doce me
Yahweh, when I thank you while I pray, it is [like] [MET] a sacrifice to you; [please] accept it, and teach me your (regulations/rules that you have given to us).
109 anima mea in manibus meis semper et legem tuam non sum oblitus
[My enemies are] often trying to kill me [IDM], but I do not forget your laws.
110 posuerunt peccatores laqueum mihi et de mandatis tuis non erravi
Wicked [people] have tried to seize me [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a trap [MET], but I have not disobeyed (your principles of behavior/what you declared that we should do).
111 hereditate adquisivi testimonia tua in aeternum quia exultatio cordis mei sunt
(Your requirements/What you have instructed us to do) are my possession forever; because of them [PRS], I am joyful.
112 inclinavi cor meum ad faciendas iustificationes tuas in aeternum propter retributionem
I (have decided/am determined) [IDM] to obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do) until the day that I die [MTY].
113 samech iniquos odio habui et legem tuam dilexi
I hate people who are [only] partly committed to you, but I love your laws.
114 adiutor meus et susceptor meus es tu in verbum tuum supersperavi
You are [like] a place where I can hide [from my enemies], and you are [like] a shield [MET] [behind which I am protected from them], and I trust in your promises.
115 declinate a me maligni et scrutabor mandata Dei mei
You evil people, stay away from me in order than I may obey (my God’s commands/what my God has commanded)!
116 suscipe me secundum eloquium tuum et vivam et non confundas me ab expectatione mea
Enable me to be strong, as you promised/said that you would do, in order that I may [continue to] live. I am confidently expecting [that you will restore me]; (do not disappoint me/do not allow me to be disappointed).
117 adiuva me et salvus ero et meditabor in iustificationibus tuis semper
Hold me up, in order that I will be safe and always (pay attention to/heed) (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
118 sprevisti omnes discedentes a iustitiis tuis quia iniusta cogitatio eorum
You reject all those who disobey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do); but what they deceitfully plan to do will be (useless/in vain).
119 praevaricantes reputavi omnes peccatores terrae ideo dilexi testimonia tua
You get rid of all the wicked [people] on the earth like [SIM] [people throw away] trash; therefore I love what you have instructed us to do.
120 confige timore tuo carnes meas a iudiciis enim tuis timui
I [SYN] tremble because I am afraid of you; I am afraid [because you punish those who do not obey] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
121 ain feci iudicium et iustitiam non tradas me calumniantibus me
[But] I have done what is right and fair/just; [so] do not allow people to oppress/mistreat me.
122 suscipe servum tuum in bonum non calumnientur me superbi
Promise me that you will do good things for me and do not allow proud [people] to oppress me.
123 oculi mei defecerunt in salutare tuum et in eloquium iustitiae tuae
My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to rescue [me], for you to save [me] like you promised/said that you would.
124 fac cum servo tuo secundum misericordiam tuam et iustificationes tuas doce me
Do something for me to show that you faithfully love [me], and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
125 servus tuus sum ego da mihi intellectum et sciam testimonia tua
I am one who serves you; enable me to understand [what you want me to know] in order that I will know (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
126 tempus faciendi Domino dissipaverunt legem tuam
Yahweh, now is the time for you to [punish people] because they have disobeyed your laws.
127 ideo dilexi mandata tua super aurum et topazion
Truly, I love (your commands/what you have commanded) more than I love gold; I love them more than I love [very] pure gold.
128 propterea ad omnia mandata tua dirigebar omnem viam iniquam odio habui
So I conduct my life by (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I hate all the evil things that [some people do].
129 fe mirabilia testimonia tua ideo scrutata est ea anima mea
(Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) wonderful, so I obey them with all my inner being.
130 declaratio sermonum tuorum inluminat et intellectum dat parvulis
When someone explains (your words/what you have said), [it is as though] they are lighting a light; what they say causes [even] people who have not learned your laws to be wise.
131 os meum aperui et adtraxi spiritum quia mandata tua desiderabam
I eagerly desire to know (your commands/what you have commanded), like [SIM] a [dog] that pants with its mouth open [wanting to be fed].
132 aspice in me et miserere mei secundum iudicium diligentium nomen tuum
Listen to me and act kindly to me, like you do to [all] those who love you [MTY].
133 gressus meos dirige secundum eloquium tuum et non dominetur mei omnis iniustitia
Guide me as you promised/said that you would do and help me not to fall/sin; do not allow evil [people] to control what I do.
134 redime me a calumniis hominum et custodiam mandata tua
Rescue/Save me from those who oppress me in order that I may obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
135 faciem tuam inlumina super servum tuum et doce me iustificationes tuas
Be kind to me and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
136 exitus aquarum deduxerunt oculi mei quia non custodierunt legem tuam
I cry very much because [many] people do not obey your laws.
137 sade iustus es Domine et rectum iudicium tuum
Yahweh, you are righteous and (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are just/fair.
138 mandasti iustitiam testimonia tua et veritatem tuam nimis
(Your requirements/All the things that you have instructed us to do) are true and are all very right and fair.
139 tabescere me fecit zelus meus quia obliti sunt verba tua inimici mei
I am (furious/very angry) because my enemies disregard (your words/what you have told us to do).
140 ignitum eloquium tuum vehementer et servus tuus dilexit illud
(Your promises are/All the things that you have said that you will do are) dependable and I love them.
141 adulescentulus sum ego et contemptus iustificationes tuas non sum oblitus
I am not important and people despise me, but I do not forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
142 iustitia tua iustitia in aeternum et lex tua veritas
You are righteous and you will be righteous forever, and your laws will never be changed.
143 tribulatio et angustia invenerunt me mandata tua meditatio mea
I [constantly] have troubles/difficulties and I am worried, but (your commands cause/what you have commanded causes) me to be happy.
144 aequitas testimonia tua in aeternum intellectum da mihi et vivam
(Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) always fair; help me to understand them in order that I may [continue to] live.
145 cof clamavi in toto corde exaudi me Domine iustificationes tuas requiram
Yahweh, with all my inner being I call out to you; answer me and I will obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
146 clamavi te salvum me fac et custodiam mandata tua
I call out to you; save/rescue me in order that I [can continue to] obey [all] (your requirements/the things that you have instructed us to do).
147 praeveni in maturitate et clamavi in verba tua supersperavi
[Each morning] I arise before dawn and call to you to help me; I confidently expect you to do what you have (promised/said that you will do).
148 praevenerunt oculi mei ad diluculum ut meditarer eloquia tua
All during the night I am awake, and I (meditate on/think about) what you have (promised/said that you would do).
149 vocem meam audi secundum misericordiam tuam Domine secundum iudicium tuum vivifica me
Yahweh, because you faithfully love me, listen to me [while I pray], and keep me safe because of [my obeying] (your regulations/what you have told us to do).
150 adpropinquaverunt persequentes me iniquitate a lege autem tua longe facti sunt
Those evil people who oppress/persecute me are coming closer to me; they do not pay any attention to your laws.
151 prope es tu Domine et omnes viae tuae veritas
But Yahweh, you are near to me, and [I know that] (your commands/what you command) will never be changed.
152 initio cognovi de testimoniis tuis quia in aeternum fundasti ea
Long ago I found out about (your requirements/all the things that you have instructed us to do), and [I know that] you intended them to last forever.
153 res vide humilitatem meam et eripe me quia legem tuam non sum oblitus
Look at me and see that I am suffering [very much], and heal me, because I do not forget your laws.
154 iudica iudicium meum et redime me propter eloquium tuum vivifica me
Defend me [when others accuse me], and rescue me [from them]; allow me to [continue to] live, as you promised/said that you would.
155 longe a peccatoribus salus quia iustificationes tuas non exquisierunt
Wicked [people] do not obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), so you will certainly not save them.
156 misericordiae tuae multae Domine secundum iudicia tua vivifica me
Yahweh, you are very merciful; allow me to [continue to] live because of [my obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
157 multi qui persequuntur me et tribulant me a testimoniis tuis non declinavi
Many [people] are my enemies and [many people] (cause me to suffer/persecute me), but I (do not turn aside from/have not stopped obeying) [LIT] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
158 vidi praevaricantes et tabescebam quia eloquia tua non custodierunt
When I look at those who are not faithful to you, I am disgusted because they do not obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us] to do).
159 vide quoniam mandata tua dilexi Domine in misericordia tua vivifica me
[Yahweh], notice that I love (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you faithfully love [me], allow me to [continue to] live.
160 principium verborum tuorum veritas et in aeternum omnia iudicia iustitiae tuae
All that you have said is truth, and all (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) will endure forever.
161 sen principes persecuti sunt me gratis et a verbis tuis formidavit cor meum
Rulers persecute me for no reason, but in my inner being I revere (your words/what you have said).
162 laetabor ego super eloquia tua sicut qui invenit spolia multa
I am happy about (your words/what you have promised [to do for me)], as happy as someone who has found a great treasure.
163 iniquitatem odio habui et abominatus sum legem autem tuam dilexi
I thoroughly hate [DOU] [all] lies but I love your laws.
164 septies in die laudem dixi tibi super iudicia iustitiae tuae
Seven/Many times each day I thank you for (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] just/fair.
165 pax multa diligentibus legem tuam et non est illis scandalum
Things go well for those who love your laws; there is nothing adverse/bad that will happen to them.
166 expectabam salutare tuum Domine et mandata tua dilexi
Yahweh, I confidently expect that you will rescue me [from my troubles], and I obey (your commands/what you have commanded us).
167 custodivit anima mea testimonia tua et dilexi ea vehementer
I obey (what you require/what you have instructed) us to do; I love it [all] very much.
168 servavi mandata tua et testimonia tua quia omnes viae meae in conspectu tuo
I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and you see everything that I do.
169 thau adpropinquet deprecatio mea in conspectu tuo Domine iuxta eloquium tuum da mihi intellectum
Yahweh, listen while I pray [for you to help me]; help me to understand [(your words/what you have told us to do)].
170 intret postulatio mea in conspectu tuo secundum eloquium tuum eripe me
Hear me while I pray and rescue/save me as you promised/said that you would.
171 eructabunt labia mea hymnum cum docueris me iustificationes tuas
I [MTY] will always praise you because you teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
172 pronuntiabit lingua mea eloquium tuum quia omnia mandata tua aequitas
I will sing about (your words/what you have promised to do) because (all your commands are/everything that you have commanded is) just/fair.
173 fiat manus tua ut salvet me quoniam mandata tua elegi
I ask you [SYN] to [always] be ready to help me because I have chosen [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
174 concupivi salutare tuum Domine et lex tua meditatio mea
Yahweh, I eagerly desire for you to rescue/save me [from my enemies]; I am delighted with your laws.
175 vivet anima mea et laudabit te et iudicia tua adiuvabunt me
Allow me to [continue to] live in order that I can [continue to] praise you, and that your regulations/rules [that you have given to us] will continue to help me.
176 erravi sicut ovis quae periit quaere servum tuum quia mandata tua non sum oblitus
I have [wandered away from you] like [SIM] a sheep that has become lost; search for me, because I have not forgotten (your commands/what you have commanded us).

< Psalmorum 119 >