< Proverbiorum 8 >

1 numquid non sapientia clamitat et prudentia dat vocem suam
not wisdom to call: call out and understanding to give: cry out voice her
2 in summis excelsisque verticibus super viam in mediis semitis stans
in/on/with head: top height upon way: road place path to stand
3 iuxta portas civitatis in ipsis foribus loquitur dicens
to/for hand: to gate to/for lip: edge town entrance entrance to sing
4 o viri ad vos clamito et vox mea ad filios hominum
to(wards) you man to call: call out and voice my to(wards) son: child man
5 intellegite parvuli astutiam et insipientes animadvertite
to understand simple craftiness and fool to understand heart
6 audite quoniam de rebus magnis locutura sum et aperientur labia mea ut recta praedicent
to hear: hear for leader to speak: speak and opening lips my uprightness
7 veritatem meditabitur guttur meum et labia mea detestabuntur impium
for truth: true to mutter palate my and abomination lips my wickedness
8 iusti sunt omnes sermones mei non est in eis pravum quid neque perversum
in/on/with righteousness all word lip my nothing in/on/with them to twist and twisted
9 recti sunt intellegentibus et aequi invenientibus scientiam
all their straightforward to/for to understand and upright to/for to find knowledge
10 accipite disciplinam meam et non pecuniam doctrinam magis quam aurum eligite
to take: take discipline: instruction my and not silver: money and knowledge from gold to choose
11 melior est enim sapientia cunctis pretiosissimis et omne desiderabile ei non potest conparari
for pleasant wisdom from jewel and all pleasure not be like in/on/with her
12 ego sapientia habito in consilio et eruditis intersum cogitationibus
I wisdom to dwell craftiness and knowledge plot to find
13 timor Domini odit malum arrogantiam et superbiam et viam pravam et os bilingue detestor
fear LORD to hate bad: evil pride and pride and way: conduct bad: evil and lip: word perversity to hate
14 meum est consilium et aequitas mea prudentia mea est fortitudo
to/for me counsel and wisdom I understanding to/for me might
15 per me reges regnant et legum conditores iusta decernunt
in/on/with me king to reign and to rule to decree righteousness
16 per me principes imperant et potentes decernunt iustitiam
in/on/with me ruler to rule and noble all to judge (righteousness *L(H)*)
17 ego diligentes me diligo et qui mane vigilant ad me invenient me
I (to love: lover me *Q(K)*) to love: lover and to seek me to find me
18 mecum sunt divitiae et gloria opes superbae et iustitia
riches and glory with me substance surpassing and righteousness
19 melior est fructus meus auro et pretioso lapide et genimina mea argento electo
pleasant fruit my from gold and from pure gold and produce my from silver: money to choose
20 in viis iustitiae ambulo in medio semitarum iudicii
in/on/with way righteousness to go: walk in/on/with midst path justice
21 ut ditem diligentes me et thesauros eorum repleam
to/for to inherit to love: lover me there and treasure their to fill
22 Dominus possedit me initium viarum suarum antequam quicquam faceret a principio
LORD to buy me first: beginning way: conduct his front: old work his from the past
23 ab aeterno ordita sum et ex antiquis antequam terra fieret
from forever: antiquity to install from head: first from front: old land: country/planet
24 necdum erant abyssi et ego iam concepta eram necdum fontes aquarum eruperant
in/on/with nothing abyss to twist: give birth in/on/with nothing spring to honor: many water
25 necdum montes gravi mole constiterant ante colles ego parturiebar
in/on/with before mountain: mount to sink to/for face: before hill to twist: give birth
26 adhuc terram non fecerat et flumina et cardines orbis terrae
till not to make land: country/planet and outside and head: first dust world
27 quando praeparabat caelos aderam quando certa lege et gyro vallabat abyssos
in/on/with to establish: establish he heaven there I in/on/with to decree he circle upon face: surface abyss
28 quando aethera firmabat sursum et librabat fontes aquarum
in/on/with to strengthen he cloud from above in/on/with be strong spring abyss
29 quando circumdabat mari terminum suum et legem ponebat aquis ne transirent fines suos quando adpendebat fundamenta terrae
in/on/with to set: appoint he to/for sea statute: allotment his and water not to pass: trespass lip: word his in/on/with to decree he foundation land: country/planet
30 cum eo eram cuncta conponens et delectabar per singulos dies ludens coram eo omni tempore
and to be beside him artisan and to be delight day: daily day: daily to laugh to/for face: before his in/on/with all time
31 ludens in orbe terrarum et deliciae meae esse cum filiis hominum
to laugh in/on/with world land: country/planet his and delight my with son: child man
32 nunc ergo filii audite me beati qui custodiunt vias meas
and now son: descendant/people to hear: hear to/for me and blessed way: conduct my to keep: obey
33 audite disciplinam et estote sapientes et nolite abicere eam
to hear: hear discipline: instruction and be wise and not to neglect
34 beatus homo qui audit me qui vigilat ad fores meas cotidie et observat ad postes ostii mei
blessed man to hear: hear to/for me to/for to watch upon door my day: daily day: daily to/for to keep: look at doorpost entrance my
35 qui me invenerit inveniet vitam et hauriet salutem a Domino
for to find me (to find *Q(K)*) life and to promote acceptance from LORD
36 qui autem in me peccaverit laedet animam suam omnes qui me oderunt diligunt mortem
and to sin me to injure soul: myself his all to hate me to love: lover death

< Proverbiorum 8 >